Title: db2pd in a Nutshell
1db2pd in a Nutshell
Platform DB2 for Linux, UNIX, and Windows
Phil Gunning Principal Consultant, Gunning
Technology Solutions, LLC Session D04 25
October 2005 0830 0930
2db2pd Background
- Developed based on OnStat utility from Informix
- Problem determination and monitoring tool
- Integrated into DB2 V8.2 (Stinger)
- Does not yet contain all options from OnStat
- Documented in the Command Reference
- Low monitoring overhead (latch free), preferred
where possible over snapshots or event monitors - Command line driven which makes it excellent for
use with scripts - Not dependent on monitor switches
3db2pd Background
- db2pd returns information without acquiring any
- locks or use of DB2 engine resources
- Since no locks are obtained, data returned by
dbp2d may not be completely current or accurate - Zero use of database engine resources however is
a good trade-off - It is important to become familiar with db2pd as
there is much information provided by db2pd that
cannot be obtained through snapshot or event
monitoring - db2pd contains 34 options
- We will cover these new monitoring and problem
determination information elements in this
4Using db2pd
- Command line tool
- Requires SYSADM authority and on UNIX/Linux must
be instance owner - No required connection or instance attachment
- For database level information to be retrieved,
database must be active - Standard options are
- -c command, read commands from input file
- -r repeat, num sec count
- -i interactive
- -file, specifies output file
5db2pd Option Categories
- db2pd options can be divided into three
categories in terms of information provided - Administrative/Status
- OS Info
- DBM and DB Configuration Information
- DB2 and OS Version, virtual and physical memory
- Monitoring and Tuning
- Problem Determination/Troubleshooting
6-osinfo option
- db2pd osinfo
- Operating System Information
- OSName WIN32_NT
- NodeName GTSLT1
- Version 5.1
- Release Service Pack 2
- Machine x86 Family 6, model 10, stepping 0
- CPU Information
- TotalCPU OnlineCPU ConfigCPU Speed(MHz)
HMTDegree Cores/Socket - 1 1 1
1856 1
1 - Physical Memory and Swap (Megabytes)
- TotalMem FreeMem AvailMem TotalSwap
FreeSwap - 703 326 326
1016 1159 - Virtual Memory (Megabytes)
- Total Reserved Available Free
- 1719 n/a n/a 1485
7Instance and Database Scope
- db2pd options are further broken down by Instance
and Database scope - Instance scope options return information at the
Instance level - -agents, -fcm, -mempools, -memsets, -dbmcfg,
-sysplex - -utilities
8Database Scope Options
- 1. storagepaths
- 2. transactions
- Returns detailed information on transactions
- 3. locks
- Returns detailed lock information
- 4. tablespaces
- Returns detailed tablespace information
- 5. dynamic
- Returns detailed information about dynamic SQL
- 6. static
- Returns information about static SQL
9Database Scope Options
- 7. mempools
- Returns information about memory pools
- 8. memsets
- Returns information about memory sets
- 9. -catalogcache
- Returns detailed information about catalog table
activity - 10. tcbstats
- Returns detailed information about tables and
indexes - 11. activestatements
10Database Scope Options
- 12. applications
- 13. bufferpools
- 14. -logs
- 15. hadr
- 16. reorgs
- 17. -reopts
- 18. recovery
- 19. dbcfg
- 20. dbmcfg
11-inst option
- Returns all instance-scope information
- db2pd -inst
- Version, level, bitness, fixpak information
- Operating System Information
- CPU Information, including hardware
multithreading - Physical Memory, Swap and Virtual Memory
Configuration and usage - Agent Information Idle, Active, Coordinator
- Memory Pool information Actual physical size,
upper bound, high water mark - Memory Set Summary
- Database Manager Configuration Settings In
memory and on disk - Utility status and progress
12-dbmcfg option
- Command db2pd dbmcfg file/tmp/dbmcfg.txt
- Database Partition 0 -- Active -- Up 0 days
183603 - Database Manager Configuration Settings
