Dr. McDowell IPC 01/23/04 B day - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Dr. McDowell IPC 01/23/04 B day


Dr. McDowell IPC 01/23/04 B day Today s Warm Up Questions to ponder If I drop a steel bolt into a glass of water, it would sink, right? – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Tags: ipc | mcdowell | buoyant | day | force


Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Dr. McDowell IPC 01/23/04 B day

Dr. McDowell IPC 01/23/04 B day
  • Todays Warm Up
  • Questions to ponder
  • If I drop a steel bolt into a glass of water, it
    would sink, right?
  • Then, why doesnt a steel boat sink?
  • What makes a steel boat float?
  • TEST over Chapters 16 17NEXT TIME

Todays Agenda
  • Wrap Up Chapter 17 Notes
  • Buoyancy (with an activity)
  • Viscosity
  • Properties of Gases
  • Chapter 17 Recap
  • Chapter 16-17 Practice Test

CH 17.3 Notes
  • Have you ever noticed how its easy to lift
    things in a swimming pool?
  • Whats helping you lift?

Write this in your Notes
  • Water exerts an upward force on floating objects.
  • This upward force is called buoyancy.

Write this in your Notes
  • For something to float, the water must provide an
    upward buoyant force to overcome the downward
    force of gravity.

  • What do we call the downward force due to
  • --- Weight

Write this in your Notes
  • For an object to float, the buoyant force must
    equal the weight of the object.

Write this in your Notes
  • Archimedes Principle says that the buoyant force
    on an object is equal to the weight of the water
    displaced by the object.
  • So, the more water displaced, the larger the
    buoyant force!

  • So how can we make an object displace more water?
  • By changing its shape!

Buoyancy Activity
  • The instructions are simple
  • Make the hunk of clay float in water
  • IMPORTANT When testing, remove your clay from
    the water as quickly as possible. If it gets too
    wet, it will get slimy!

Buoyancy Take Home Message
  • An object only floats when the buoyant force from
    the liquid is equal to or greater than the weight
    of the object.
  • The buoyant force is determined by the weight of
    the displaced water.
  • The hunk of clay didnt displace enough water.
  • Because the clay boat displaced more water, it

Difference in Liquids
  • What is the difference in pouring pancake syrup
    and water?
  • Why is it harder to pour the pancake syrup?
  • How were these liquids different?

Write this in your Notes
  • Viscosity is a property of fluids that measures
    the materials resistance to flow.
  • Viscous (thick) liquids are made of large, bumpy
    molecules that create friction as the slide past
    one another.
  • As a liquid gets warmer, its viscosity decreases,
    meaning it flows easier.

Do you remember our discussionfrom last time?
  • Why do hot air balloons float?
  • It had something to do with hot air right?

  • Because the heated air molecules are moving with
    lots of kinetic energy, they become more
    separated making them less dense than cool air.
  • Being less dense than air, the hot air in the
    balloon rises.

  • If we want to continue to talk about gases, we
    will have to talk about pressure.
  • What is pressure?

Write this in your Notes
  • Pressure is a force acting on an area of a
  • Pressure has several units
  • Pounds per square inch (psi)
  • Pascal (Pa) is the scientific unit for pressure
  • Others units are atm and bar

  • What is atmospheric pressure?

  • Atmospheric pressure comes from the air in our
  • Have you noticed the weatherman report
    atmospheric pressure? What kind of number is

  • Normal Atmospheric Pressure ranges from 28 to 30
    inches of Mercury (yet another unit for pressure)
  • Thats a little over 100,000 Pascals, or 100,000
    N per m2 (about the weight of an elephant!)
  • At higher altitudes water boils at a lower

  • How are pressure and volume related?
  • How are pressure and temperature related?

Write this in your Notes
  • Boyles Law states that the pressure of a gas
    increases when its volume decreases.
  • Guy-Lussacs Law states the pressure of a gas
    increases when its temperature increases.
  • Does this make sense?

Consider this
  • Suppose I pump equal amounts of air into a soccer
    ball and a basketball. Which ball has the higher
  • Because the soccer ball has a smaller volume,
    its pressure will be higher.
  • This is Boyles Law, decreasing the volume of the
    ball increased the pressure!

Consider this
  • After leaving your basketball outside overnight,
    you find that its doesnt bounce very well the
    next morning. Can you explain what happened?
  • Because the basketball was cold, the pressure
    inside decreased.
  • This is Guy-Lussacs Law, decreasing temperature
    decreases pressure
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