Title: Learning Areas
1Life Science / Biology 15 16 year old Research
model to integrate ICT Biology
Learning Areas Levels Objectives Software Descr
iption Author
- Microsoft Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Publisher,
Microsoft Explorer - Learners work collaboratively, using computers
and above-mentioned software to complete the
following - brochure, which becomes their study-aids
- PowerPoint presentation,
- oral presentation, using PowerPoint
Paul Wilton, The Cape Academy of Mathematics,
Science and technology, Cape Town, South Africa
2Teacher Planning and Management Original Project
Design Original project used in class to
promote ICT integration. Background Planning
A synopsis of the origin and objectives of the
learning project, including the manner in which
the project was planned and managed. Classroom
Images Images of the classroom to give you a
better feeling for how the project was
3Work Samples, Teacher and Student
Reflection Original Project Where it all
started. Teacher Reflection Thoughts and
reflective comments from the teachers involved,
including advice for future implementations. Stud
ent Work Samples Examples of student work
generated through participation in this learning
project. Learners Reflection Comments on how
the students perceived the learning that occurred.
4Teaching Resources Project overview Basic
understanding of assignments in project and
required skills ICT resources Equipment and
software used. Teaching Resources Some sites
downloaded from Internet
5Assessment and Standards Critical and
Development Outcomes Driving force behind the
new FET curriculum.
Learning outcomes and Assessment Standards
Mapping this projects learning outcomes and
assessment standards of the new FET
curriculum. Assessment Rubrics Examples of
assessment rubrics provided to students showing
how the project was assessed.