Title: Welcome to Stoneydown Park Primary School
1Welcome to Stoneydown Park Primary School
- How has the school been Preparing for expansion
to 3-form? - What other improvements changes have we been
working on? - What are we planning for next year?
- The nitty gritty School day arrangements
- - Breakfast
Tea-Time Clubs - - SLT
- Office update
- Free school meals
- School uniform
- Launch!
Ismet guests at the office over the road!
3How has the school been preparing for expansion
to 3-form?
- Consultation meetings
- Core group
- 2 building projects
4Not forgetting this site!
- In addition to works already done
- Garden continues to be developed
- Funding secured to improve
- Playground
- Windows
5What other improvements and changes have we been
working on?
- Curriculum eg
- More clubs
- Daily Supported Maths Y1
- Continued enrichment
- Preparing for new NC / SEND / assessment
6What are we planning for next year?
- Includes
- Spanish in KS2
- Graduate artists in residence
- Music centre of excellence
- New Reception outdoor space to provide more
opportunities to work together - Training for other schools
- In addition to introducing all the government-led
changes! And more space more scope for
different activities.
7School Day
Nursery 08.45 11.45 12.15
15.15 Infants 09.00 15.30 Juniors
08.50am 15.20
Lunch-time (both sites) 12.15 13.15
Breakfast and Tea-time Clubs
8Office Update
- This year, we have had a significant number of
changes in the school and we are still
implementing changes in order to be ready for
next year. - Some of the things the office staff have been
working on include - Project managing the expansion programme to
ensure the school is properly represented
including dealing with snagging at the current
site. - Ensuring HS standards are adhered to by
contractors. - Obtaining extra finance for parts of the project
that couldnt be funded at first to ensure the
best possible resources for our pupils. - Researching and placing orders for resources at
the new site. - All of these things have had a significant impact
on the running of the office.
9Accessing the Office
- There will be two school offices from September
2014 the current one here and a new office on
the Infant site. - Enquiries for Years R, 1 and 2 should go to
Warner Rd, all others should go to Pretoria
Avenue. - The school phone number will remain the same
Just press the right option for whichever site
you require.
10Office Update
- The office structure is also changing!
11Communication with Parents
- Thank you for responding to our survey.
- We acknowledge that communication on certain
things could be improved. - We have made some positive changes recently e.g.
emails and texts appointing new staff. - Next year, we hope to make even further progress
e.g. improvements to the website and school
12Free School Meals
- Next year, all KS1 children are eligible for a
Free School Meal under new proposals launched
last year. - However, if you were or may be eligible for Free
School Meals under the old criteria, we still
need you to submit an application form. - The school can claim 1,300, for 6 years, per
child that is eligible for Free School Meals - (Pupil Premium)
13Free School Meals
- Next year, all KS1 children are eligible for a
Free School Meal under new proposals launched
last year. - However, if you were or may be eligible for Free
School Meals under the old criteria, we still
need you to submit an application form. - The school can claim 1,300, for 6 years, per
child that is eligible for Free School Meals - (Pupil Premium)
14Free School Meals
- The school will receive the additional funding
for any child who is eligible ie if you or your
partner receive one of the following - Income Support
- Income-based Job Seeker's Allowance
- Income-related Employment and Support Allowance
- The Guarantee Credit element of State Pension
Credit - Support from the National Asylum Support Service
(NASS) - Support from the Local Authority Social Services
Asylum Team (SSAT) - Child Tax Credit, provided that you are not
entitled to Working Tax Credit (but see below),
and your annual income (as assessed by Her
Majesty's Revenue and Customs) is 16,190 or
less. - Working Tax Credit for four weeks after your
employment finishes
15Free School Meals
- We are asking all parents, but especially
Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 parents, to take an
application form home today and return it to the
school so that we can maximise the resources
available to our pupils. - As a thank you, we will be offering a free school
uniform pack (sweatshirt, polo shirt and bookbag)
to three children who have had an application
form returned for them. Please bring your
application forms into the office by July 11th to
be eligible. - Parents will be requested to submit meal patterns
at the start of the year and children are
expected to stick to these.
16School Uniform
Why are we having a new uniform? -A smart and
practical new look. -Follows the school logo of
green and blue. -Fits with school Vision -Right
time to make a change -Children didnt like the
What is the New Uniform? Plain Emerald Green Polo
Shirts Navy Sweatshirt/ Cardigan with Logo Grey
trousers and skirts Yellow/ Navy summer
dresses PE kit- White T-shirt and black shorts
17School Uniform cont..
- Where can we purchase uniform?
- Plain Emerald Green polo shirts (cotton mix) will
be available at school from a local supplier at a
cost of 3.75-4.00 per polo shirt - You will also be able to purchase Emerald Green
polo shirts from other suppliers - http//direct.asda.com (2 for 2.50)- 100 Cotton
- http//www.clothingattesco.com/
- http//www.poloshirts.co.uk
- 4) http//www.schooluniform247.co.uk
- 5) http//www.amazon.co.uk
- Navy Blue Cardigans/Sweatshirts/Book Bags etc
with the school logo will be available online
with Tesco UniformEasy - Sew on badges for Navy jumpers and cardigans not
bought from - tesco will be available in due course.
- You will be able to pay cash for polo shirts
bought through school until the end of term. In
September you will be required to pay using the
cashless system ParentPay.
18School Uniform cont..
What to do if your child still fits the old
uniform? Dont panic! We dont expect everyone to
buy the new uniform straight way. We do ask
parents that when they are able to or when your
child grows out of their old uniform, it is
replaced with the new uniform. We would like
everyone (excluding Yr 6) in the new uniform by
January 2015.
Do year 6 have to buy new uniform? We dont
expect parents to buy the new uniform unless you
wish to do so.
What will the school do with old uniform? We are
able to recycle all old uniform including
sweatshirts with logos to School Aid (a charity)
who will donate this to a school in Tanzania or
What about the similarity to St.
Patricks? Although the schools both use blue and
green as part of their school identity we believe
that we remain distinctive in our look. Green
Polo Shirts Vs White Shirts St Patricks Head
Teacher has no concerns about Stoneydowns use of
colours. We would like to avoid a them and us
19New School Launch
- We are delighted to be able to invite you to the
launch of the New School Site on - Friday 5th September - Time 4pm-6pm
- We hope you and your child will be able to join
us on this special day. - Refreshments/ Music/ Special Guests/ Games AND
MORE will be available on the day - It will be a wonderful event for all!
20Thank you !
- Questions at the end of the session
- Please do not hesitate to contact Lucy or Nilesh
in the school office should you require any more