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What s the Exit Strategy? Verifying a Design Agenda Design Verification Concepts and implications The specification connection Verification before test Test ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: What

Whats the Exit Strategy?
  • Verifying a Design

Agenda Design Verification
  • Concepts and implications
  • The specification connection
  • Verification before test
  • Test thoroughness
  • Tiered verification
  • Concluding the process
  • Summary

Verification Concepts
  • Verification Confirmation, through the
    provision of objective evidence, that the
    specified requirements have been fulfilled
  • Confirmation the act of ratifying or
    corroborating (AH)

Verification Implications
  • The verification process is not intended to be a
    craps shoot
  • Verification is primarily intended to ratify
  • Verification is NOT primarily intended to reveal
  • The mindset is important!
  • Doubt that a design will work expresses a lack of
    confidence in the designer and the design process
  • Waiting until verification to guarantee
    correctness is an excuse for being sloppy
  • We should expect our designs to work!
    Verification simply puts the seal of confirmation
    on the expectation

Verification Implications (cont.)
  • Verification addresses two processes
  • Design
  • Primarily a one-time, iterative process in which
    the developed concept is proven sound
  • Fundamental correctness can be proven
  • Inspection confirms logical correctness in all
  • Peer reviews are a manual form of inspection
  • Functional simulation is an automated form of
  • Inspections must be tailored to design
  • Analysis verifies correctness in the presence of
  • Reliability (WC, Derating, FMEA, etc.)
  • Timing over environments and age

Verification Implications (cont.)
  • Verification addresses two processes (cont.)
  • Instantiation
  • Particular instance must be sound
  • Particular correctness must be demonstrated
  • Inspection confirms that instructions are
  • Correct components installed
  • Correct configuration selected
  • Correct processes performed
  • Test and demonstration confirms that operation
    matches expectations
  • Functionally and parametrically
  • Predicted by nominal analytical predictions

Verification Implications (cont.)
  • Verification after the fact is too late
  • Analysis and test are NOT equivalent
  • Design analysis and inspection must proceed in
    lockstep with design processes
  • Implementation tests and inspections should
    simply confirm what is known
  • Design efforts fail because they occur in a
  • Creativity takes primacy over correctness
  • Functionality comes first with operability being
    shoehorned after the fact
  • The monster simulation syndrome
  • Conclusion Verify as you proceed

Verification Implications (cont.)
  • Correctness is a matter of personal integrity for
    the designer
  • Verification is not simply externally imposed
  • Verification is something that the designer must
    want to do (a part of his/her ethos)
  • Verification is confirmation that the designer is
    worth his/her salt

The Specification Connection
  • Requirements are confirmed during verification
  • The designer does not have a free hand with
    respect to how a design is confirmed
  • Specification provides the constraint set under
    which verification is prosecuted
  • Therefore, verification must be defined prior to
    start of design
  • Not simply in a general manner
  • Specifically
  • Since specification is a customer and vendor
  • Both customer and vendor must be involved in the
    verification process
  • Trust me is not a reasonable phrase when it
    comes to verification

The Specification Connection (cont.)
  • Specification contains a complete ideally set
    of requirements for the design
  • Some requirements are very specific
  • All discrete outputs shall have a source
    impedance of 2 kOhms.
  • An adequate test is fairly obvious
  • Some requirements are not very specific
  • The unit shall provide 512 kbytes of SRAM
  • Note the implied requirement The SRAM shall
    function correctly
  • What is an adequate functional test for this
    requirement? (walking 1s, 0s addressing, etc?)
  • Some requirements lend themselves to quantitative
    analysis The unit shall provide a .1 C
    accuracy at end of life
  • Some requirements lend themselves to simple
    inspection The unit shall provide 4 analog
    output channels
  • When do we decide adequacy of the method of
    verification and the individual verification
    cases? Before we start designing

The Specification Connection (cont.)
  • Therefore, verification planning must begin with
    specification creation
  • Each requirement must be assigned a method or
  • Each requirement must be assigned a test or
    analysis case
  • Must answer question What is an adequate
  • Must establish answer to question When are we
  • Each requirement must be verified at one or more
    levels FPGA, board, box, sub-system, system
  • Customer must concur with decision
  • Note that modern verification databases make this
    relatively straightforward

