Title: Glycogen Metabolism
1Glycogen Metabolism
- Why do we need to store carbohydrates?
- Why carbohydrates are stored as glycogen?
- Overview of glycogen synthesis (Glycogenesis)
- Overview of glycogen breakdown (Glycogenolysis)
- Key elements in regulation of both Glycogenesis
- and Glycogenolysis
Acetyl CoA
Citric Acid Cycle NADH FADH2
Electron transport chain
(flow of electrons) Formation of
ATP (oxidative phosphorylation)
Ribose-5 Phosphate
No Oxygen No Mitochondria OR BOTH
Metabolism of Glucose
Oxygen Mitochondria
4What do we really need?
- A constant source of glucose is mandatory for
- Brain
- Cells with few or no mitochondria
- Exercising muscles (anaerobic glycolysis)
5Sources of glucose to human body
- Glucose can be obtained from three primary
sources - Carbohydrate DIET
- - sporadic
- - depends on the diet (nature
amount) - - is not always a reliable source
of glucose - GLYCOGEN DEGRADATION (glycogenlysis from glycogen
stores) -
- GLUCONEOGENESIS (synthesis of glucose from non
carbohydrate sources) - - can provide sustained
synthesis of glucose - - BUT slow in responding to
blood glucose falling
7GlycogenA storage form of glucose
8- Glycogen is stored in granules in the cytosol of
primarily the liver and skeletal muscles.
9Stores of Glycogen
- In skeletal muscle
- 1-2 of fresh weight of resting muscle ( 400 g)
- Depleted after prolonged vigorous exercise
- Moderately decreased by prolonged fasting (weeks)
- In liver
- 10 of the fresh weight in the well-fed adult
liver (100g) - After 12-18 hrs of fasting , almost depleted
Liver glycogen is used to buffer the overall
blood glucose level glycogen is degraded
(with the resulting glucose released into the
blood stream) during the early stages of a fast.
Muscle uses its glycogen stores for (ATP)
energy during strenuous exercise.
11Structure of Glycogen
12 It is a highly branched chain
homopolysaccharide made from a-D glucose .
13- Amylose is the linear unbranched molecule of
glucosyl residues attached by a(1?4) linkages. - Glycogen has branches located on average eight
glucosyl residues resulting in highly branched
molecule which leads to - More soluble
- Increase rate of degradation
- Increase rate of synthesis
14Metabolism of Glycogen in Skeletal Muscle
- Glycogenesis
- Synthesis of Glycogen from Glucose
- Glycogenolysis
- Breakdown of Glycogen to Glucose-6-phosphate
15Glycogen Synthesis (Glycogenesis)
16- Site cytosol
- It requires UTP
- 1- Building blocks UDP-GLUCOSE
- 2- Initiation of synthesis
- Elongation of pre-existing glycogen fragment
- OR
- The use of a protein glycogen primer
(glycogenin) - (Glycogen synthase cannot initiate synthesis but
only elongates pre-existing glycogen fragment or
glycogen primer (glycogenin) - 3- ELONGATION Glycogen synthase (for a1-4
linkages) - 4- BRANCHING Branching enzyme (for a1-6
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19Glycogen BreakdownGlycogenolysis
201- Shortening of glycogen chain phosphorylase
Cleaving of a(1-4) bonds of the glycogen chain
producing glucose 1-phosphate Glucose
1-phosphate is converted to glucose 6-phosphate
(by mutase enzyme)
Pyridoxal phosphate (vit -B6
21- 2- Removal of branches by debranching enzymes
- Cleaving of a(1-6) bonds of the glycogen chain
producing free glucose (few) - 3- Fate of glucose 6-phosphate (G-6-P)
- - G-6-P is not converted to free glucose
- - It is used as a source of energy for
skeletal muscles during muscular exercise (by
anaerobic glycolysis starting from G-6-P step) -
- ( in case of liver glucose-6-phosphatase converts
G6P to glucose
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26Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism
- Synthesis degradation of glycogen are tightly
regulated - In the liver
- Glycogen degradation accelerates during fasting
- Glycogen synthesis accelerates during well-fed
status - In Skeletal Muscles
- Glycogen degradation occurs during active
exercise - Glycogen synthesis begins when the muscle is at
rest - Regulation occurs by 2 mechanisms
1- Allosteric regulation 2- Hormonal
regulation (Covalent modification)
27Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism 1. Allosteric
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29Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism
Increase of calcium during muscle
contraction Formation of Ca2 -calmodulin
complex Activation of Ca2 -dependent enzymes,
e.g., glycogen phosphorylase
30Regulation of Glycogen Metabolism 2. Hormonal
Regulation by Epinephrine
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32Glycogen Storage DiseasesGSD Type V (Mc Ardle
- Deficiency of skeletal muscle glycogen