Title: Step 1
1How to Register for OARE
- Step 1
- Start your web browser(Internet Explorer or
Firefox). - Step 2
- Type
- http//www.unep.org/oare
- in the Address box
- Step 3
- Press Enter on the keyboard or GO
2Click on Register for OARE link to access the
step-by-step guide to see if your institution
is registered or must complete this process.
3The Step by Step Guide contains links to
Registered Universities and Professional Schools
4- The following slides are a summary of the
- key points of the registration process
- located at
- http//registration.research4life.org/register/def
5To register, fill in the form. You only need to
fill this in once as an institution. An
institution can register for all Research4Life
programs at once and that the other programs
(besides OARE) can be added.
6Complete all the required fields including the
six character code and click on the Send
Registration box.
7Key Hints
-  Telephone and Fax fields are numeric. No blank
spaces, nor symbols should be used. - Comments and Activities fields have a maximum
number of characters. If you want to provide any
explanation, please send an email to the OARE
HelpDesk oare_at_unep.org - Include in the email your country and full
institution name - in order to identify the
application. - If possible, include an institutional email
address (e.g. (e.g. smith_at_kemri.org
smith_at_kemri.org or smitha_at_who.int not
alan.smith_at_gmail.com )
8- If you have registered for one previously and
want to register for the other two, add a note in
the comments field with your institution and
username. This will speed up the registration
process for a 2nd or 3rd program. - Lastly, the whole validation and processing takes
from four to six weeks. Currently (February
2013) we have a huge backlog caused by the
Already Registered applications.
- Trouble registering or logging on? Technical
issues? Questions about policy or use? Training
inquiries? - For support in Africa, contact ITOCA
itoca_at_itoca.org - For support elsewhere, email
- oare_at_unep.org
10How to USE OARE
- Step 1
- Start your web browser(Internet Explorer or
Firefox). - Step 2
- Type
- http//www.unep.org/oare
- in the Address box
- Step 3
- Press Enter on the keyboard or GO
11Accessing the Collection
- From this page, you can login and also view this
information in multiple languages.
From the initial pages menu, you can find the
link to journals and databases, information about
OARE plus eligibility, how to register, training
material, etc.
12Logging In
- For full-text journal articles
- Users institutions must be registered
- Users must log in using institutional user name
and password. - NOTE OARE log in does not give access to all
services offered on publishers websites.
13Type in user name and password exactly as
provided by your institution. Passwords are
case-sensitive. Click Login
14Besides access to journals and books, the initial
OARE page includes links to Search inside OARE
full-text through database and article searching,
Reference sources and Free Collections. Note also
the link to the Training Materials.
The Logged in from message confirms that you
have completed the login. You also can confirm
login by viewing the url (web address) at the top
of the page that will read oaresciences.org/whal
15If you do not properly login, this message on the
Contents page will remind you!
16Navigating OARE to Find What You Need!
- In the next few slides you will learn to
- Browse by journal titles and publishers
- Explore journals by subject lists
- Locate journals by language
- Download full-text articles (PDF and HTML
17Once you have logged-in, you will be taken to the
Contents page.
18Searching by Title
Journals can be accessed by title from the
Journals collection A- Z list. For example, to
find Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and
Systematics, click on P.
19A page appears containing all the journal titles
beginning with P listing the Accessible Content
for your institution.
20Click on a title in the list to select a journal
Perspectives in Plant Ecology, Evolution and
21Another window will open at the journal
publishers site with the full list of Volumes,
issues and articles.
22This is the PDF display of the article. Most
publishers also supply the HTML (with hyperlinks)
and summary options.
23We have displayed the P All Items list for an
institution that does not have access to all the
journals noted by all the while ! Boxes.
24Click on this link to View complete list of the
25This listing does not have hypertext links to the
contents of the journals. You must go to the
Journal collection A-Z list.
26Searching by Subject
Journals also can be found via the Subjects A- Z
category list.
27Choose the subject that you are interested in.
e.g. Environmental Law, Policy Planning.
28An alphabetical list of Environmental Law, Policy
Planning journals now is displayed with links
to the journals websites.
29Click on a journal title to open the journal in a
new window (the publishers page) Environment
and Urbanization
30The Environment and Urbanization journal now
opens in the publishers website. Note the links
to the Current and Recent Issues.
31Again, we have opened the PDF format of an
article. Note that there are save and print
32Searching by Language
Click on the link to the Language category list
to view the drop down menu of journals by
language choose the language you prefer. e.g.
33An alphabetical list of French language journals
Accessible Content titles is displayed.
34Select a journal title from the list e.g.
Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Bioenergetics.
35A new window will open at the publishers site -
with access to the current and previous volumes
and issues.
36Searching by Publisher
From the initial Journals page, click on the drop
down menu for Publishers and choose the publisher
that you want. Note the list of journals that
You have full access to
37Click on the drop down menu for Publishers and
choose the publisher that you want. e.g. Nature
Publishing Group.
38The All Items list notes all the journals of a
publisher. In this case, the institution does
not have access to the journals.
39The Accessible Content list of OARE journals
available from the Nature Publishing Group will
be displayed.
Choose the specific journal that you want.
e.g. Nature Cell Biology
40The initial page of the journal is displayed.
Choose the volume, issue and article that you are
interested in
e.g. March Issue 3.
41This is the display for the HTML version of the
article that includes hypertext links. You have
the option of printing or downloading/saving the
full text article in HTML.
42This full text article is in HTML and must be
read with a web-browser.
43Now displayed is the PDF version of the article.
To print or save click here.
OR you can choose to download/view in PDF.
- Complete exercise 4 9 in the accompanying
OARE Short Course Exercises (Word) document - Note Also see Appendix - Access Problems
and Solutions for Full-text Articles.
45Searching for Books
From the initial Contents page, you can open the
Books Collection A-Z list. For example, to find
Ocean Basins, click on O.
46A page appears containing all the book titles
beginning with O listing the Accessible Content
for your institution. Included is Ocean Basins.
47Another window will open at the publishers site
with the list of Chapters that can be viewed HTML
files or downloaded as PDF files
- Complete exercises 10 11 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course Exercises (Word)
document - Note Also see Appendix - Access Problems
and Solutions for Full-text Articles.
49Additional Resources
Additional useful resources can be opened from
the two links and one drop down menu.
50The Browse databases page includes access to
Environmental Issues Policy Index,
Environmental Science and Pollution Management
and Scopus.
51The Browse reference sources page contains access
to a number of useful reference tools.
52The Free collections drop down menu has links to
numerous sources of free e-journal sources.
53Now open is the Free Access to Developing
Economies list of HighWire Press with direct
access to the titles and articles.
54HighWire Press 4
Also available from HighWire Press is list of
Free Online Full-text Articles that includes
free journals and ones with that have free
articles after a set period of time.
55Another useful Free Collections is the Directory
of Open Access Journals.
56A pesticides and water pollution search found 76
57Lets Review What We Learned
- You should now know how to
- LOGIN to and register for OARE
- Browse by journal titles and publishers
- Explore journals by subject lists
- Locate journals by language
- Locate books by title
- Download full-text articles (PDF and HTML)
- View OAREs databases, reference sources and free
collections options
- Complete exercise 12 13 in the
accompanying OARE Short Course Exercises (Word)
document -