- Description Memory Value
Disk Value - RELEASE 0xa00
0xa00 - CPUSPEED 1.141499e-006
1.141499e-006 - COMM_BANDWIDTH 1.000000e002
1.000000e002 - NUMDB 8
13-dbcfg option
- Command db2pd db GTSTST3 dbcfg
- Returns Database Configuration information
- DB CFG parameter settings in memory and on disk
14-database option
- Command gtdb2pd -db sample -file c\dbase.txt
- Sending all options output to c\dbase.txt
- Returns database information
- Automatic storage status
- Storage path information
- HADR status
- Table and index activity
- Active table scans
- Index splits
- Active statement list
- Without options specified, runs all database
scope options - -alldbs runs all options for all databases
15-database Example
- Cgtdb2pd -db sample -file c\dbase.txt
- Sending all options output to c\dbase.txt
- Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active
-- Up 0 days 004221 - Applications
- Address AppHandl nod-index NumAgents
CoorTid Status C-AnchID
C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid
- 0x003FBEA0 448 000-00448 1 5376
ConnectCompleted 0 0 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050901015508
- Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active
-- Up 0 days 004221 - Transactions
- Address AppHandl nod-index TranHdl Locks
State Tflag Tflag2 Firstlsn
Lastlsn LogSpace SpaceReserved
TID AxRegCnt GXID - 0x04531580 448 000-00448 2 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000000BFE 1 0 - Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active
-- Up 0 days 004221 - BufferPools
- First Active Pool ID 1
- Max Bufferpool ID 1
- Max Bufferpool ID on Disk 1
- Num Bufferpools 5
- Address Id Name PageSz
PA-NumPgs BA-NumPgs BlkSize ES NumTbsp
PgsLeft CurrentSz
PostAlter SuspndTSCt - 0x0448C980 1 IBMDEFAULTBP 4096
250 0 0 N 4
0 250
250 0
16-transactions option
- Command db2pd db db2mon trans
- Database Partition 0 -- Database DB2MON -- Active
-- Up 1 days 042709 - Transactions
- Address AppHandl nod-index TranHdl Locks
State Tflag Tflag2 Firstlsn
Lastlsn LogSpace SpaceReserved
TID AxRegCnt GXID - 0x027D1000 599 000-00599 99 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000009016 1 0 - 0x027D1A80 591 000-00591 100 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000008FF6 1 0 - 0x027D2500 589 000-00589 101 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000008FFD 1 0 - 0x027D2F80 588 000-00588 102 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000009012 1 0 - 0x027D3A00 9 000-00009 103 2
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x0000000003FA 1 0 - 0x027D4480 8 000-00008 104 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000009014 1 0
17-locks option
- Command db2pd db db2mon locks
- Database Partition 0 -- Database DB2MON -- Active
-- Up 1 days 044450 - Locks
- Address TranHdl Lockname
Type Mode Sts Owner
Dur HldCnt Att ReleaseFlg - 0x032DE790 103 4442324143434553BBCB10EC41
Internal P ..S G 103 1 0
0x0000 0x40000000 - 0x032DE740 103 53514C4445464C5428DD630641
Internal P ..S G 103 1 0
0x0000 0x40000000 - Snippet from previous trans output
- 0x027D3A00 9 000-00009 103 2
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x0000000003FA 1 0 - 0x027D4480 8 000-00008 104 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000009014 1 0
18Resolving Lock Contention with db2pd
- Database Partition 0 -- Database SAMPLE -- Active
-- Up 0 days 163933 - db2pd db GTSTST1 locks file /tmp/lockc.txt
- Locks
- Address TranHdl Lockname
Type Mode
Sts Owner Dur HldCnt Att
ReleaseFlg - 0x0459C510 2 53514C4332453036BD4A32C841
Internal P .. S G 2
1 0 0x0000 0x40000000
- 0x0459CA10 3 53514C4332453036BD4A32C841
Internal P .. S G 3
1 0 0x0000 0x40000000 - 0x0459CA60 3 010000000100000001007B0056
Internal V . S G 3
1 0 0x0000
0x40000000 - 0x0459C9E8 3 53514C4445464C5428DD630641
Internal P . S G 3
1 0 0x0000 0x40000000
- 0x0459EF90 2 02000300270000000000000052
Row . X G 2
1 0 0x0008
0x40000002 - 0x0459CAB0 3 02000300270000000000000052
Row .NS W 2
1 0 0x0000
