The 7 Sacraments of the Coptic Church - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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The 7 Sacraments of the Coptic Church


The 7 Sacraments of the Coptic Church 1- Baptism – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: The 7 Sacraments of the Coptic Church

The 7 Sacraments of the Coptic Church
  • 1- Baptism

What is a Baptism?
  • Baptism is the divine Adoption of us by God, who
    adopt us to share His Kingdom and his life
  • Baptism is our own Easter the old sinful nature
    is drowned, when we rise from the waters, we rise
    to a new life with Christ.
  • Baptism is God claiming us as his property
  • Baptism is our new birth. It is the creation of
    the new man in Christ

  • Baptism is to be clothed with Christs strength.
    (Galatians 326,27)
  • Baptism is Gods love announcing you are Mine you
    belong to Me forever
  • Baptism is Gods breathing into us the breath of
    His life and become a member of His Family
  • Baptism is the transition from the world that is
    under the power of the evil one to the world that
    has been redeemed by Christ.
  • Baptism is a journey, the beginning of a life
    long walk with our Lord Jesus Christ.

  • Baptism is the boundary line between the Old
    Testament where St. John the Baptist is its end,
    and the New Testament where Jesus Christ is the
    beginning of it.
  • Through baptism God granted us the privilege of
    addressing Him as OUR FATHER WHO ART IN
    HEAVEN..., listen to what St. John said See
    what love the Father Has given us that we should
    called children of God (1 JHON 31)

  • It is from the Greek word BAPTIZO, which means
    to IMMERSE something / someone totally in water.

Baptism Symbols in the Old Testament
  • Noahs Ark Genesis 76- 81-20 and 1Peter
  • Exodus from Egypt The waters of the Red Sea
    became the door and the way leading the chosen
    people to the new life. Exodus 1415-
  • Neman the Syrian 2 Kings 51-14
  • The three Holy Youth Daniel 313-28 and
    Matthew 311

The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus
  • John the Baptist began his ministry of preparing
    the way for the messiah by a baptism of
    repentance in the waters of the Jordan River.
  • Jesus begins His ministry on Epiphany by stepping
    into the waters of the Jordan River to be
  • He was the only one who was without sin and did
    not need to be baptized. But He did so to save
    us, to identify Himself with us, to show us the
    great importance of baptism for our salvation.

  • Jesus baptism by John illustrates how He tools
    the sins of humanity upon Himself. Jesus
    fulfilled the prophecies of Isaiah He was
    pierced through with our faults crushed for our
    sins .Yahweh burdened Him with the sins of all
    of us (Isaiah 535-6) St. Paul wrote For our
    sake God made the sinless one into sin, so that
    in Him we might become the goodness of God (2

  • It was our sins that Jesus carried into the
    water. He was baptized not because He needed to
    be cleansed but because we needed to be cleansed.
    He did not hold Himself away from our sinfulness
    but went down into the waters with us so that we
    might rise from the waters of baptism to a new

Why do we baptize Infants?
  • It shows that God love us and accept us before we
    can even know or love Him. It shows that we are
    wanted and loved by God from the very first
    moment of our life.
  • We bring infants to baptism not because they
    believe but in order to plant the faith on them.
    Baptism is like the planting of the seed of faith
    in the human soul. Nourished and fed by Christian
    training in the family and in the Churchs
    school, the seed of faith will grow to produce a
    mature Christian.
  • Early Christians baptized entire families
    including children. Thus infant baptism continues
    to be practiced in the Orthodox Church today as
    it was in the early Apostolic Church. Please
    read Acts 1114-16, 1631-33 188

Who instituted this Sacrament?
  • Our Lord Jesus Christ instituted this sacrament
    by being baptized by John the Baptism in the
    Jordan River. Matthew 313-16
  • After The Resurrection, the Lord assured to His
    disciples to baptize who believes in Him when He
    said, Go therefore and make disciples of all the
    nations, baptizing them in the name of the
    Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
    (Matthew 2819)

Baptism by Immersion (Why Immersion?)
  • Baptism symbolizes death and resurrection with
    Christ. St. Paul says Or do you know that as
    many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus
    were baptized into His DEATH? Therefore we were
    BURIED with Him through Baptism into DEATH, that
    just as Christ was raised from dead by the glory
    of the Father, even so we also should walk in
    newness of life. (Romans 63-4).

