5. Autism - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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5. Autism


5. Autism What is Autism Prevalence of Autism Autistic Spectrum Disorders Characteristics of Autism Diagnosing Autism Theories the theory-of-mind deficit theory – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: 5. Autism

5. Autism
  • What is Autism
  • Prevalence of Autism
  • Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Characteristics of Autism
  • Diagnosing Autism
  • Theories
  • the theory-of-mind deficit theory
  • the executive function deficit theory
  • the central coherence theory
  • Learning Outcomes

What is Autism?
  • complex developmental disability
  • Autism first described by Kanner (1943)
  • typically appears during the first three years of
  • most severe childhood neuropsychiatric condition
  • triad of impairments
  • socialisation
  • communication
  • imagination

Prevalence of Autism
  • 2-6 cases per 1,000
  • growing at a rate of 10-17 percent per year
  • boygirl 41
  • Usually identified before 30 months
  • No racial or socioeconomic differences

Autistic Spectrum Disorders
  • Autism is one of five disorders coming under the
    umbrella of Pervasive Developmental Disorders
  • Autistic Disorder
  • Asperger's Disorder
  • Childhood Disintegrative Disorder (CDD)
  • Rett's Disorder
  • PDD-Not Otherwise Specified (PDD-NOS)

Characteristics of Autism
  • Persons with autism may exhibit some of the
    following traits.
  • Insistence on sameness resistance to change
  • Difficulty in expressing needs uses gestures or
    pointing instead of words
  • Repeating words or phrases in place of normal,
    responsive language
  • Laughing, crying, showing distress for reasons
    not apparent to others
  • Prefers to be alone aloof manner
  • Tantrums
  • Difficulty in mixing with others
  • May not want to cuddle or be cuddled
  • Little or no eye contact

Characteristics of Autism
  • Unresponsive to normal teaching methods
  • Sustained odd play
  • Spins objects
  • Inappropriate attachments to objects
  • Apparent over-sensitivity or under-sensitivity to
  • No real fears of danger
  • Noticeable physical over-activity or extreme
  • Uneven gross/fine motor skills
  • Not responsive to verbal cues acts as if deaf
    although hearing tests in normal range.

Language development
  • delayed and deviant
  • peculiar use of sounds and words
  • Echolalia
  • Pronominal reversal - use 'i' where 'you' is
    meant and vice-versa
  • e.g. 'do you want a drink' instead of 'i want a
  • denial of personal identity? (psychoanalysts)
  • or just related to echoing
  • Use of '-ing'
  • 'daddy piping', 'boy bubbling' (boy blowing
    bubbles) - 9 yr old autistic girl (Wing 1976)

Social development
  • physical and emotional distance from others
  • failure to develop social attachments
  • lack of cooperative group play
  • difficulties in reacting to or recognising other
    people's feelings

Intellectual development
  • poor on verbal ability
  • may perform above average on memory or spatial
  • may be talented in music or drawing
  • 1/4 - 1/3 have IQgt70

Diagnosing Autism
  • no medical tests for diagnosing autism
  • Early Diagnosis
  • Diagnostic Tools
  • The NICHD lists these five behaviors that signal
    further evaluation is warranted
  • Does not babble or coo by 12 months
  • Does not gesture (point, wave, grasp) by 12
  • Does not say single words by 16 months
  • Does not say two-word phrases on his or her own
    by 24 months
  • Has any loss of any language or social skill at
    any age.

Diagnosing Autism
  • several tests have been developed that are now
    used in diagnosing autism
  • CARS rating system (Childhood Autism Rating
  • The Checklist for Autism in Toddlers (CHAT)
  • The Autism Screening Questionnaire
  • The Screening Test for Autism in Two-Year Olds

  • Some current psychological theories of autism
  • the theory-of-mind deficit theory
  • the executive function deficit theory
  • the central coherence theory

Theory of Mind
  • autistic children cannot engage in
    meta-representations, therefore cannot develop
  • autistic children don't seem to show
    pretend/symbolic play (Baron-Cohen, 1987)
  • Therefore predict poor performance on false
    belief tasks
  • Baron-Cohen, Leslie Frith (1985) found this
    poor performance.
  • Also
  • chance performance on mental-physical distinction
    (Baron-Cohen, 1989)
  • poor understanding of functions of the mind
    (Baron-Cohen, 1989)
  • fail appearance-reality tests (Baron-Cohen, 1989)
  • dont know that seeing leads to knowing
    (Baron-Cohen Goodheart, 1994 Leslie Frith,

