Title: Kentucky HSR Development: Building Partnerships
1Kentucky HSR Development Building Partnerships
- Margaret M. Love, Ph.D.
- University of Kentucky
- Family Community Medicine (Medicine)
- Health Behavior (Public Health)
2Infrastructure Development Aims
- Improve ability of faculty to develop proposals
and publish papers in health services research
(HSR) - Promote collaboration of physicians with other
health services researchers - Cultivate research ideas from the Kentucky
Ambulatory Network (KAN) into research designs
and fundable proposals
3University of Kentucky BRIC
- Overarching structure collaboration
- College of Public Health (subsumed Center for
Health Services Management Research) - 2001-2003 PI Beaulieu/Fleming (BRIC I)
- 2003-2006 PI Fleming (BRIC II)
- Department of Family and Community Medicine
(DFCM) - 2001-2006 Co-PI Love
4University of Kentucky BRIC
- Premises of todays talk
- Practice-based research networks (PBRNs) can
respond to community needs and partnerships are
at the core of PBRN activities - Learning collaboratives can improve health care
quality - Through its support of partnerships, BRIC built
HSR capacity in Kentucky
5University of Kentucky BRIC
- Two examples of building leveraging
partnerships processes of engagement - BRIC involvement with the Kentucky Ambulatory
Network (KAN) - BRIC I Prevention Research Project
- BRIC II Small Research Projects
- BRIC involvement with the University of
Kentuckys participation in the Academic Chronic
Care Collaborative (ACCC)
6Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs)
- PBRNs are groups of primary care clinicians and
practices working together to answer
community-based health care questions and
translate research findings into practice. - PBRNs engage clinicians in quality improvement
activities and an evidence-based culture in
primary care practice to improve the health of
all Americans. - http//pbrn.ahrq.gov/portal/server.pt
7Practice-Based Research Networks (PBRNs)
- Model for university-community partnership for
health services research - Potential to improve quality of care
- Implement and study process of adoption and
outcomes in primary care practice - Respond to community
- Inside-out vs. outside-in models
- I.e., Top down vs. bottom up
- Bedside to bench not just Bench to bedside
8Kentucky Ambulatory Network (KAN)
- Kentucky Ambulatory Network (KAN)
- Statewide primary care practice-based research
network founded in 2000 - More than 200 community-based clinicians
- 80 are family physicians
- 75 practice in rural, medically underserved
areas - KAN has practices in 31 of KYs 51 Appalachian
9BRIC I Prevention Research Project
- Planned with/for KAN
- Solicited feedback from community-based PCPs
about topics of prevention intervention
features - Break-out sessions at annual meeting
- E.g., Wanted an intervention with evidence for
high likelihood of success, i.e., not obesity - Involved community-based FP as consultant
- Final planning input to focus on FOBT colorectal
cancer screening (surprised own rates so low!) - Assumed leadership role when joined faculty
10BRIC I Prevention Research Project
- Conducted pilot project in 6 KAN practices
- Multiple strategies to increase FOBT rates
- E.g., chart stickers, information about billing
11BRIC I Prevention Research Project
- Outcomes included lessons learned by FP leader
- Difficulties in abstracting screening rates from
billing data - Usefulness of RA assistance in scheduling and
preparing for orientation visits - Necessity of ongoing contact with practice to
assure fidelity to intervention, complete
documentation, and access to outcomes data
12BRIC I Prevention Research Project
- Lessons learned by BRIC team
- Discussion with KAN members led to principles
guiding QI focus - It takes a team
- Outcomes
- Directly MPH Capstone for FP leader
- Possibly contributed to track record or
experience Future KAN involvement in federally
funded CRC screening research
13BRIC II Small Research ProjectsPhysician
Collaborator Model
- The real world for tenure track academic family
physicians (FPs) - Most can devote only 10 25 time to research
- Many will not become independent researchers
- Many can become physician collaborators
- Make substantial contributions to HSR led by
faculty in other departments
14BRIC II Small Research Projects
- Junior FPs partnered with experienced health
services researchers (HSRers) - HSRers nominated 7 projects in own areas of
expertise and interest - 3 FPs nominated selves
- FPs to transition from co-I to PI
- FPs 20 protected research time (1/2 in-kind)
- HSRers paid protected time (10-20)
15Additional Support for BRIC II Small Research
- More training for FPs
- Capacity-building seminars
- Professional writing workshops
- HSR methods seminars
- Development of Grant Applications
- National HSR meetings (AcademyHealth)
16Additional Support for BRIC II Small Research
- BRIC PI (Fleming) Co-I (Love)
- Co-investigators on projects
- Facilitated partnerships
- E.g., sounding board for HSR mentors
- E.g., nudge for FPs
- Served as program mentors/coaches for FPs
- Overall grant administration
17BRIC II Small Research Projects
- 3 projects/teams
- Killip/Ireson (3 years) Patient safety in
after-hours telephone medicine - Joyce/Wackerbarth (2 years) Colorectal cancer
screening decision-making - Dassow/Costich (1 year) Generic drug
utilization (became study of Medicare Part D)
18BRIC II Small Research Projects
- Relationship to KAN
- Patient safety in after-hours telephone medicine
- Designed for/conducted in residency practice
- Next step was funded pilot in community practices
- Colorectal cancer screening decision-making
- Designed as KAN study
- Generic drug utilization (Medicare Part D)
- Involved KAN input feasibility testing
19BRIC II Small Research Projects Pt Safety /
Telephone Med
- Initiative from UKy or Community?
