Title: JSP ???????
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Introduction to Batch File
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BAT file (BATch file) A file of DOS or OS/2
commands, which are executed one after the other.
It has a .BAT extension and is created with a
text editor. A file of DOS commands that are
"batch" processed one after the other. Windows
also supports batch files, which are mostly
identical to the DOS commands. To create a DOS
batch file, use a text editor such as Edit. If
you use a word processor, save your batch file as
an ASCII text file, not as a standard document.
Always include a .BAT extension with your batch
file name.
????????? http//www.techweb.com/encyclopedia/defi
3?????????????????????? ???? boy1.bat
_at_echo off cd \ md abc cd abc md aa md bb cd
aa echo a gt a1 echo b gt a2 dir gt a3 dir gt a4 copy
..\bb cd \ dir abc /s/w
4??? Batch File ????? ??? ???????? Java
_at_echo off echo help to write Java program and
compile and execute echo wait for result echo
cd c\j2sdk1.4.2_03\bin\ echo class boy2 gt
boy2.java echo public static void main(String
args)gtgt boy2.java echo System.out.println("oho
batch file")gtgt boy2.java javac boy2.java java
5??????????????? Set ???
?????? set ??????????????????? ?????? ?????? set
a5 ????????????? set _at_echo off echo
PROMPT echo OS echo a
6?????????? Command Line
DOSgta.bat b c DOSgta b c Output echo 0
gt a echo 1 gt b echo 2 gt c echo 3 gt
ECHO is on
7??????????????????? Command Line
DOSgta.bat b c DOSgta b c Output echo 1
gt b shift echo 1 gt c shift echo 1 gt
ECHO is on
8????????????? Label
DOSgtmenu.bat 1 output gt one menu.bat _at_echo
off if .1 .1 goto one if .1 .2 goto
two goto end one echo one goto end two echo
two end
DOSgtloop.bat 5 9 12 output gt 5 9
12 loop.bat _at_echo off for x in (1 2 3 4)
do echo x