Theory of Mind
  • chance performance on recognising mental state
    words (Baron-Cohen et al., 1994)
  • dont produce range of mental state words
    (Tager-Flusberg, 1992)
  • difficulty understanding complex causes of
    emotion (Baron-Cohen, 1991)
  • dont know that eye region indicates
    thoughts/wants (Baron-Cohen Cross, 1992)
  • fail to make accidental-intentional distinction
    (Phillips, 1993)
  • unable to deceive (Baron-Cohen, 1992)
  • dont understand intentionally non-literal
    statements (Happé, 1994)
  • poor use of pragmatics (Baron-Cohen, 1988)

Problems with ToM
  • Prior et al (1990) found autistic children could
    succeed on Baron-Cohen et al's (1985) task
  • a child may fail a test for any number of
    uninteresting reasons such as lack of motivation,
    attention or task comprehension

Executive Dysfunction
  • Executive function
  • suppress incorrect response
  • retain relevant information in working memory
  • executive function involved in flexible planning
  • e.g. Tower of Hanoi
  • deficit occurs with frontal brain damage leading
    to perseverative behaviour
  • false photograph test (Leekam Perner, 1991
    Russell et al., 1999)

Executive Dysfunction (2)
  • Not specific to autism
  • also occurs in
  • schizophrenia
  • obsessive-compulsive disorder
  • Gilles de la Tourette syndrome
  • ADHD
  • Parkinsons disease and more.
  • So - by itself, executive dysfunction cannot
    explain autism
  • may co-occur with ToM deficit

Problems with ToM Executive Dysfunction
  • Deficit accounts of autism fail to explain why
    people with autism show not only preserved but
    also superior skills in certain areas.
  • Savant skills
  • ten times more common in people with autism than
    in others with mental handicap
  • occurring in approximately one in ten individuals
    with autism

Weak Central Coherence
  • Central coherence (Frith, 1989)
  • people need/desire high-level meaning
  • everyday tendency to process incoming information
    in context for gist
  • this feature of human information processing is
    disturbed in autism
  • 'weak central coherence'
  • autism biased toward local vs global info
  • "inability to experience wholes without full
    attention to the constituent parts
  • do not succumb to visual illusions (Happé, 1996)
  • failure to use context in reading (Happé, 1995)

The Ebbinghaus Illusion (from Frith, 2003)
Weak Central Coherence
  • predicts
  • relatively good performance where attention to
    local information (i.e. relatively piece-meal
    processing) is advantageous
  • e.g. can recognise object from a single part
  • poor performance on tasks requiring the
    recognition of global meaning or integration of
    stimuli in context
  • e.g. cannot integrate fragments to identify an
  • cognitive style rather than cognitive deficit.

Embedded figures test (from Frith, 2003)
Weak Central Coherence
  • Evidence
  • Perceptual coherence.
  • Visuo-spatial constructional coherence
  • Verbal-semantic coherence
  • weak coherence and theory of mind independent
    (Happé, 1995)
  • savant skills
  • musical talent
  • graphic talent

Wechsler Block Design Task (from Frith, 2003)
3 Complementary Theories?
  • Theory of Mind deficit
  • Social and communication impairments
  • Executive Function impairment
  • Stereotyped behaviour and narrow interests
  • Weak Central Coherence
  • Special talents and peaks in performance
  • Do these theories address three primary deficits
    affecting different brain systems?

Learning Outcomes
  • Be able to describe autism and the
    characteristics of the disorder
  • Be able to describe and evaluate research on
  • Be able to describe and evaluate theories of
  • Be able to compare and contrast theories of autism

  • Essential Reading (on Digital Resources)
  • Frith, U. Happe, F. (1994) Autism Beyond
    Theory of Mind. Cognition, 50, pp.115-132
  • Frith, U. Hill, E. (2004) Autism Mind and
    brain. Oxford Oxford University Press. Chapter
  • Further Reading
  • See pdf handout

Questions to ask
  • What are the different theories of autism (at the
    cognitive level)?
  • What does the research into autism tell us?
  • Does the research support the theories?
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