Title: Energy Efficient Buildings
1- Energy Efficient Buildings
- Buildings consume more energy and emit more GHGs
than other sectors - The link between buildings and transportation
energy consumption should not be ignored - Increased capital costs of energy efficient
buildings is usually off-set by benefits - National and state goals for buildings are carbon
neutrality by 2030 - LEED has steadily increased emphasis on energy
efficiency - LEED buildings are often not energy efficient and
do not meet design objectives - Post-construction monitoring of energy
performance is essential
2Energy Use By Sector
Source US EIA, Monthly Energy Review, 7/2008.
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4Iraqs Oil Production And Consumption, 1980-2004e
NOTE Production includes crude oil, lease
condensate, natural gas liquids, ethanol, and
refinery gain.
5Commercial Building Energy Use
- Depends on
- Building occupancy
- Location/ climate
- Orientation
6Incremental Costs and Benefits of LEED
Buildings(Capital E Analysis, 2003)
7Costs in California State Employee-Occupied
Office Buildings(Capital E, 2003)
8Architecture 2030 Challenge
- New buildings/major renovations meet 50 of
regional average fossil fuel, GHG-emitting, and
energy consumption - Equal amount of existing building area renovated
annually to 50 standard - Fossil fuel reduction goals for new buildings
gradually increased to carbon-neutral by 2030
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10LEED Encourages
- Integrated Design
- High Performance Lighting (more efficient lights,
task lighting, sensors to cut unnecessary
lighting, use of daylight harvesting) - Increased Ventilation Effectiveness
- Underflow Air Distribution Systems
- Commissioning
- Heat Island Reduction Measures
- On-site Electricity Generation
- Water Conservation
11LEED 2009 for New Construction and Major
12LEED 2009 Possible Points
- Sustainable Sites 26
- Water Efficiency 10
- Energy Atmosphere 35
- Materials Resources 14
- Indoor Environmental Quality 15
- Innovation in Design 6
- Regional Priority 4
- increase from 25-33 not possible now to get
Platinum w/o EA points
13Energy Atmosphere Prerequisites
- Commissioning of Building Energy Systems
- Minimum Energy Performance
- 10 improvement for new buildings
- 5 improvement for major renovations
- -compared to ASHRAE 90.1-2007
- appendix G or Advanced Energy Design
- Guideline for small offices (i.e. Hilliers
bldg.) - No CFCs
14Whole Building Energy Simulation (1-19 Points)
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