Sociocultural Level of Analysis: Social and Cultural Norms - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Sociocultural Level of Analysis: Social and Cultural Norms


Sociocultural Level of Analysis: Social and Cultural Norms Part IV Cultural Norms There are many definitions of culture, and it is a very complex concept. – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Sociocultural Level of Analysis: Social and Cultural Norms

Sociocultural Level of AnalysisSocial and
Cultural Norms
  • Part IV

Cultural Norms
  • There are many definitions of culture, and it is
    a very complex concept.
  • The term surface culture is used to describe
    visible aspects like food, eating habits,
    clothing, rituals, communication patterns,
    religion, and behavior).
  • The term deep culture is related to beliefs,
    attitudes and values that underpin culture
  • Kuschel (2004) claims that culture should not be
    used to explain behavior. It should be used to
    understand how people have survived in their
    environment, how they organized their life, and
    how their beliefs influence behavior.

Cultural Norms
  • Lonner (1995) describes cultures as common rules
    that regulate interactions and behavior in a
    group as well as a number of shared values and
    attitudes in the group.
  • Hofstede (2002) described culture as mental
    software, meaning cultural schemas that have
    internalized so that they influence thinking,
    emotions, and behavior.

Cultural Norms
  • Matsumoto (2004) describes culture as dynamic
    system of rules, explicit and implicit,
    established by groups in order to ensure their
    survival, involving attitudes, values, beliefs,
    norms, and behaviors.
  • Culture is dynamic because it changes over time
    due to environment and social changes.
  • cultural norms behavior patterns that are
    typical of specific groups. They are often passed
    down from generation to generation by
    observational learning by the groups gatekeepers
    parents, teachers, religious leaders, and
  • Cultural norms include how people choose marriage
    partners, attitudes toward alcohol consumption,
    and acceptance (or rejection) of spanking

Cultural Norms
  • The etic approach to psychology compares human
    behavior across specific cultures. Etic study
    involves drawing on notion of universal
    properties of cultures, which share common
    perceptual, cognitive, and emotional structures.
  • The emic approach looks at behaviors that are
    culturally specific. Emics have challenged
    psychologists to re-examine their ideas

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • dimensions- the perspectives of a culture based
    on values and cultural norms.
  • Hoefstede (1973) study involved asking employees
    of the multinational company IBM to fill in
    surveys about morale in the workplace. He then
    carried out content analysis on the responses he
    received, focusing on key differences submitted
    by employees in different countries. His research
    looked at the 40 most represented countries in
    the surveys. The trends he noticed he called

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • Hoefstede argues that understanding cultural
    dimensions will help facilitate communication
    between cultures. This is important in
    international diplomacy as well as international

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • Types of dimensions
  • Individualism in individualist societies the
    ties between individuals are loose. Everyone is
    expected to look after himself or herself and his
    or her immediate family.
  • Collectivism in collectivist societies from
    birth onwards people are integrated into strong,
    cohesive in-groups, often extended families( with
    uncles, aunts, and grandparents), which provides
    them with support and perfection. Not living up
    to norms, very severe punishment.

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • Types of dimensions
  • Uncertainty vs. avoidance- deals with the
    societies tolerance for uncertainty and
    ambiguity. It indicate to what extent a culture
    programs its members to feel either uncomfortable
    or comfortable in unstructured situations
    unstructured situations are novel, unknown,

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • Types of dimensions
  • Bond (1988) argues that Chinese culture replaces
    the uncertainty-avoidance dimension with
    Confucian work dynamism instead of focusing on
    truth, some countries focus on virtue.
  • China and other countries have a long-term
    orientation. These cultures value persistence,
    loyalty, and trustworthiness. They need to
    protect the collective identity and respect
    tradition what is called saving face.

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • Types of dimensions
  • Hoefstede found that Finland, Germany, and the US
    have a short-term orientation. In contrast to the
    Confucian work dynamism, these cultures value
    personal steadiness and stability. There is a
    focus on the future instead of the past, and
    innovation is highly valued.
  • Hoefstede warns against the ecological fallacy,
    meaning when one looks at two different cultures,
    it should NOT be assumed that two members from
    two different cultures must be different from one
    another, or that a single member of a culture
    will always demonstrate the dimensions which are
    the norm of that culture.

Cultural Dimensions of Behavior
  • Anthropologist, Edward T. Halls norms that
    define culture.
  • proxemic theory (1966) is based on a culture's
    need for personal space. Different cultures
    have different perceptions of the amount of
    personal space that is required to be
    comfortable. People only allow their closest,
    most intimate friends into this bubble of space.
  • Time consciousness there is a distinction
    between monochronic cultures and polychronic
  • Monochronic focus on one thing at a time, high
    amount of scheduling, and punctuality, meeting
    deadline highly valued.
  • Polychronic many things happen at once, more
    focus on relationships and interactions.
    Interruptions are expected as a part of life,
    little frustration when things are postponed or
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