0x00000001 - 0x0459C8F8 2 02000300000000000000000054
Table .IX G 2
1 0 0x0000
0x40000002 - 0x0459CA88 3 02000300000000000000000054
Table .IS G 3
1 0 0x0000
TranHdl 3 is waiting on a lock held by TranHdl 2
Type of lock
TranHdl 2 has an X lock on this row
Lock mode
19-locks showlocks option
- Locks
- Address TranHdl Lockname
Type Mode Sts Owner Dur HldCnt Att
ReleaseFlg - 0x0459C510 2 53514C4332453036BD4A32C841
Internal P ..S G 2 1 0 0x0000
0x40000000 Pkg UniqueID 434c5153 36304532 Name
c8324abd Loading 0 - 0x0459CA10 3 53514C4332453036BD4A32C841
Internal P ..S G 3 1 0 0x0000
0x40000000 Pkg UniqueID 434c5153 36304532 Name
c8324abd Loading 0 - 0x0459CA60 3 010000000100000001007B0056
Internal V ..S G 3 1 0 0x0000
0x40000000 Anchor 123 Stmt 1 Env 1 Var 1 Loading
0 - 0x0459C9E8 3 53514C4445464C5428DD630641
Internal P ..S G 3 1 0 0x0000
0x40000000 Pkg UniqueID 444c5153 544c4645 Name
0663dd28 Loading 0 - 0x0459EF90 2 02000300270000000000000052 Row
..X G 2 1 0 0x0008
0x40000002 TbspaceID 2 TableID 3 RecordID 0x27 - 0x0459CAB0 3 02000300270000000000000052 Row
.NS W 2 1 0 0x0000
0x00000001 TbspaceID 2 TableID 3 RecordID 0x27 - 0x0459C8F8 2 02000300000000000000000054
Table .IX G 2 1 0 0x0000
0x40000002 TbspaceID 2 TableID 3 - 0x0459CA88 3 02000300000000000000000054
Table .IS G 3 1 0 0x0000
0x00000001 TbspaceID 2 TableID 3
20-applications option
- Command db2pd db db2mon applications
- Applications
- Address AppHandl nod-index NumAgents
CoorTid Status C-AnchID
C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid
- 0x02B9B120 1086 000-01086 1 3148
UOW-Waiting 0 0
79 180 LOCAL.DB2.050901041938
- 0x01B686D0 599 000-00599 1 1664
UOW-Waiting 0 0
84 216 LOCAL.DB2.050901022803
- 0x0196FB80 591 000-00591 1 1984
UOW-Waiting 0 0 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050901022720
- 0x003FBF30 589 000-00589 1 2928
UOW-Waiting 0 0 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050901022718
- 0x01B6BD70 588 000-00588 1 2520
UOW-Waiting 0 0 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050901022717
- 0x003FB490 9 000-00009 1 2172
UOW-Waiting 0 0 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050830232506
- 0x0196F520 8 000-00008 1 2244
UOW-Waiting 0 0 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050830232351
21-tcbstats option
- Contains over 21 output data elements that report
on previously unavailable table, index, and table
space information - One of the most important db2pd options
- Command db2pd db db2mon -tcbstats
22-tcbstats Example
23-tcbstats index option
- Command db2pd db db2mon tcbstats index
24-tablespaces option
- Command and output db2pd -db db2mon -tablespaces
tablespace - 2 filec\tsid.txt Sending -tablespaces output to
c\tsid.txt. - Database Partition 0 -- Database DB2MON -- Active
-- Up 1 days 212846 - Tablespace 2 Configuration
- Address Type Content PageSz ExtentSz Prefetch
BufID BufIDDisk FSC NumCntrs MaxStripe
LastConsecPg Name - 0x03ADE9D0 SMS Any 4096 32 0
1 1 On 1 0 31
USERSPACE1 - Tablespace 2 Statistics
- Address TotPages UsablePgs UsedPgs
PndFreePgs FreePgs HWM State
MinRecTime NQuiescers - 0x03ADE9D0 37403 37403 37403 0
0 0 0x00000000 0
0 - Tablespace 2 Autoresize Statistics
- Address AS AR Auto InitSize IncSize
IIP MaxSize LastResize LRF - 0x03ADE9D0 No No Yes 0 0
No 0 None No - Containers
- Address ContainNum Type TotalPages
UseablePgs StripeSet Container
25-activestatements option
- Command db2pd db db2mon activestatements
- Database Partition 0 -- Database DB2MON -- Active
-- Up 1 days 045627 - Active Statement List
- Address AppHandl nod-index UOW-ID StmtID
AnchID StmtUID EffISO EffLockTOut
EffDegree StartTime
LastRefTime - 0x02D279E0 1086 000-01086 3
1 79 180 1
-2 0 Thu Sep 01 001954 2005 Thu
Sep 01 001954 2005 - Snippet from dynamic option
- Dynamic SQL Statements
- Address AnchID StmtUID
NumEnv NumVar NumRef NumExe Text - x03F2D9B0 79 180
0 0 1
1 select from - sysibm.systables
26Putting it All Together
- Locks
- Address TranHdl Lockname
Type Mode Sts Owner Dur HldCnt Att
