Central Place Theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Central Place Theory


Central Place Theory Models are not real, but help us understand reality – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Central Place Theory

Central Place Theory
  • Models are not real, but help us understand

Central Place Theory
  • Central Place market center for the exchange of
    goods and services by people attracted from the
    surrounding area
  • Theory explains how services are distributed and
    why a regular pattern of settlements exists
  • German geographer Walter Christaller (1930)

The Cumberland Valley of Pennsylvania is a
portion of the Great Valley of the Appalachians.
Broad valley floor, agricultural, settled in the
early-to-mid 1700s
Note the regularity of spacing between urban
centers -- towns. Local lore has it that the
distances between towns evolved because it was
the distance someone could travel in a day.
If . . .
  • Isotropic Surface
  • featureless plain with no barriers to movement
  • Even Population Distribution
  • similar in purchasing power and behavior
  • Homo Economicus
  • economic man with purely economic motives
  • Integrity of the Law of Supply and Demand
  • customers needed for a business to stay open

Then . . .
  • There will be a regular spatial order in the
    number of central places of different population
  • Few large places
  • Many small places
  • There will be a regular spatial order in the
    spacing of central places of different population
  • Large places relatively farther apart
  • Small places relatively closer together

Central Place FunctionsCategories of like
services found in a central place
  • Grocery Stores
  • Gas Stations
  • Jewelry Stores
  • Book Stores
  • Hair Stylists
  • Auto Dealerships
  • Houses of Worship
  • Schools
  • Doctors
  • Dentists
  • Museums
  • Concert Halls

Would you travel farther to buy a new car or the
weeks groceries?
  • To buy a new car

Would you travel farther to see your family
physician or a heart specialist?
To see a heart specialist
Would you travel farther to go to elementary
school or to go to high school?
To go to high school
A Hierarchy of Educational Services
City College
Town High School
Village Elementary School
  • Hamlet
  • No Schools

Stock Exchange
Sports Stadium
Regional Shopping Mall
Major Department Store
Income Tax Service
Convenience Store
Gas Station
How big is the trade area of a service center?
It depends on . . . - How far a consumer is
willing to travel for the service- How many
customers a service needs
Each central place function has a
  • Threshold the minimum number of people needed to
    support a central place function
  • With fewer customers a store cannot afford to
    stay in business.
  • Range the maximum distance beyond which a
    person will not travel to purchase a good or
  • Beyond a certain distance people cannot afford
    the travel costs.

(No Transcript)
Optimal Location (for Pizza Shop)
Fig. 12-6 The optimal location for a pizza
delivery shop with seven potential customers in a
linear settlement (top) and with 99 families in
apartment buildings (bottom).
Supermarket and Convenience Store Market Areas
Fig. 12-8 Market area, range, and threshold for
Kroger supermarkets (left) and UDF convenience
stores in Dayton, Ohio. Supermarkets have much
larger areas and ranges than convenience stores.
Best Location in a Linear Settlement
Rank Size Rule George Zipf 1949
  • The countrys nth largest settlement is 1/n the
    population of the largest settlement
  • 2nd largest city is ½ the largest
  • 4th largest city is ¼ the size of the largest

Rank-Size Rule United States
City Population
New York City 8,391,881
Los Angeles 3,831,868
Chicago 2,851,268
Houston 2,257,926
Phoenix 1,593,659
Philadelphia 1,547,297
San Antonio 1,373,668
San Diego 1,306, 300
Rank-Size Distribution of Cities
Fig. 12-9 Cities in the U.S. closely follow the
rank-size distribution, as indicated by the
almost straight line on this log scale. In
Romania, there are few settlements in two size
Primate City Rule
  • The largest settlement has more than twice as
    many people as the second-ranking settlement.
  • Primate Citylargest city
  • Denmark
  • Copenhagen 1 million
  • Arhus 200,000
  • United Kingdom
  • London 8 million
  • Birmingham 2 million
  • Thailand
  • Bangkok 1.5 million
  • Nonthaburi 250,000
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