Title: The regional and the local self government
1The regional and the local self government The
state the region the municipality
2Rule system Levels
Local Municipalities
National The state
Regional County administrativ board County
council Association of local municipal authorities
3The Swedish parlament, Stockholm
- Sweden
- 21 counties within Sweden
- One county administrative board in every county
- Act as the Swedish supervisory authority
4County administrative board Act as the regional
state supervisory authority. Responsible for the
government subsidy, to regional development and
also a administer for EUs structure- and
interregional funds. The county
council Responsible for the provision of medical
services. They have a regional responsible for
culture, some education, trafic, regional
bussines sector etc. One of three taxation
levels. Municipalities Autonomy responsible for
education, health care, plan questions, operation
and maintenance work. One of three taxation
The county of Norrbotten County administrative
board County council 14 municipalities
Association of local municipal authorities
The county of Norrbotten Number of inhabitants
253 000 Area 98 249 km2 Average income 205
000 crowns Local government income tax approx
32 crowns per each 100 crown Approximatly 50
procent of the inhabitants are living in the
municipalities of Luleå, Piteå and Boden.
6Sweden 1908 The State EmployeesUnion 1919
The State Rural Municipalities Authority 1968
Swedish Association of local Authorities The
county of Norrbotten 1946 The county of
Norrbotten Rural Municipalities Authority 1948
The state county department of the Rural
Municipalities authority 1968 Swedish
Association county department of local Authorities
7Today Free-standing special interest
organization Regional, national,
international Protect the municipality
autonomy Purpose Look out for the
municipalities interests Promote cooperation
Support the municipality autonomy
8- Prioritized areas
- Growth and development questions
- Questions about the region
- Internationalize
- Questions about education
- Questions about social service
- Environment and community planning questions
9- Cooperation
- Regional/local with County administrative board,
County council, university, government
authorities and agencies, bussines sector
organizations. - National with Swedish Association of local
Authorities and other county associations/regions.
- Internationell with EU, Barentsregion,
Scandinavia etc.
- Organization
- 1. Political committe
- 2. Political submiters
- 3. The organization for public
- officials
10- Activity
- Growth- and development
- Questions about the region
- Education
- Social service
- Environment and community planning
- Remaining
- The regional growth program/Growth committee
- The surrounding coverage
- Cooperation/coordinate
- Information/communication
- Network
- Committee/statement
- Courses/conferences
- Support to teaching activity