The Specification Connection (cont.)
  • Advantages to this type of verification planning
  • More verifiable / verified designs
  • Up-front focus on programmatically difficult
    verification can be instituted
  • Earlier analysis
  • Simplification of overly complex circuit designs
  • Guidance for lower-level verification efforts can
    be established
  • Sub-module vs. module level
  • Module vs. unit level
  • Integral self-test provisions can be included in
  • Earlier simulation vector definition (FPGAs /

The Specification Connection (cont.)
  • Advantages (cont.)
  • More robust test sets
  • Early knowledge regarding end-item function
  • Capability of test set matched to need
  • Precision (timing, voltage, current, etc.)
  • Speed
  • Test level (component, unit, system)
  • Test flow design considerations included in test
    set design
  • Knowing verification requirements early makes the
    entire development process more efficient

The Specification Connection (cont.)
  • Defining requirements and test cases at the same
    time as the specification clarifies and
    simplifies the FPGA verification process
  • Allows early start to simulation vector design
  • Creates early knowledge of additional functional
    models (SRAM, peripherals, etc.) needed
  • Clarifies decision regarding what can be
    functionally simulated and what must be simulated
    with back-annotation
  • Defines levels at which simulations must be run

Verification Before Test
  • It is a relatively bad thing to discover a design
    flaw during test (better than nothing)
  • Late in the development cycle
  • Correction is more complicated / expensive
  • Personal stress is higher
  • Yet a surprising lack of verification occurs
  • Types of pre-test verification
  • Inspection - conformity evaluation by observation
    and judgment accompanied, as appropriate by
    measurement or testing (ISO)
  • Personal self-check
  • Peer Review
  • Basic functional verification (Signal audits,
    functional simulation, etc.)

Verification Before Test (cont.)
  • Types of pre-test verification (cont.)
  • Analysis Conformity evaluation of the
    predictions produced by realistic models of the
  • Worst case analysis (voltage, current, frequency,
    time) using models that incorporate real world
    degradation of function
  • Derating analysis using models that reduce stress
  • Other
  • Note that pre-test verification is fundamentally
  • Not tool dependent
  • Not design dependent
  • Can be accomplished many ways

Verification Before Test (cont.)
  • Two approaches to pre-test verification
  • Verify full design at once (one big peer review,
    code walkthrough, analysis, simulation)
  • Benefits
  • Complete design reduces need to develop
  • When proved correct, does not need to be repeated
  • When design is solid, less work
  • Reduce final documentation for verification
  • Drawbacks
  • Allows small design flaws to propagate for a long
  • Complexity reduces visibility (verification more
    prone to mistakes and oversights)
  • When design is flawed, it increases work
  • Leads to corrections that are global (hard to
    test effectively and predict side effects)
  • May take longer to execute than an aggregate of
    smaller verification activities

Verification Before Test (cont.)
  • Two approaches to pre-test verification (cont.)
  • Verify incremental designs
  • Benefits
  • Supports development of known good sub-designs
  • Meshes with a partitioned design approach
  • Facilitates visibility (fewer mistakes, clearer
  • Allows small flaws to be fixed quickly (minimizes
    downstream impact)
  • Drawbacks
  • Is more work in the ideal case (no/few flaws)
  • Increases documentation if formality is vital
  • Either approach can be made to work, but one or
    the other must be chosen and implemented

Test Thoroughness
  • Principles for test thoroughness
  • Every shall in the specification that meets the
    following criteria must be tested
  • Items that may be affected by the instantiation
    process (subject to fabrication error)
  • Items for which the only extant verification is
    model based
  • Items for which the testing does not pose
    unacceptable risk (radiation, overstress, etc.)
  • Every instance of a shall must be tested
  • 18 interfaces require 18 specific tests
  • Requirements that have an exclusive character
  • Must be tested for correct operation
  • Should be tested at some level for abnormal
  • Example If you write a 5Ah to something to set
    it on, you should verify that writing other
    values does not set it on
  • Requirements must be tested over a representative
    range of conditions

Test Thoroughness (cont.)
  • A thorough test is complicated and time consuming
  • Requires some level of automation to be
  • Requires some level of compromise to be practical
  • Requires team agreement to be acceptable

Test Thoroughness (cont.)
  • Ensuring thorough, yet practical, tests
  • Define which tests require manual interaction and
    which can be automated
  • Output impedance or analog fine precision may
    need to be manual
  • Signal level or analog coarse precision may be
  • Define which tests must be performed over
    environmental conditions and which can be
    performed at room temperature only
  • Make decision based on character of measurement
  • Do not decide based purely on practicality
  • Define level of complexity for all measurement
  • Example 24 analog inputs (3 eight channel muxes)
  • Test full range of values for 24, or limited
    range for 7 of 8 mux inputs and full range for
  • Define need for repetition of measurement at
    higher level of integration (tiered verification)
  • Example voltage level / signal quality / clock
    jitter at board level
  • Repeat at box level?

