Title: Ruth Meier, Director, Economy, State and Social Issues
1OECD Workshop on ProductivityMulti-factor
productivity measurement From data pitfalls to
problem solving the Swiss way
- Ruth Meier, Director, Economy, State and Social
Issues - SFSOOctober 16th, 2006
- Institutional framework and constraints
- From the production process
- through the maze of specific issues..
- up to first results
- Conclusion
- Institutional framework and constraints
- From the production process
- through the maze of specific issues..
- up to first results
- Conclusion
4Institutional framework and constraints
Constraint 1 Flexible accounting framework ?
Heterogeneous information Constraint 2 Unquoted
enterpriseslack of regulation/information Const
raint 3 Limit statistical burden on
enterprises Constraint 4 International
comparability- central concern
- Institutional framework and constraints
- From the production process
- through the maze of specific issues..
- up to first results
- Conclusion
6Production process
Age-efficiency profileAge-price profilevia
geometric function
Cost share of capital input
Cost share of labor input
- Institutional framework and constraints
- From the production process
- through the maze of specific issues..
- up to first results
- Conclusion
8Specific issues
9Specific issues Capital stock
Capital stock
10Specific issues User Costs
User Costs
Capital stock
Switzerland Average
11Specific issues User Costs
User Costs
Capital stock
- Relative volatility of prices- Potentially
negative user costs- Fitted Values used in
- Institutional framework and constraints
- From the production process
- through the maze of specific issues..
- up to first results
- Conclusion
13Main results for Switzerland
14Main results for Switzerland Capital stock
15Main results for Switzerland GDP growth
16Main results International comparisons (1)
17Main results International comparisons (2)
- Institutional framework and constraints
- From the production process
- through the maze of specific issues..
- up to first results
- Conclusion
- Methodology sound, but
- data shortcomings may impact on results
- ? consolidation required
- new analytical framework and major additional
inputs for political debate
Asset lifetimes Interest rates Etc