Title: Resurrection of the Dead
1Resurrection of the Dead
2This is one of the MOST IMPORTANT subjects in the
- It is one of the four "major" doctrines mentioned
3HEB. 61-3
- Therefore leaving the principles of the doctrine
of Christ let us go on unto perfection ... Of
the doctrine ... of RESURRECTION OF THE DEAD
4- We say "MAJOR" because learning WHO will
resurrect and WHEN that resurrection will take
place will make a MAJOR change in your life. - There are TWO RESURRECTIONS FOR THE SAINTS OF
GOD. - Made possible by Jesus death and resurrection...
5Lets look at his life,death,resurrection
- When Jesus died on the LITERAL cross. The Prophet
Isaiah tells us that NOT ONLY did His BODY die
but also His SOUL
6ISA. 5310-12 ...
- it pleased the LORD to bruise him ... when thou
shalt make his SOUL an offering for sin ...
because he hath poured out his SOUL unto DEATH
7The SOUL of a person IS that person
- the body is only a temporary house for the soul.
8Why did the SOUL of Jesus have to die?
- The answer lies in the next two scriptures
9EZK. 18420 ... the SOUL that sinneth it shall
DIE. ...
- Even though Jesus did not personally sin His
SOUL had to die in place of your soul and mine
in order to win life for us ...
102 COR. 521
- For he hath MADE HIM TO BE SIN for us who KNEW
no sin
11- Thus the SOUL of Jesus had to DIE on the LITERAL
cross. Jesus Himself spoke of this fact when He
was warned of Herod's intention to kill Him
12LK. 1331-33 ...
- Nevertheless I must walk to day and to morrow
and the day following for it cannot be that A
PROPHET PERISH out of Jerusalem.
13- The word "PERISH" means "TO DIE." Jesus was sent
by His Father to preach to Jerusalem. So as a
result of His preaching that city would have to
either REPENT or rise up and KILL Him.
- both for Him and for themselves!
- Matt 2725
- 25 Then answered all the people, and said, His
blood be on us, and on our children. - (KJV)
15- Jesus also repeated this truth to His disciples
in the closing hours of His human life ...
16MT. 2636-38 ...
- My SOUL is exceeding sorrowful EVEN UNTO DEATH
tarry ye here and watch with me.
17- The understanding that Jesus' SOUL was to die
NOT just His body throws a different light on
His death
18- For years it has been taught that on the
cross the SOUL of Jesus departed to PREACH TO
scripture used to make this point was ...
191 PT. 318-20
- For Christ also hath once suffered for sins the
just for the unjust ... BEING PUT TO DEATH IN THE
20- It is now understood that.
- This scripture was FULFILLED DURING the ministry
of Jesus NOT after His death on the cross! The
prophet Isaiah described the purpose of the
ministry of Jesus during the 3-1/2 years that He
preached on this earth. We read in ...
21ISA. 426-7
- ...To open the blind eyes to bring out the
PRISONERS from the PRISON and them that sit in
DARKNESS out of the PRISON HOUSE. - Also in ...
22ISA. 611
- The Spirit of the Lord GOD is upon me ... to
proclaim LIBERTY TO THE CAPTIVES and the opening
of the PRISON to them that are bound.
23- We see in these scriptures that one of the
purposes of Jesus' ministry was to FREE people
from PRISON but there is NO evidence that He
EVER EVEN VISITED a natural prison during His
ministry! - This next scripture shows that Jesus came to
free people from religious prisons.
24LK. 416-21
- ... as his custom was (Jesus) went into the
SYNAGOGUE on the sabbath day and stood up for to
read ... The Spirit of the Lord is upon me ... to
preach deliverance to the CAPTIVES ... THIS DAY
is this scripture FULFILLED in your ears.
25Jesus read from Isa. 611
- where it was prophesied that He would OPEN THE
PRISON and FREE THE CAPTIVES and said it was
26- So it is clear that the PRISON HOUSES were the
religious sects of Israel and the natural Jews
were being held CAPTIVE by the traditions of men
taught to them by their elders.
27- Also understand that the SPIRITS IN PRISON to
whom Jesus preached were the people in Israel who
were ALIVE NATURALLY but DEAD SPIRITUALLY. - Consider this next scripture
28Matt 819-22
- 19 And a certain scribe came, and said unto him,
Master, I will follow thee whithersoever thou
goest... - 21 And another of his disciples said unto him,
Lord, suffer me first to go and bury my father. - 22 But Jesus said unto him, Follow me and let
the dead bury their dead. - (KJV)
29- These were the "DEAD" to whom Jesus preached to.
