Title: Perception
2Perception is a process by which individuals
organize and interpret their sensory
impressions in order to give meaning to their
3Factors Influencing Perception
1.) Perceiver 2.) Target
3.) Situation
4Person Perception Making Judgments About
5 Attribution Theory Two Types of
Causes 1) Internal
2) External
6 Three Factors of the Attribution
Theory 1.) Distinctiveness
2.) Consensus 3.) Consistency
7Self Serving Bias
8Fundamental Attribution Error
9Shortcuts in Judging Others
- 1.) Selective Perception
- 2.) Halo Effect
- 3.) Contrast Effects
- 4.) Projection
- 5.) Stereotyping
10Specific Applications in Organizations
- 1.) Employment Interview
- 2.) Performance Expectations
- (Self Fulfilling Prophecy)
- 3.) Performance Evaluation
- 4.) Employee Effort
11Perception Individual decision Making
- 1 Top Managers
- Middle Lower level
- Non Managerial Employees
- Decision making in Organizations
- Rational Decision making
- Bounded Rationality
- Intuition
12Common Biases errors in Decision Making
- 1 Over Confidence Bias
- Anchoring Bias
- Confirmation Bias
- Availability Bias
- Escalation of commitment
- Randomness error
- Winners curse
- Hindsight Bias
13Influences on Decision Making Individual
Differences Organizational Constraints
- 1)Individual Differences
- - Personality
- - Gender
142) Organizational Constraints
- - Performance evaluation
- - Reward System
- - Formal Regulations
- - System - Imposed Time Constraints
- - Historical precedents
15Ethical Decision Making ?
- Ethical Decision Criteria
- Utilitarianism
- Rights
- Justice
- Improving Creativity in Decision making-