Title: Central Place Theory
1Central Place Theory
- Models are not real, but help us understand
2Central Place Theory
- Central Place market center for the exchange of
goods and services by people attracted from the
surrounding area - Theory explains how services are distributed and
why a regular pattern of settlements exists - German geographer Walter Christaller (1930)
3The Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania is a
portion of the Great Valley of the Appalachians.
Broad valley floor, agricultural, settled in the
early-to-mid 1700s
Note the regularity of spacing between urban
centers -- towns. Local lore has it that the
distances between towns evolved because it was
the distance someone could travel in a day.
4If . . .
- Isotropic Surface
- featureless plain with no barriers to movement
- Even Population Distribution
- similar in purchasing power and behavior
- Homo Economicus
- economic man with purely economic motives
- Integrity of the Law of Supply and Demand
- customers needed for a business to stay open
5Then . . .
- There will be a regular spatial order in the
number of central places of different population
sizes. - Few large places
- Many small places
- There will be a regular spatial order in the
spacing of central places of different population
sizes. - Large places relatively farther apart
- Small places relatively closer together
6Central Place FunctionsCategories of like
services found in a central place
- Grocery Stores
- Gas Stations
- Jewelry Stores
- Book Stores
- Hair Stylists
- Auto Dealerships
- Houses of Worship
- Schools
- Doctors
- Dentists
- Museums
- Concert Halls
7Would you travel farther to buy a new car or the
weeks groceries?
Would you travel farther to see your family
physician or a heart specialist?
To see a heart specialist
Would you travel farther to go to elementary
school or to go to high school?
To go to high school
8A Hierarchy of Educational Services
City College
Town High School
Village Elementary School
9Stock Exchange
Sports Stadium
Regional Shopping Mall
Major Department Store
Income Tax Service
Convenience Store
Gas Station
10How big is the trade area of a service center?
It depends on . . . - How far a consumer is
willing to travel for the service- How many
customers a service needs
11Each central place function has a
- Threshold the minimum number of people needed to
support a central place function - With fewer customers a store cannot afford to
stay in business.
- Range the maximum distance beyond which a
person will not travel to purchase a good or
service - Beyond a certain distance people cannot afford
the travel costs.
12(No Transcript)
13Optimal Location (for Pizza Shop)
Fig. 12-6 The optimal location for a pizza
delivery shop with seven potential customers in a
linear settlement (top) and with 99 families in
apartment buildings (bottom).
14Supermarket and Convenience Store Market Areas
Fig. 12-8 Market area, range, and threshold for
Kroger supermarkets (left) and UDF convenience
stores in Dayton, Ohio. Supermarkets have much
larger areas and ranges than convenience stores.
15Best Location in a Linear Settlement
16Rank Size Rule George Zipf 1949
- The countrys nth largest settlement is 1/n the
population of the largest settlement
- 2nd largest city is ½ the largest
- 4th largest city is ¼ the size of the largest
17Rank-Size Rule United States
City Population
New York City 8,391,881
Los Angeles 3,831,868
Chicago 2,851,268
Houston 2,257,926
Phoenix 1,593,659
Philadelphia 1,547,297
San Antonio 1,373,668
San Diego 1,306, 300
18Rank-Size Distribution of Cities
Fig. 12-9 Cities in the U.S. closely follow the
rank-size distribution, as indicated by the
almost straight line on this log scale. In
Romania, there are few settlements in two size
19Primate City Rule
- The largest settlement has more than twice as
many people as the second-ranking settlement. - Primate Citylargest city
- Denmark
- Copenhagen 1 million
- Arhus 200,000
- United Kingdom
- London 8 million
- Birmingham 2 million
- Thailand
- Bangkok 1.5 million
- Nonthaburi 250,000