Title: Partners in Conservation
1Partners in Conservation
Training Module 3
2Partners in Conservation
Partners in Conservation
Purpose of Partnerships Skills and resources
needed for natural resource conservation cross
organizational boundaries Durable partnerships
that operate from shared information and
priorities, and align partner resources advance
common goals Essential and effective way to
broaden networks and extend Districts ability to
get conservation on the land
3Partners in Conservation
Partners in Conservation
Kinds of Partnerships Soil Water Conservation
Committee Municipal, State, and Federal
agencies Non-profits Academic Community Based
Organizations Business Sector Other Conservation
4Partners in Conservation
Soil Water Conservation Committee
State Committee Soil Water Conservation
District Law delegates responsibilities to the
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
5Partners in Conservation
State Committee
Responsibilities Offer assistance to District
directors in implementing their responsibilities
Keep Districts informed of the activities of
other Districts Facilitate an interchange of
advice and experience between the Districts
6Partners in Conservation
State Committee
Responsibilities Approve and coordinate the
programs of all Districts Secure the cooperation
and assistance of federal and state agencies to
further the work of Districts Formulate policies
and procedures for the extension of aid from
federal or state agencies to Districts
7Partners in Conservation
State Committee
Responsibilities Provide technical and
operational assistance to Districts Administer
the AEM framework and Ag NPS Programs for
District implementation
8Partners in Conservation
State Committee
Responsibilities Disseminate information
throughout the state concerning the activities
and programs of Districts Encourage the
formation of a District in areas where their
organization is desirable
9Partners in Conservation
State Committee
Under this arrangement Districts will Submit to
the SWCC an annual report and the regular and
special meeting minutes Notify the SWCC of the
time and place of regular and special
meetings Upon request, submit other documentation
and information
10Partners in Conservation
State Committee Advisory Members
Advisory Member Website
NYS Dept. of Agriculture Markets (DAM) www.agriculture.ny.gov
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) www.dec.ny.gov
NYS Dept. of Health (DOH) www.health.ny.gov
NYS Dept. of State (DOS) www.dos.ny.gov
USDA Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) www.nrcs.usda.gov
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) www.cce.cornell.edu
Cornell University (CU) www.cornell.edu
SUNY College of Environmental Science Forestry (ESF) www.esf.edu
NYS Conservation District Employees Association (CDEA) www.nyscdea.com
11Partners in Conservation
State Agencies
Section 1
Districts work with State Agencies For funding
opportunities For technical support To share
information from the local level
Section 3
Section 4
Section 5
12Partners in Conservation
State Agencies - DEC
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation Manage
the states natural resources Enforce natural
resource environmental regulations (protecting
wetlands surface water quality) Provide grants
for non-point source pollution control programs
on watershed basis under 319 watershed program
13Partners in Conservation
DEC Divisions Districts have most contact
with Division of Lands Forests assist and
administer grants to Districts for forestry
programs Division of Fish, Wildlife, Marine
Resources provide technical assistance to
Districts for establishing improved wildlife
habitat on private/public lands Division of
Water provide grants and technical assistance to
District for water quality projects
14Partners in Conservation
State Agencies - DOS
NYS Department of State Work with communities on
watershed planning and Ecological Based
Management (EBM) Provide watershed planning
grants to towns, villages, counties - Districts
partner with municipalities on watershed planning
efforts Provide grants to implement EBM projects
- Districts partner with eligible entities to
carryout projects
15Partners in Conservation
State Agencies - SHPO
NYS Office of Parks, Recreation Historic
Preservation - State Historic Preservation
Office Helps communities identify, evaluate,
preserve, revitalize their historic,
archeological, cultural resources Oversee
Environmental Reviews to protect NYs historic
cultural resources from potential impacts under
National NYS Historic Preservation Acts, and
State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR)
16Partners in Conservation
Federal Agencies
Section 1
Federal Agencies Districts may work with USDA
Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS) USDA
Farm Service Agency (FSA) USDA Forest Service
(FS) Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) US
Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) US Army Corps of
Engineers (USACE)
Section 2
Section 4
Section 5
17Partners in Conservation
Natural Resource Conservation Service Help
implement local solutions that sustain and
improve natural resources thru partnerships in
planning and implementing conservation
systems Offer voluntary incentive based programs
for privately owned lands Cooperative Working
Agreements allow Districts NRCS to share
technical services
18Partners in Conservation
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA)
Farm Service Agency Stabilize farm income Help
farmers conserve land and water resources Provide
credit to new or disadvantaged farmers Help farms
recover from the effects of disaster Administer
19Partners in Conservation
Federal Agencies
USDA Forest Service (FS) Manage national forests
provide technical financial assistance for
forestry Environmental Protection Agency
(EPA) Protect human health and the environment
US Fish Wildlife Service (FWS) Conserve,
protect, and enhance fish, wildlife, and plants
and their habitats
20Partners in Conservation
