Obj. 6.01 Identify characteristics of responsible caregivers. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Obj. 6.01 Identify characteristics of responsible caregivers.


Obj. 6.01 Identify characteristics of responsible caregivers. Teen Living Notes Test will be: _____ Responsible Caregivers Characteristics: Affection loving ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Obj. 6.01 Identify characteristics of responsible caregivers.

Obj. 6.01 Identify characteristics of
responsible caregivers.
  • Teen Living Notes
  • Test will be ________

Responsible Caregivers
  • Characteristics
  • Affection loving
  • Patience- taking time, enduring without
    complaint, to teach. Ex reading the same story
    over over or taking extra time, waiting on a
    child to tie they shoes.
  • Self-control managing your emotions behavior.
    Ex when babysitting children are in bed, clean
    up (straighten) after yourself
  • Consistency always the same Ex arriving on
    time taking good care of children. (This is a
    sign of being responsible)
  • Alertness aware of your surrounds. Ex Lay an
    infant down on his back for safety. Remember
  • Energy full of life and being healthy

Responsible Caregivers
  • Education
  • No one is born with the ability to parent. One
    must learn practice how to take good care of
    children. Caregivers need to understand the
    stages of development that children reach at
    various ages. Then they have a general idea of
    what to expect from the child how to respond to
    their needs.

Responsible Caregivers
  • Coping strategies
  • Communication Always be informed about what is
    going on with your children.
  • Conflict Resolution Limit the number of choices
    for young children.
  • Decision-Making Put the childs needs first.
  • Problem Solving Think through each step,
    remember you have someone elses life you are
  • Management- Priority! You are a Caregiver
    first, then other roles second. Your childs
    future will depend on it.

Responsible Caregivers
  • Help
  • Family Friends
  • Agencies Organizations
  • Support groups
  • Hot lines
  • Books Magazines
  • Classes Workshops

  • Never give a child anything sharp to play with.
  • Never let strangers into the home while
  • Never leave children alone.
  • Never let children watch whatever they want on
  • Never spank a child that is not your own.

  • Never insult a child.
  • Check the viewing guide and select an appropriate
    program with the children.
  • Never leave children to just find their own show.
  • Should always follow all rules and regulations of
    the parents.
  • Should have a basic knowledge of child
    development to know what to expect from children.

  • Always have a snack time if more than 2 hours.
  • Always show affection to children by interacting
    with them.
  • Always show patience with children by waiting for
    them to do things themselves and reading the same
    story over and over,
  • Always be responsible by arriving early and
    asking about emergency numbers and childrens

  • Always let parents make big decisions about care
    for the child, example establishing a bedtime.
  • Always use self-control by waiting before
    reacting when you are angry.
  • Always leave the house as you found it.
  • Always read books before bedtime that will help
    them go to sleep.

Objective 6.02
  • Evaluate Positive Guidance Techniques.

Positive Guidance Techniques
  • Types of Guidance
  • 1. Setting limits children need to know what
    they can cannot do. They find security in
    knowing what is expected of them. Review the
    rules frequently with children.

Positive Guidance Techniques
  • Types of Guidance
  • 2. Redirection Telling children what they can
    do is more effective than telling them what they
    cant do. When you see a child going in the
    wrong direction MODEL the correct behavior or
    activity and get them back on track.

Positive Guidance Techniques
  • Types of Guidance
  • 3. Consistency-Actions when a caregiver is
    teaching a child when they say or do the same
    thing every time a rule is broken. Rules and
    responses need to be carefully thought out so
    that enforcement can be reasonably managed.

Encouraging appropriate behavior
  • Modeling appropriate behavior is the best way to
    promote good behavior in children. Acknowledging
    correct behavior is also useful.

Handling inappropriate behavior
  • Discipline techniques corrective actions
    should be immediate and fit the misbehavior.
    Explain what was incorrect and remind the child
    what behavior is desired. More serious offenses
    require a different action take away privileges
    or timeout.

Discipline of Children
  • When a child is playing with something that they
    should not, just move it.
  • Use time out as a method of punishment for a
    child that is not your own.
  • To discourage children from yelling NO when it
    is nap time, give the child a choice of books to
    read while resting with the child.
  • When a child refuses to eat excuse him from the
    table and let him finish his meal later
  • If you want a child to do something, demonstrate
    how to do it and ask them to help.