- Initiative stayed inside academia
- Outcomes
- FP came to own this topic as research program
- FP acquired qualitative quantitative research
skills - Multiple national/international research
presentations - 1 pub (so far) with FP as 1st author
- FP as PI earned NPSF grant
- Also Because of process analysis, changed steps
in residencys after-hours telephone medicine
(e.g., messages in charts) good example of QI
20BRIC II Small Research Projects CRC Screening
- Initiative from UKy or Community?
- Idea originated inside academia
- However, by design, study solicited input from
community on what is needed to design
decision-supports - Qualitative research with FPs patients leading
to identification of barriers and
facilitators for CRC screening - Next steps would be design of decision supports
engaging FPs to test them
21BRIC II Small Research Projects CRC Screening
- Outcomes
- 2 pubs with HSRer as 1st author
- FP acquired qualitative research skills
- Co-Investigator on federally funded research
project(s) led by other UK qualitative
researchers - PI on own federally funded education grants
- Could apply skills to evaluation of
patient-centered care curriculum - FP tenured as Associate Professor
22BRIC II Small Research Projects Generic Drugs ?
Medicare Part D
- Initiative from UKy or Community?
- Thats a long storyevolution in terms of whats
meaningful and whats feasible - Initial plan In KAN, evaluate barriers to
prescribing generic drugs - Reaction of KAN advisory committee members
suggested more comprehensive approach necessary
to capture prescribing issues that matter - Continued
23BRIC II Small Research Projects Generic Drugs ?
Medicare Part D
- Coincided with Medicare Part D implementation
- Alternative Approach
- Chart review in KAN practices to determine if
prescribing practices changed following Medicare
Part D coverage - Initial chart reviews showed charts dont contain
needed info - Continued
24BRIC II Small Research Projects Generic Drugs ?
Medicare Part D
- Final Approach
- Survey assessing physician experiences and
opinions regarding Medicare Part D - Conducted during Continuing Education programs
for family physicians held in Lexington, KY
(attendees from many states) - In sum, iterative process informed by KAN
community-based members feasibility pretesting
in KAN
25BRIC II Small Research Projects Generic Drugs ?
Medicare Part D
- Outcomes
- Completed survey with 98 responses
- Analyses completed manuscript in progress
- FP tenured as Associate Professor
26BRIC II Small Research Projects Overall Outcomes
- FP transition into leadership role
- One effectively transitioned into leadership role
(with coaching) - One maintained a co-investigator role
- One already had more research experience
- Did HSRers develop, too?
- Better at working with FPs? with KAN?
- E.g., structuring FP input managing logistics?
