Title: The sensors studied
1Merging of ocean color datafrom multiple
satellite missionsC. Pottier1,2, V. Garçon1, A.
Turiel3, G. Larnicol2, J. Sudre1, P.Y. Le Traon4
, P. Schaeffer2 1 LEGOS 2 CLS 3 ICM
The sensors studied
Launch date August 1st, 1997 May 4, 2002
Equator crossing 12h 13h30
Spectral coverage (nm) 402 885 (8 bands) 405 14385 (36 bands)
Data available since 04/09/1997 (Level 3) (OC4v4 R51) 29/11/2002 (Level 3) (OC3M R11)
Original spatial resolution 1100 m 1000 m
Level-3 data put on a regular grid 1/12x1/12 1/24x1/24
Globcolour 1st User Consultation Meeting,
Villefranche sur Mer, December 4-6, 2006
2Methods and zone of interest
- Error weighted-averaging
- Objective analysis
- Global application for 2003
- Wavelets (ongoing work)
- gt Gulf Stream area
Biogeochemical provinces
Longhurst, 1998
3SeaWiFS 2410 matchups
- YEAR 2003
- AMT 12 and AMT 13 (Atlantic Meridional Transect,
UK) - SeaBASS (SeaWiFS Bio-optical And Storage System,
USA) - National Oceanographic Data Center (USA)
- International Council for the Exploitation of the
Sea - National Institute of Oceanography (India)
- MINERVE 0203-R2, 0204-R4, 0304-R0, and 0304-R1
- DIAPAZON 7, 8, and 9
- Other cruises (Yves Dandonneau, pers. com.)
MODIS/Aqua 2789 matchups
4SeaWiFS error measurement
MODIS/Aquas error measurement
of chlorophyll
of chlorophyll
5SeaWiFS bias
MODIS/Aquas bias
of chlorophyll
of chlorophyll
6Error-weighted averaging Objective
analysis in Pottier et al., IEEE TGRS, 2006
7Error-weighted averagingPottier et al., IEEE
TGRS, 2006Gregg et al., IOCCG Report, 2006
- Input parameters for each sensor
- Map of chlorophyll for the ith day
- Map of spatial errors (according to matchups)
- Computation made on logtransformed values
- Output products
- Map of combined chlorophyll for the ith day
- Map of associated errors
8Combined data
Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m3)
Spatial repartition of the data
of chlorophyll
9Objective analysisPottier et al., IEEE TGRS,
2006Gregg et al., IOCCG Report, 2006
- Aim to determine the value of a field ? at a
point in space and time, given various
measurements of the field unevenly spread over
time and space ?obsi (i1n) - Best least squares linear estimator ?est(x)
(Bretherton et al., 1976) - A priori knowledge of
- The covariance function (i.e. variance
correlation function) - The measurement noise and the bias (obtained from
the matchups)
Combined data
Chlorophyll-a concentration (mg/m3)
Spatial repartition of the data
of chlorophyll
Use of multi-resolution algorithm to compute the
wavelet coefficients
h convolution with a low-pass filter g
convolution with a high-pass filter ?2 keep
1 row (or col.) on 2
12Wavelets Pottier, Turiel and Garçon1st step
estimation of the missing data
Vertical details
13Wavelets Pottier, Turiel and Garçon2nd step
Original image (1/12)
Original image (1/24)
Reconstructed image
Reconstructed image
Weighted averaging (1/12)
Objective analysis (1/12)
Wavelets (1/24)
15Ongoing work
- Weighted averaging and objective analysis
- Fully operational for near real time at the
global scale - Statistics computation needed for all time series
- Addition of other sensors (MERIS)
- Wavelets very promising ! But still a lot of
work to do !
16Oceanographic applicationusing combined SeaWiFS
and MODIS/Aqua ocean color data
- Southern ocean (35S 50S)
- What are the dominant modes of variability in sea
level anomalies and surface chlorophyll
concentrations in this circumpolar belt ?
(Pottier et al., 2004 Pottier et al., 2006)
172002-2006 period 3/0 mode of variability
Band 35S-45S
Weekly sea level anomalies
Weekly combined chlorophyll SeaWiFS MODIS/Aqua
Monthly SeaWiFS chlorophyll
Band 45S-50S
18(No Transcript)
19Multi-resolution wavelets algorithm
20In conclusion