Continue with Discipline
  • Use consistency (have the same set of rules and
    following those rules each time a rule is
  • Always give a child praise for positive behavior.
  • Parents are to set the examples.

  • Behavior that threatens the physical or mental
    health of another person.
  • 3 types physical, emotional, and sexual
  • Mistreatment of a child in either one of these

Think about this!
  • Parents should make the bedtime rules for their
    children and the babysitter should follow the
  • To get a child to pick up their toys, the
    babysitter should pick some up and show the child
    where they go and ask the child to help them
    like it is a game.
  • Setting a good example is the most effective way
    for children to learn good behavior guidelines.

And this too!
  • Setting limits for children helps them to know
    what they can and cannot do.
  • Unconditional love means loving a child
    regardless of what they say or do.
  • Children who receive praise for responsible
    actions are more likely to continue doing the
    appropriate behavior.

Objective 6.03
  • Practice safety and first aid procedures.

Safety and First-Aid Procedures
  • Block stairs with stair guard.
  • During a fire get out of the house, then call
  • Learn CPR and first aid and Heimlich maneuver.
  • Baking soda and water paste should be put on a
    bee sting.
  • Run cold water over a burn.

Safety and First-Aid Procedures
  • For seizures place the child on their side incase
    they vomit and stay close by.
  • For cuts apply direct pressure above the cut.
  • If a child swallows something that they should
    not, always call poison control.
  • Store dangerous things away from the reach of
  • Give children small soft foods as snacks

Safety and First-Aid Procedures
  • When in a car a child must always be in a car
  • Put sunscreen on a child that is going outside.
  • Babies should sleep on their back or on their
  • Teach children to pet animals gently.
  • Avoid clothing with drawstrings.
  • Never use plastic bags around children.
  • Never leave a child alone on a changing table.

Safety and First-Aid Procedures
  • Never let a child go to the restroom alone.
  • Never underestimate a childs ability.
  • Never argue in front of a childcan cause
    nervousness and insecurity.
  • Never leave a child alone in the bathtub or any
    water, no matter the age and no matter the water
  • Never bath a child during a thunderstorm.

What to know?
  • Put plastic caps over all unused electrical
    outlets to childproof your home.
  • If a small child is handed into the street, the
    caregiver should yell with a loud voice to get
    the childs attention. Example Run toward the
    child and SCREAM Stop!!!
  • When a child has been in a accident and they are
    not breathing (cannot find pulse) immediately
    begin CPR.

Know this too!
  • If children can get into the medicine cabinet
    they will think all the bottle of pills are candy
    and are likely to try them. Always lock this
    cabinet, and if ever you think your child has
    been inside call the poison control center to
    speak to someone.

Activity to complete
  • 1. Student are to create a Safety Handbook for
    young children. Safety First-Aid Procedures
  • Include the following information on how to
    handle this type of emergency inside your
    booklet (find pictures to illustrate)
  • Choking Drowning
  • Falls Electrical
  • Cuts Burns
  • Poisoning Animals/insects bites
  • Strangers Select one of your choice to add.
  • Be creative in designing your book!

Objective 6.04
  • Discuss career opportunities in the early
    childhood education field.

Careers in Childcare
  • Career Levels
  • Entry level Child care workers at centers
  • Babysitter
  • Nanny
  • Camp counselors
  • Cafeteria workers
  • Intermediate level teacher aide
  • Team coach
  • Childrens book Author
  • Storyteller (childrens
  • Professional level Librarian (Media
  • School Teacher
  • Pediatrician (Doctor)
  • Pediatric Nurse
  • Dietitian

Education, training, and qualifications
  • A pediatric nurse must complete a college
    university degree.
  • Working with children requires someone who is
    creative and has new ideas.
  • Helping tutor elementary school students would be
    a great tool to see if you are really interested
    in becoming a teacher while being in high school.

Education, training, and qualifications
  • A dietitian is trained in foods nutrition.
    They coordinate the purchases preparation
    styles of food selections. Having a College
    University degree is required.
  • Nanny is someone who cares for children while
    living with the family.
  • Having a caring quality trait would be needed for
    a Daycare Director
  • Any job working with children would require
    having patience.

Education, training, and qualifications
  • Entrepreneur is a person who owns and runs their
    own business. Examples Rent-A-Clown to
    perform at birthday parties or special events, a
    person who baby-sits children, or tutors after
    school children who needs help in school
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