Rites of the Sacrament of Baptism
  • The rite of this sacrament was written around
    year 350 A.D. By Bishop Serapion of EMATY AL-
    AMDEED in North EGYPT, who was a friend of St.
    Anthony and Pope Athanasius. The rite of the
    Baptism Sacrament contains 4 major Parts

  • Mothers Absolution
  • Renouncing Satan and Reciting the Orthodox Creed
  • Liturgy of Baptism
  • Baptism and Discharge the Baptismal water

Mothers Absolution
  • It signifies permission to receive the Holy
    Communion after the period of giving birth. It
    consists of Lords prayer Thanksgiving prayer
    Pauline and Psalm of Gospel the priest anoints
    the mother by a holy oil.

Renouncing Satan and Reciting the Orthodox Creed
  • Renouncing Satan is done facing the West Sunset
    when the sun disappears and was regarded by the
    Ancient Creeks as the place of the gates of
    Hades. The priest calls the sponsor (usually the
    mother) if other relative, he/she has to be a
    Coptic orthodox to renounce Satan, all his
    works, and all his children,
  • then the priest faces and the sponsor who
    carries the infant face the east where the
    sunlight rises and asks the sponsor to accept
    Christ, who is the light of the world.
    Renunciation of Satan and accepting unity with
    Christ express our faith that the newly. Baptized
    has been transferred from Satan to Christ, i.e.
    from death to life.

Liturgy of Baptism
  • Similar to the Liturgy of Eucharist. It includes
    the Thanksgiving prayer, readings from the
    Pauline and Catholic Epistles, the book of Acts,
    from the Psalms and Gospels. Then the Litanies
    are said, followed by an inaudible prayer said by
    the priest while kneeling before the Baptismal
    Font. The prayer is very moving and spiritual.
    Send Your power from on High and help me to
    perform the service of this great heavenly
    Sacrament, and may Christ be imaged in those
    granted the anointment of the new Baptism from
    me. Build them on the foundation of the Apostles
    and prophets that they may never perish. Implant
    within them truth in Your One Holy, Universal and
    Apostolic Church to progress in Worshipping You

Baptism and Discharge the Baptismal water
  • The priest holds the infant from his hands and
    feet then immerses him/her in the baptismal water
    3-times as Jesus stayed in the tomb 3-days. Also,
    the triple immersion symbolizes the Holy Trinity
    since the baptismal formula used in the Orthodox
    Church In the Name of the Father, and of the
    Son, and of the Holy Spirit (Matthew 2819)
  • If the priest wants to discharge the Baptismal
    water after Baptism, he washes his hands with
    some water to clear what clings to them from the
    Myron oil, then washes around the Baptismal font
    what was sprinkled from the Baptismal water that
    is contained some Myron, and pours it into the
    font. Then he opens the plug below the Baptismal
    font so all the water trickles into the reservoir
    in the ground. Thus the Baptismal rite ends.

Baptismal Candle
  • Baptism is the Sacrament of entrance into light.
    It opens the eyes of the soul to see Christ, The
    Light of the world (John 119). It makes us
    Sons of the Light (1 Thess. 55). In the early
    church the Baptismal Candle was always kept by
    the baptized person. It was given to him with the
    Scriptural admonition Let your light so shine
    before men, that they may see your good works and
    give glory to your Father Who is in Heave
    (Matthew 516)
  • The Baptismal Candle was brought to Church on
    feast days, on the baptismal anniversary and for
    the mid-night Easter Liturgy. In any Church
    Personal Occasion as marriage, ordinations,
    funerals, the people or their families bring the
    baptismal candle and lighten it in those
  • The Baptismal Candle was a constant reminder for
    the Christian to live and die by the light of
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