Title: Shared Memory
1Shared Memory Consistency of Shared Variables
- The ideal picture of
- shared memory
The actual architecture of shared memory systems
2The Million s QuestionHow/When Does One
ProcessRead Other Processs Writes?
Assumption Initial value of shared variables is
always 0.
Why is this a question? Because temporal order
relations like before/after do not necessarily
hold in a distributed system.
3Non-Atomic writes/reads(also called loads/stores)
- A read by Pi is considered performed with
respect to Pk at a point in time when the issuing
of a write to the same address by Pk cannot
affect the value returned by the read. - A write by Pi is considered performed with
respect to Pk at a point in time when an issued
read to the same address by Pk returns the value
defined by this write (or a subsequent write to
the same location). - An access is performed when it is performed with
respect to all processors. - A read is globally performed if it is performed
and if the write that is the source of the
returned value has been performed. - In what follows, we will think of atomic
read/write but these definitions can be used to
4Why Memory Model?
Answers the question Which writes by a process
are seen by which reads of the other processes?
5Memory Consistency Models
Pi R V W V,7 R V R V Pj R V W V,13 R V R V
Example program
A consistency/memory model is an agreement
between the execution environment (H/W, OS,
middleware) and the processes. Runtime guarantees
to the application certain properties on the way
values written to shared variables become visible
to reads. This determines the memory model,
whats valid, whats not.
6Memory Model Coherence
- Coherence is the memory model in which (the
runtime guarantees to the program that) writes
performed by the processes for every specific
variable are viewed by all processes in the same
full order.
Example program
All valid executions under Coherence
Note the view of a process consists of the
values it sees in its reads, and the writes it
performs. Thus, if a R V in P which is later than
a W V,x in P sees a value different than x, then
a later R V cannot see x.
7Formal definition of Coherence
- Program Order The order in which instructions
appear in each process. This is a partial order
on all the instructions in the program. - A serialization A full order on all the
instructions (reads/writes) of all the processes,
which is consistent with the program order. - A legal serialization A serialization in which
each read X returns the value written by the
latest write X in the full order. - Let P be a program let PX be the sub-program
of P which contains all the read X/write X
operations on X only. - Coherence P is said to be coherent if for every
variable X there exists a legal serialization of
PX. (Note a process cannot distinguish one such
serialization from another for a given execution)
Process 2 read y,1 write x,1
Process 2 read y,1 write x,1
Coherent. Serializations x write x,1, read
x,1 y write y,1, read y,1
Process 1 read x,1 write x,2
Process 2 read x,2 write x,1
Not Coherent. Cycle of dependencies. Cannot be
Not Coherent. Cannot be serialized.
9Sequential Consistency Lamport 1979
- Sequential Consistency is the memory model in
which all reads/writes performed by the processes
are viewed by all processes in the same full
Coherent. Not Sequentially consistent.
Coherent. Not Sequentially consistent.
10Strict (Strong) Memory Models
Sequential Consistency Given an execution, there
exists an order of reads/writes which is
consistent with all program orders.
Coherence For any variable x, there exists an
order of read x/write x consistent with all p.o.s.
11Formal definition of Sequential Consistency
- Let P be a program.
- Sequential Consistency P is said to be
sequentially consistent if there exists a legal
serialization of all reads/writes in P.
Observation Every program which is sequentially
consistent is also coherent. Conclusion Sequentia
l Consistency has stronger requirements and we
thus say that it is stronger than Coherence. In
general A consistency model A is said to be
(strictly) stronger than B if all executions
which are valid under A are also valid under B.
12The problem of strong consistency models
- The runtime system should ensure the existence of
legal serialization, and the same consistent view
for all processes. - This requires lots of expensive coordination ?
degrades performance!
SC Hardware cannot reorder locally in each
thread for this will result in a possible
printing 1,1. HW may reorder anyway and postpone
writes, but then why reorder in the first place?
13Coherence Forbids Reordering
q.x is aliased to p.x. Reordering may make
assignment to B early (seeing 0) and that to A
late (seeing 1). The right thread see order of
writes different from left thread.
- Once thread sees an update cannot forget it
has seen it. - Cannot reorder two reads of the same memory
14Coherence makes reads preventcommon compiler
15Causal Consistency
- If event B is caused or influenced by an earlier
event A, Causal Consistency requires that all the
processes first see A, then see B. - Causally related events Events A and B are
causally related if A causes or influences B. - Concurrent events Events A and B are
concurrent/independent if they are not causally
related. - Formally
- Write After Read When a Read(x) operation is
followed in program order by a Write(y)
operation, then the two events are potentially
causally related. - Read After Write A Read(x) operation is
potentially causally related to the Write(x)
operation that provided the value of x that the
Read returned (wlog we assume different values
written by different writes). - Write After Write A Write operation is
potentially causally related to any previous
Write operation on the same program order
(because some intermediate read could have read
the previous written value and influence the next
written value). - Transitive closure when there is a C so A is
potentially causally related to C and C is
potentially causally related to B then A is
potentially causally related to B. - Casual Consistency An execution is said to be
legal under causal consistency if Writes that are
potentially casually related are seen by all
processes in the same order. Concurrent writes
may be seen/read in a different order on
different machines.
16Example Causally Consistent
P1 W1(x),1 W1(x),3
P2 R2(x),1 W2(x),2
P3 R3(x),1 R3(x),3 R3(x),2
P4 R4(x),1 R4(x),2 R4(x),3
- W2(x),2 and W1(x),3 are concurrent events (so it
is not required that all - processes see them in the same order).
- The only writes that are potentially causally
related are W1(x),1 and W2(x),2. - The above sequence of events is Causally
Consistent but not Sequentially - Consistent (the readings of P3 R3(x),3
and R3(x),2 are not allowed in a - sequentially consistent memory model).
17Example Causally Inconsistent
P1 W1(x),1
P2 R2(x),1 W2(x),2
P3 R3(x),2 R3(x),1
P4 R4(x),1 R4(x),2
- W2(x),2 is potentially causally related to
W1(x),1 (because the writing of 2 - may result from the value read by
R2(x),1). - Since the two writes are potentially causally
related all processes must see - them in the same order, however, P3 and
P4 see them in a different order.
18Example Causally Consistent
P1 W1(x),1
P2 W2(x),2
P3 R3(x),2 R3(x),1
P4 R4(x),1 R4(x),2
- W2(x),2 and W1(x),1 are concurrent events (the
read R2(x),1 was removed). - Since the two writes are concurrent they may be
seen in a different order by - different processes.