- E.g., involving KAN input evaluating
27BRIC meets ACCC
- Academic Chronic Care Collaborative (ACCC)
- American Association of Medical Colleges (AAMC)
- Consortium designed to develop quality
improvement programs of clinical care,
evaluation, research - University of Kentucky Department of Family and
Community Medicine selected as one of 23 academic
health centers
28BRIC meets ACCC
- Features of University of Kentucky initiative
- Diabetes as clinical target in the Family Medical
Center - Chronic Care Model with quality improvement
cycles - Implemented group visits
29BRIC meets ACCC
- To supplement College of Medicine funding, BRIC
provided resources to support systematic
evaluation and research - Half year RA assistance in creating, entering and
managing the Family Medical Centers Diabetes
Registry - Trial period of registry software
- Junior FP travel to national QI meeting
30BRIC meets ACCC
- Outcomes
- Multi-year database of over 600 DM patients
- Doctor of Nurse Practitioner (DNP) thesis
- 2 Masters of Public Health (MPH) capstone
projects - Draft manuscript under development
- 3rd MPH capstone underway (for junior FP)
- Medical student summer research project
31BRIC meets ACCC
- Outcomes
- Greater sophistication across the department in
evaluating quality improvement processes - Collaboration with non-BRIC faculty members in
Public Health and Pharmacy - Department struggles with how to maintain
database - Ongoing systematic evaluation of QI elusive
32BRIC II What (Seemed to) Work
- Leadership from experienced HSRers invaluable in
the small research project partnerships - Specialized set of topic-relevant skills and
knowledge - Project management
- How to get started what to do next
- Breaking the project down into steps
- Establishing and pressing project timeline
- Relationships important to FP growth
33BRIC II Facilitators
- Flexibility built into the multi-year BRIC II
award enabled research partners to adapt (e.g.,
Medicare Part D) - In future, solicit KAN input prior to submitting
grant application or as a development phase
within a funded application but would depend on
time, resources, FOA
34BRIC II What (Seemed to) Work
- Support for Partnerships
- PI Co-PI helped Small Research Project partners
work together - HSRers had to chase FP Fellows PI Co-PI
helped catch them (but also needed to know when
to get out of the way) - Co-PI facilitated partnerships with KAN
- PI facilitated partnerships with HSRers
35BRIC II Lessons Learning
- Might more HSRer PI/CoPI direction increase
scholarly productivity UKy ACCC? - Note Actual research using data has been
conducted by professional degree candidates with
significant mentorship outside our department - Do we need to facilitate FP partnering with HSR
mentors? - How can we bridge QI processes and typical
scholarly productivity?
36BRIC II What (Seemed to) Work
- 25 protected time needed for junior FP to
channel time attention toward research and
developing own capacity - E.g., Dedicated day away from the office
connection to a national grant-writing program
helped SK protect time
37BRIC II Lessons Learning
- Its OK to let success overtake you
- Genesis of College of Public Health
- Center for Health Services Mgt Research then
School of Public Health then College - NIH Clinical Translational Science Awards
(CTSA) - University-wide restructuring to support
formation of Center for Clinical and
Translational Science - DFCM KAN leadership in outreach core function
38BRIC II Lessons Learned
- Would have been helpful to have continued BRIC
Brass from BRIC I - Advisory group of Chair Academic Vice Chair of
Fam Comm Med, and Director of Center for Health
Services Management and Research (later Director
of School of Public Health) - To promote knowledge of faculty activities,
buy-in and support of program, and view to
bigger picture of university, community, U.S.
39Implications for Health Reform
- Overall, in both KAN (PBRN) and ACCC (or other
health care collaboratives), the physicians and
their practices are part of the solution, that
is, for improving health care and health outcomes.
40Implications for Health Reform
- As primary care plays a central role
- PBRNs can link AHCs communities to implement
evaluate programmatic change and quality
improvement processes - PBRNs can help inform policy makers of barriers
facilitators to better design systems that work - PBRNs reach diverse communities and can represent
diverse types of practice
41Implications for Health Reform
- Based on our experience in Kentucky, layers of
specific types of support can build or leverage
academic-community partnerships - Expert HSRers from multiple disciplines
- Primary care physicians trained as research
collaborators - Collaborative teams
- Facilitators (people who help with teamwork)
42Implications for Health Reform
- However
- Quality improvement processes require ongoing,
rapid evaluation - E.g., Plan-Do-Study-Act (PDSA)
- This is not like traditional interventional
research models in geological time - Similarities to traditional research
- Systematic evaluation of impact
- Evidence based change strategies
43Implications for Health Reform
- Both practice-based research and QI cycles take
many university researchers outside their
comfort zone - Less controlled circumstances
- Participants can benefit from the research (not
just for the greater good in the future)
44Implications for Health Reform
- Special expertise in PBR QI needed
- HSRers may want retraining to capture rapid
healthcare change - Physician faculty may need HSR training/experience
- Facilitated partnerships enable on-the-job
training - Funding for partnership development could enable
new players in federally funded research - New institutions
- New disciplines
45UKy BRIC Faculty
- Family Comm Medicine
- Mel Bennett MD MPH
- Paul Dassow MD MSPH
- Robert Hosey MD
- Jennifer Joyce MD
- Shersten Killip MD MPH
- Michael King MD
- Margaret Love PhD (Co-PI)
- Samuel Matheny MD MPH
- Kevin Pearce MD MPH
- Steve Wrightson MD
- College of Public Health
- Joyce Beaulieu PhD (1st PI)
- Julia Costich PhD JD
- Carol Ireson PhD
- Steve Fleming PhD (2nd PI)
- F. Douglas Scutchfield MD
- Sarah Wackerbarth PhD
- And thanks to AHRQ
- Kay Anderson, PhD
- P20 HS-011845
- R24 HS-011845