ReleaseFlg - 0x0485E3B0 3 02000300270000000000000052 Row
.NS W 2 1 0 0x0000
0x00000001 - 0x0485C998 2 02000300000000000000000054
Table .IX G 2 1 0 0x0000
0x40000000 - Transactions
- Address AppHandl nod-index TranHdl Locks
State Tflag Tflag2 Firstlsn
Lastlsn LogSpace SpaceReserved
TID AxRegCnt GXID - 0x045B1580 236 000-00236 2 8
WRITE 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000003A9800C
0x000003AA27B6 234 572
0x0000000014DD 1 0 - 0x045B2000 425 000-00425 3 5
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x000000001716 1 0 - 0x045B2A80 339 000-00339 4 0
READ 0x00000000 0x00000000 0x000000000000
0x000000000000 0 0
0x00000000168C 1 0 - Applications
- Address AppHandl nod-index NumAgents
CoorTid Status C-AnchID
C-StmtUID L-AnchID L-StmtUID Appid
- 0x01B19950 425 000-00425 1 3652
Lock-wait 123 1 0
0 LOCAL.DB2.050920034220 - 0x0090BE70 236 000-00236 1 2452
UOW-Waiting 0 0 149
1 LOCAL.DB2.050920021447 -
- Dynamic SQL Statements
- Address AnchID StmtUID NumEnv NumVar
NumRef NumExe Text - 0x05E289C0 123 1 1 1
1 1 select from staff - 0x05E26FB0 129 1 1 1
27-bufferpools option
- Command db2pd database sample bufferpools
- Returns bufferpool activity such as size in
pages, post alter size in pages, number of blocks
being used for block-based bufferpools - Element of interest is table spaces suspended for
I/O - Indicated by non-zero value
- NOT as good as bufferpool snapshot
28db2pd Problem Determination
- -catch option
- Can be used to catch any sqlcode, ZRC code, or
ecf code and capture information needed to help
solve the problem - Can be used in conjunction with the db2cos
callout script which can be called to run any
db2pd or OS command
- The DB2 callout script, db2cos is shipped with
DB2 and is located in the sqllib/cfg directory
and must be moved to the DB2 /bin directory
before it can be used - db2cos default template provided
30db2pd Problem Determination Scenarios
- Command db2pd catch -911,68 db2cos
- Output
- Error Catch 2
- Sqlcode -911
- ReasonCode 68
- ZRC 0
- ECF 0
- Component ID 0
- LockName Not Set
- LockType Not Set
- Current Count 0
- Max Count 255
- Bitmap 0x261
- Action Error code catch flag enabled
- Action Execute sqllib/db2cos callout script
31db2pd Problem Determination Scenarios
- db2diag.log entry
- 2005-09-01- I2998718H296
LEVEL Event - PID 220 TID 6024
PROC db2syscs.exe - INSTANCE DB2 NODE 000
- FUNCTION DB2 UDB, RAS/PD component,
pdErrorCatch, probe30 - START Error catch set for sqlCode -911
reasonCode 68 - Lock timeout received
- C\Documents and Settings\Phil Gunninggtdb2
"select from department" - SQL0911N The current transaction has been rolled
back because of a deadlock - or timeout. Reason code "68". SQLSTATE40001
- Reset catch flags as follows db2pd catch clear
32Stack Trace
- The stack trace has been incorporated in db2pd as
of V8.2.2 - Issue the following command to produce a stack
trace for a process or thread - db2pd stack 2632
- Command response
- gtdb2pd -stack 2632
- Attempting to dump stack trace for pid 2632.
- See current DIAGPATH for trapfile.
- db2pd is a lightweight monitoring tool that
provides information that is not available
through other means - Use it with the understanding that output may not
be exact due to changing data - Best used via a script that formats the output
into a more readable format - Run on a regular schedule, save to a file or
insert into DB2 tables and review and make tuning
adjustments as necessary - Familiarize yourself with the extensive options
and look for continued improvements via Fixpaks
and new releases
- What db2pd is not
- As of DB2 V8.2.3, it is not a replacement for
snapshot monitoring or event monitoring - First version of it goes a long way in providing
new monitoring and problem determination
- DB2 UDB Command Reference V8.2, SC09-4828-01
- http//publib.boulder.ibm.com/infocenter/db2help/i
36db2pd in a NutshellSession D04
THANK YOU! Phil Gunning Gunning Technology
Solutions, LLC pgunning_at_gunningts.com