Title: The Electron Cloud
1Chapter 5
2Billiard Ball Model
3Plum Pudding Model
- positive sphere (pudding) with negative electrons
(plums) dispersed throughout.
4Rutherfords Nuclear Atom
5Chadwicks Revision
6Bohr Model
- Electrons move in orbits of definite energies.
7The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
8The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- It is impossible to determine the exact position
(location) and momentum (velocity) of an object
at the same time.
9How do we see something?
10How do we see something?
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- To observe something we must bounce something off
it. (example light photons). - In our macroscopic world the effect of photons is
insignificant but for subatomic particles this is
not the case.
14The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- Photons that hit subatomic particles (electrons)
cause them to move significantly. - The more energy we hit the electron with the more
we change its momentum (velocity).
15What energy should I use to see the electron?
Alpha beta gamma omega and
Alpha beta
Alpha beta gamma omega and
Alpha beta gamma omega
16The Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle
- It is impossible to determine the exact position
(location) and momentum (velocity) of an object
at the same time.
17The higher energy wave gives a better estimate of
location but changes the momentum (velocity)
more. The lower energy wave will cause less of a
momentum change but is a poor estimate of
Alpha beta gamma omega and
Alpha beta
Alpha beta gamma omega and
Alpha beta gamma omega
18Electron Cloud Model
19Electron Cloud Model
20Electron Cloud Model
- The electron cloud is a cloud of negative charge
surrounding the nucleus that shows areas where an
electron is likely to be found.
21Electron Cloud Model
- The location of the electrons depends upon their
energy which places them into a certain region of
the electron cloud. - Electrons with less energy are found closer to
the nucleus.
- Chapter 5 Worksheet 1 (not due tomorrow).
- (should be able to answer question 1 - 4.)