US Army Corps of Engineers
USACE Development and management of water
resources infrastructure Protection, restoration,
and management of environmental resources
Disaster response and recover Regulate
activities in the nations waters and issue
permits related to waters of the US
21Partners in Conservation
Non-profit Organizations
Section 1
Districts work with non-profits NY Association
of Conservation Districts (NYACD) National
Association of Conservation Districts (NACD)
Section 2
Section 3
Section 5
22Partners in Conservation
NY Association of Conservation Districts
NYACD Established in 1958 to represent the
interests of provide services to NYs 58
Conservation Districts A nonprofit corporation
with IRS 501(c)3 status Governed by 8 board
members representing 8 Divisions by geographic
regions, plus 6 officers Board members are
District Directors who represent their respective
23Partners in Conservation
NY Association of Conservation Districts
NYACD Provides advocacy and representation on
behalf of District programs Works with
legislators and interest groups towards the
betterment of NYs natural resource
programs Coordinates with NACD to inform the
public, Congress, USDA of natural resource
concerns Provides Districts training programs
and forums to discuss issues of mutual concern
24Partners in Conservation
National Association of Conservation Districts
NACD Established in 1946 as the voice for natural
resource conservation at the national level A
nonprofit corporation with IRS 501(c)3 status
supported by member dues and based in Washington
D.C. Represent the interests of 3,000
conservation districts in all 50 states and US
territories to Congress, federal agencies,
environmental groups
25Partners in Conservation
Other Partners
Section 1
Types of other partners Associations Academic
Community Based Organizations Business Sector
and Corporate
Section 2
Section 3
Section 4
26Partners in Conservation
Associations - CDEA
NY Conservation District Employees
Association Established in 1975 to support the
employees of NYs 58 Conservation Districts
Governed by Board of Directors made up of 1
District employee from each region 4
officers Create and foster opportunities for
employee networking, professional development,
and District outreach and promotion Provide
representation to partners
27Partners in Conservation
Federation RCD
NY Resource Conservation Development 8 RCD
Councils across NYS Provide local leadership
coordination for projects devoted to
environmental conservation, community
improvement, economic development, the wise use
of natural resources Administer grant projects
in collaboration with Conservation Districts and
other groups
28Partners in Conservation
Academic Partners
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) Extension
Agents are located in every county Provides local
experts in agronomy, horticulture, home
economics, etc. Assist Districts in
demonstrations, education programs, and serve as
another source for technical information
29Partners in Conservation
Academic Partners
Cornell University Research Scientific
Literature Institute for Climate Change
Agriculture - reduce Ag related impacts on the
climate help farmers be climate resilient
Resources Tools Adapt-N nitrogen
application software Cornell Soil Health Test
physical, biological, chemical components of
soil health
30Partners in Conservation
Community Based Organizations
Districts interact with many organizations that
can be a source of funding, resources, and
program support including Trout Unlimited Ducks
Unlimited Nature Conservancy Wildlife
Groups Lake Associations Land Conservancies
31Partners in Conservation
Corporate Partners
Private Businesses Corporate Partners Provide
sponsorship to District programs Donate time and
materials to District projects Can bring
additional resources and expertise to the table
32Partners in Conservation
Additional Resources
Resource Available Where to Find It
Cornell Cooperative Extension (CCE) www.cce.cornell.edu
Cornell University www.cornell.edu
College of Agriculture and Life Sciences (CALS) www.cals.cornell.edu
Ducks Unlimited www.ducks.org
Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) www.epa.gov
Local Soil Water Conservation Districts www.nys-soilandwater.org/contacts/county_offices.html
Lower Hudson Coalition of Conservation Districts www.lhccd.net
National Association of Conservation Districts (NACD) www.nacdnet.org
New England Interstate Water Pollution Control Commission (NEIWPCC) www.neiwpcc.org
NY Association of Conservation Districts (NYACD) www.nyacd.org
New York Farm Bureau www.nyfb.org
NYS Conservation District Employees Association (CDEA) www.nyscdea.com
33Partners in Conservation
Additional Resources
Resource Available Where to Find It
NYS Dept. of Agriculture Markets (DAM) www.agriculture.ny.gov
NYS Dept. of Environmental Conservation (DEC) www.dec.ny.gov
NYS DEC Division of Fish, Wildlife, Marine Resources www.dec.ny.gov/about/634.html
NYS DEC Division of Lands Forests www.dec.ny.gov/about/650.html
NYS DEC Division of Water www.dec.ny.gov/about/661.html
NYS Dept. of Health (DOH) www.health.ny.gov
NYS Dept. of State (DOS) www.dos.ny.gov
NYS Soil Water Conservation Committee (SWCC) www.nys-soilandwater.org
Resource Conservation Development Area Councils (RCD) www.nyrcd.org
State Historic Preservation Office (SHPO) www.nysparks.com/shpo
SUNY College of Environmental Science Forestry (ESF) www.esf.edu
The Nature Conservancy www.nature.org
Trout Unlimited www.tu.org
34Partners in Conservation
Additional Resources
Resource Available Where to Find It
Upper Susquehanna Coalition www.u-s-c.org
USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) www.fsa.usda.gov
USDA Forest Service (FS) www.fs.fed.us
USDA Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) www.nrcs.usda.gov
USDA Rural Development (RD) www.rurdev.usda.gov/Home
US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) www.usace.army.mil
US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) www.fws.gov