Test Thoroughness (cont.)
  • Test thoroughness issues affect everything
  • Customer relationship
  • Test set design (board, box, system)
  • Schedule / cost
  • An adequate test program is not trivial
  • Cannot wait until system level
  • Must incorporate lowest level of design
  • Must be a constant background activity during
    design process
  • All programs must balance perfect and good enough
  • A good test program
  • Will ensure that the specification is met
  • Will verify everything that can be affected by
  • Will build on the analysis and inspection effort
  • Will maximize automation without sacrificing test

Tiered Verification
  • Tiered verification is the process of matching
    the correct type of verification to the
    appropriate level of integration
  • Tiered verification incorporates all types of
    verification (before and during testing)
  • Tiered verification applied to the test regime
    attempts to have thoroughness with practicality
  • Test a requirement at the lowest conceivable
  • Determine which tests must be repeated at higher
    levels by
  • Establishing the purpose of a test at a
    particular level
  • Determining whether the next level has the
    potential to change previous measured quantities
  • Determining what test set capabilities are
  • Tiered verification cannot be retrofitted into
    the process
  • Must be planned up front
  • Must be implemented throughout the development

Tiered Verification - Example
  • Need A set of 16 high-level pulsed discretes to
    control latching relays used to change the
    spacecraft power configuration
  • Basic Requirements
  • Quantity 16
  • Level 30V /- 2 V
  • Load 2 kOhm, 4 mH
  • Duration of pulse 50 ms
  • Rise / Fall time max 1 ms
  • Command capability Unique bit pattern, only one
    at a time, arm first
  • S/W requirements Various (beyond scope of

Tiered Verification Example (cont.)
  • Tier 1 Basic Verification (functional
  • Verify each channel fires for a specific bit
    pattern / address
  • Verify cannot be fired without an arm command
  • Verify that other complementary patterns dont
    accidentally fire the pulse
  • Analyze drive capability of FPGA and input /
    output requirement / capability of translation
  • Evaluate glitch hardness of logic selected

Tiered Verification Example (cont.)
  • Tier 2 Board level
  • Test to confirm signal level between FPGA and
    driver chips is compatible
  • Test rise, fall, duration, level with dummy load
  • Repeat test for all 16 outputs
  • Replace dummy load with relay, verify that the
    relay switches for all 16 outputs
  • Repeat over temperature if necessary

Tiered Verification Example (cont.)
  • Tier 3 Box level
  • Attach GSE (verifies with relays)
  • Functionally pulse all outputs
  • Verify relay switches
  • Verify gross drive duration
  • Tier 4 Box and operational software level
  • Verify functionality commanded through software
  • GSE verifies correct relay switch
  • Tier 5 System
  • Verify gross functionality as needed for system

Tiered Verification - Notes
  • Most complex and detailed functionality is
    verified at lower levels
  • Performance
  • Error cases
  • Predictive of future operation
  • Higher levels focus on functionality / operation
  • Lower level verification requires more manual
  • Higher level verification is more automated
  • STE and test procedure developed as appropriate
  • Purpose is maximum test completeness
  • As well as bang for the buck

Concluding the Process
  • ( through the provision of objective
  • The importance of traceability
  • Something is only verified (formally) when it is
  • The tie between verification item and
    specification must be made (verification matrix
    or database)
  • The importance of planning
  • Establish the links between requirement, method,
    level, test case early
  • Use the established structure to develop
    verification items
  • The importance of buy in
  • All responsible must complete verification and
    report results
  • Systems engineers must track and close
  • People must keep up with the process
  • Only personal commitment from all involved will
    ensure that the process is successful

  • Verification is to prove success, not avoid
  • Verification planning is an integral part of the
    project lifecycle
  • Must be initiated with specification (including
    customer buy-in)
  • Must be included in design effort
  • Must be used to develop documentation and
    appropriate test hardware
  • Verification is more than final test
  • Incorporates analysis and inspection throughout
    design process
  • Begins at lowest possible level
  • Develops proof of compliance at all levels of
  • A thorough test is complicated
  • Requires extensive work
  • Must trade perfect for practical (a tiered test
    approach can help)
  • Verification processes must be tracked and
  • The whole team must buy in
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