- NOT the natural dead in the natural graveyard!
He makes this very clear in ...
30JN. 524-25
- ... The hour is coming and NOW IS when the
DEAD shall HEAR the voice of the Son of God and
... shall LIVE.
31- Israel was DEAD IN SIN but through the words of
Jesus they would have an opportunity to COME
ALIVE to righteousness!
32The old testament saints
- ...were righteous men and women that had a
knowledge of a NATURAL resurrection for we see
this in ...
33HEB. 1122
- By FAITH Joseph when he died made mention of
the departing of the children of Israel and gave
commandment concerning his BONES.
34Why did Joseph ask this?
- He knew that God would not visit Egypt. He
believed that God would visit Canaan. - His request shows us that there is no
resurrection in Egypt, only in Canaan. - (Our religious ways and ideas will not get us
into heaven, we must leave them behind)
- the Old Testament saints who lived up to as much
of the law of Moses as was possible died without
the baptism of the Holy Ghost ....
36HEB. 1135-40
- ... these all having obtained a good report
having provided some BETTER thing for us that
they without us should not be MADE PERFECT.
37- The saints of the Old Testament looked forward to
a NATURAL resurrection. They died in faith
believing that God would raise them up. Job spoke
of this time ...
38JOB 1925-27
- For I know that my REDEEMER liveth and that he
shall stand at the LATTER DAY upon the earth And
though after my skin worms destroy this body yet
39- Job was speaking of his OWN destiny but we see
that Isaiah reached out and also included those
of the righteous line of the Old Testament
dispensation for he said ...
40ISA. 2619
- Thy dead men (Israel) shall live TOGETHER WITH
that dwell in dust for thy dew is as the dew of
herbs and the earth shall cast out the dead.
41- Jesus went even further and spoke of certain
prophets who would DEFINITELY come up in that
number ...
42MT. 811-12
- ... many shall come from the east and west and
shall sit down with ABRAHAM and ISAAC and
JACOB in the kingdom of heaven. ...
43- Jesus said they would resurrect from natural
death to natural life, so - they might obtain that better thing/ better
44Heb 1135
- again and others were tortured, not accepting
deliverance that they might obtain a better
resurrection - (KJV)
- This is why Jesus said what He did to Martha
when she replied bitterly ...
45JN. 1120-26
- ... I know that he (Lazarus) shall rise again in
the resurrection at the LAST DAY. Jesus said unto
whosoever liveth and believeth in me SHALL NEVER
DIE. ...
46- Jesus was telling Martha the LAST DAYS HAD
ARRIVED and that HE had the power to not only
raise the NATURAL dead but those who were
SPIRITUALLY dead as well! - This was verified after his crucifixion and
resurrection when the saints of the Old
Testament arose from the natural grave as we see
in ...
47MT. 2750-53
- ... And the graves were opened and many bodies
of the saints which slept AROSE And came OUT OF
THE GRAVES after his resurrection and went into
the holy city and appeared unto many.
48WHY did they have to resurrect naturally?
- So they could receive the baptism of the Holy
Ghost on the day of Pentecost. - Acts 238
49- The SPIRITUAL resurrection of those Old Testament
saints would begin at that point (when they
received the Holy Ghost). Then they had to sit
down under the five-fold ministry of the Early
Rain Church and be MADE PERFECT.
50- By receiving the Holy Ghost baptism and the truth
of God's word is it possible to attain the FIRST
51 What IS the first resurrection?
- Jesus talked of it like this...
- Matt 2230
- 30 For in the resurrection they neither marry,
nor are given in marriage, but are as the angels
of God in heaven. - (KJV)
52 More detailed ...
- It is a SPIRITUAL resurrection which prepares
144000 people to be the Bride of Jesus Christ.
This resurrection BEGINS when we receive the Holy
Ghost baptism and will be COMPLETED when we
become PERFECT(mature) and qualify for the Bride.
John speaks of it in this way ...
53REV. 204-6
- ... Blessed and holy is he that hath PART in the
FIRST RESURRECTION on such the second death hath
no power but they shall be priests of God and of
Christ and shall reign with him a thousand
years. - Paul the apostle preached this as the GOAL of his
life ...
54PHIL. 310-14
- ... Not as though I had already attained either
were already perfect but ... I PRESS toward the
MARK for the PRIZE of the HIGH CALLING of God in
Christ Jesus. - And later we see that he REACHED it ...
