- Dr.Padma Gadde
- Dr. Dora Alvarez
- Acute chest syndrome" (ACS) broadly describes a
disease - leading cause of death
- second most common cause of hospitalization in
patients with sickle cell disease
- Its rapid clinical course, with or without fever,
is characterized by chest pain, cough,
progressive anemia, hypoxemia, and the presence
of new pulmonary infiltrates on chest radiographs
4Learning Objectives
- To identify the causes of acute chest syndrome
(ACS) in patients with sickle cell disease - To understand the pathophysiology of ACS
- To recognize elements that are important in
appropriate management of ACS
- The approach to diagnosis, monitoring, and
treatment requires - recognition of the complication,
- correction, if possible, of inciting factors,
- maintenance of euvolemia,
- pain control, and
- use of transfusions and
- administration of oxygen, if needed.
- Younger age
- Homozygous sickle cell or sickle cell-beta
thalassemia genotype - Winter months
- Fever
- Surgery
- Avascular necrosis of bone
- Previous pulmonary events
- High hemoglobin levels
- High steady-state leukocyte counts
- Low fetal hemoglobin concentration
- The pathogenesis of parenchymal lung infiltrates
in ACS is incompletely understood. - Pulmonary infiltrates may result from either one
process or a combination of several interacting
processes, which may include - atelectasis,
- infection,
- fat embolism,
- thromboembolism and,
- most commonly, in situ microvascular occlusion
within the pulmonary vasculature by sickled
- The importance of nonembolic microvascular
occlusion in causing ACS is demonstrated by
findings on thin-cut computed tomographic scans
Arterioles and venules are either absent or
diminished in number, and ground-glass opacities
appear in a mosaic, patchy, or multifocal
- Fat embolism from bone marrow necrosis seems to
be an important and often unrecognized cause of
- Patients with pulmonary fat embolism are more
likely than others to have severe bone and chest
pain, changes in mental status, and a prolonged
hospital course. - A complete blood cell count in these patients
shows more severe anemia and thrombocytopenia
than in patients without pulmonary fat embolism,
and chest radiographs reveal more multilobar
- sPLA2 liberates free fatty acids from
phospholipids. - Measurement of secretory phospholipase A2 (sPLA2)
levels may be helpful, because they have recently
been found to be elevated in patients with sickle
cell disease and ACS from pulmonary fat embolism
- An early rise in these levels precedes the
development of ACS and thus may be a useful
marker in predicting its occurrence. - Furthermore, sPLA2 levels correlate with disease
14Mechanisms of hypoxemia
- Hypoventilation due to
- Direct chest-wall splinting from either rib and
sternal infarctions or abdominal crisis - Excessive sedation from narcotic analgesics,
leading to decreased oxygen exchange
15Mechanisms of hypoxemia
- Ventilation-perfusion mismatch possibly caused by
diseases that underlie or result from acute chest
syndrome - Pneumonia
- Mucous plugging
- Aspiration
- Bronchospasm
- Pulmonary hypertension
- Cor pulmonale
16Mechanisms of hypoxemia
- Impaired oxygen diffusion from repetitive
episodes of acute chest syndrome that ultimately
result in restrictive lung disease (2,3)
- ACS is more severe in adolescents and adults than
in children. - Patients most commonly present with shortness of
breath, chills, and pleuritic chest pain, but no
- In some cases, physical signs of disease are
delayed and are first noted during
- These include
- chest-wall tenderness secondary to rib
infarction. - dullness to percussion caused by pleural
effusion. - and auscultatory rales from pulmonary
- Results of laboratory studies may show
- anemia with thrombocytopenia
- or thrombocytosis,
- leukocytosis,
- and evidence of hemolysis,
- including elevated LDH
- bilirubin levels
- Findings on chest radiographs, although not
pathognomonic, include - patchy lower-lobe involvement in a segmental,
lobar, or multilobar distribution, with or
without pleural effusion. - Correlation between the extent of consolidation
found on chest radiographs and the severity of
hypoxemia is poor
- The presence of bilateral pulmonary infiltrates,
however, identifies a subset of patients who are
more likely to have serious illness. - Their clinical course is characterized by
tachycardia, protracted hypoxemia, longer
duration of fever, and a greater fall in
hemoglobin levels
23Diagnostic tests for acute chest syndrome
- Sputum analysis for Gram's stain
- Blood cultures
- Chest radiographs
- Thin-cut computed tomographic scan of chest
- Serial measurement of arterial blood gases
- Ultrasound or impedance plethysmography
- Bone scan
- Flexible bronchoscopy with bronchoalveolar lavage
24Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with sickle cell disease
- Identify and treat all underlying precipitating
factors - Maintain adequate oxygenation, improve
oxygen-carrying capacity, and improve tissue
oxygen deliveryAdminister supplemental oxygen to
maintain PaO2 in 70-100 mm Hg range
25Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with sickle cell disease
- Give simple or exchange transfusion to enhance
oxygen capacity or reduce hemoglobin S
concentration to reverse episodes - For severe respiratory failure, use mechanical
ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure
(PEEP) or continuous positive airway pressure
26Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- Prevent further alveolar collapse by using
incentive spirometry, CPAP, and PEEP - Maintain adequate fluid volumeGive hypotonic
saline (D5W or 5 dextrose in 0.25 normal
saline) to maintain normovolemic state
27Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- Control painGive adequate amounts of narcotic
analgesics to alleviate pain, avoiding
hypoventilation from excessive sedation - Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory medications (if
not contraindicated by underlying peptic ulcer or
renal disease) - Morphine sulfate, 0.1-0.15 mg/kg every 3-4 hours
intravenously, through fixed scheduling or
patient-controlled analgesia
28Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- Treat underlying infectionProvide empirical
coverage for community-acquired pneumonia,
pending results from other studies use second-
or third-generation cephalosporin or selected
beta-lactam/beta-lactamase inhibitor in
combination with macrolide - Prescribe bronchodilatorUse albuterol (Airet,
Proventil, Ventolin) through metered-dose inhaler
or nebulizer
29Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- Fluid administrationIf the patient is unable to
consume fluids orally, 5 dextrose in water or 5
dextrose in 0.25 normal saline solution should
be administered intravenously to maintain
euvolemia once any existing volume deficits have
been corrected.
30Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- Dehydration must be remedied, because it can
result in increased plasma osmolarity and
intracellular dehydration of red blood cells. - Under those conditions, erythrocytes are more
likely to sickle. Hypotonic saline solutions are
used because free water enters the relatively
hypertonic red blood cells. - This process causes osmotic swelling, decreased
mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration and,
consequently, a reduced tendency for sickling.
31Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- Decisions regarding transfusion are best guided
by the patient's clinical condition. - Simple transfusion is indicated for patients with
mild to moderate ACS the goal is a hemoglobin
value of 10 g/dL - Exchange transfusions should be reserved for
severe crises, when it is important to decrease
the hemoglobin S concentration rapidly. - Unlike simple transfusions, exchange transfusions
avoid the problems related to increased blood
volume and viscosity. It is suggested that a PaO2
of less than 60 mm Hg, clinical deterioration, or
a worsening condition seen on chest radiographs
should prompt exchange transfusion.
32Management of acute chest syndrome in patients
with SSD
- The goal is to reduce the hemoglobin S
concentration to 20 to 30 and the hematocrit to
30 (5). Patients with recurrent episodes of ACS
may also benefit from regular exchange
transfusions to maintain the hemoglobin S
concentration below 30.
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