552 TIM. 46-8
- For I am NOW READY to be offered ... Henceforth
there is laid up for me a CROWN OF RIGHTEOUSNESS
56This CROWN was another name for a SPIRITUAL BODY
- which is the REWARD for those attaining the
Bride. This is brought out in different words in
57REV. 69-11
- ... I saw under the altar the souls of them that
were slain for the word of God ... And WHITE
ROBES were given unto ... them and it was said
... rest yet for a little season until their
fellowservants also and their brethren that
should be killed as they were should be
58- By this scripture and others we understand that
the Bride will be made up of the overcomers out
of the Early Church as well as the Latter Rain
Church. The time of this Latter Church is just
ahead of us.
59- After the Latter Church has been in order for
7-1/2 years Jesus will come for the remainder of
His Bride. He will NOT I repeat WILL NOT raise
them up from the NATURAL graveyard! Religion has
always taught this point but that is NOT what
Paul is saying in ...
601 THES. 413-18
- ... Them also which SLEEP IN JESUS will God
bring with him ... For the Lord himself shall
descend from heaven ... and the DEAD IN CHRIST
shall rise first ...
61- NO natural graveyards will open when Jesus comes
back for the remainder of His Bride! The DEAD IN
golden altar of Rev. 69-11. They are NOT asleep
in the GRAVE but resting IN JESUS alive
forevermore! They RISE from RESTING to the POWER
OF RULING as a part of the Bride of Jesus Christ.
63- Now someone may ask What if I die before I reach
the Bride of Christ? What will happen to me? Paul
speaks of TWO resurrections with TWO rewards
the Bride will have SPIRITUAL bodies which will
not die. He gave an example of this in ...
641 COR. 1534-40
- ... There are also CELESTIAL BODIES and BODIES
TERRESTRIAL but the glory of the celestial is
ONE and the glory of the terrestrial is ANOTHER.
65- In a little over a thousand years from right now
there will be a NATURAL RESURRECTION which will
lead to ETERNAL LIFE for some as John said ...
66REV. 205
- But the rest of the DEAD lived not again UNTIL
67Let us make this point clear
- ONLY those who MERIT a resurrection will come up
at that time. NO UNGODLY people will resurrect
and have NOT been eternally judged. We can see a
PICTURE of this in ...
68JN. 528-29
- ... for the hour is coming in the which all
that are in the graves shall hear his voice And
shall come forth ... (some) unto the
RESURRECTION OF LIFE and ... (some) unto the
resurrection of DAMNATION.
69This is shown in greater detail in
- REV. 2011-15 And I saw a great white throne ...
And I saw the DEAD small and great STAND BEFORE
GOD ...
- is 144000 PERFECT JEWS (Rev. 71-8) judging
righteously on the earth.
71In conclusion
- let me say a few things about the BOOKS
mentioned in the Bible.
72 Depending on the setting -
- generally speaking the Lamb's Book of Life is a
symbolic book representing the Bride of Christ
whereas the Book of Life is a symbolic book which
shows the overcomers for the new earth.
73REV. 2015
- And whosoever was not found written in the BOOK
OF LIFE was cast into the lake of fire.
74REV. 138
- And all that dwell upon the earth shall worship
him (the Beast) whose names are NOT written in
the BOOK OF LIFE OF THE LAMB slain from the
foundation of the world.
75REV. 2127
- And there shall in no wise enter into (that
city) any thing that defileth ... but they which
are written in the LAMB'S BOOK OF LIFE.
Great peace have they which love thy law
and nothing shall offend them. Ps 119165
77Scriptures in todays Bible Study on
Resurrections Heb 61-3 Scriptures Regarding the
soul - Isa 5310-12 Ezek 184,20 2Cor 521 Lu
1331-33 Mt 2636-38 Jesus ministry and the
spiritually dead 1Pt 318-20 Isa 426,7 Isa
611 Lu 416-21 John 524,25 What happened to the
Old testament saints? Heb 1122 Heb 1135-40 Job
1925-27 Isa 2619 Mt 811-12 John 1120-26 Mt
2750-53 The Baptism of the Holy Ghost- the
beginning of our 1st res. Rev 204-6 Phil
310-14 2Tim 46-8 1st Resurrection reward - Rev
69-11 1Thess 413-18 2 resurrections 2
rewards- 1Cor 1534-40 Rev 205 John 528,29 Fate
of those who do not overcome- Rev
2011-15 Conclusion 2 books for 2 different
people- Book of life Lambs book of life -
Rev 2015 book of life - Rev 138 (Book of
Life of the Lamb Lambs book of Life) Rev
2127 Lambs book of Life -