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Shelf One of My cosmological pantry The background to my Awareness model of physics This is Shelf One of four shelves that I intend to eventually post on my ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Shelf One of

Shelf One of My cosmological pantry The
background to my Awareness model of physics This
is Shelf One of four shelves that I intend to
eventually post on my website. Because Shelf Four
will require significant outside assistance for
me to assemble and explain the phenomena
discussed in it, I have decided to post the first
three shelves only. Each shelf is a separate
blog. Shelf One (this blog) deals principally
with the background relating to my Awareness
model of physics and also to a number of new
ideas which I raise for professional physicists
to consider as well. Shelf Two is about the
practicalities of my Awareness model in terms of
what I consider to be the most important area of
discussion. This discussion includes how the
model is pieced together, as well as the
mechanisms through which it functions. Shelf
Three is about sharing with you the particular
nature of the Awareness model with two other
reality models. They are the Process Physics
model and the Bohm Implicit Order model.
Very important notice I assume you have had the
opportunity to peruse my blog 4U today 20. If
you have not, please do so, otherwise you may
find the following slide presentation quite
puzzling. I think you will find the section
entitled Introduction to the realness of time
file (C) onwards of most value. This includes the
pdf file that follows immediately thereafter also
titled In the realness of time file (D).
Things I think you need to know 1 I am not a
professional scientist. I consider myself to be
an amateur noetic scientist who works principally
by intuition. 2 My sole interest is in physical
phenomena that occur below the quantum (Planck)
level and the philosophical ideas related
thereto. 3 I believe there is room for both
non-local and metaphysical ideas in
physics. 4 I write purely from a secular
perspective, even if it appears that I am
expressing ideas otherwise. 5 When I talk about
the phenomena of reality, I mean every
conceivable aspect of what things are and why
they work, not how they work. 6 I see the
Relativity model of physics as being ambiguous
because it seems to me to make a serious attempt
to describe reality. 7 I subscribe to the
British Science Councils definition of science,
which is Science is the pursuit of knowledge
and understanding of the natural and social world
following a systematic methodology based on
evidence. 8 I have three dedicated supporters
and helpers with all aspects of my writing,
including the scientific parts. Without their
help none of my work would have been created and
assembled in the first place.
The essential nature of my Awareness model My
Awareness model seeks to prove nothing. It is an
all inclusive model that has been designed to
attempt to incorporate all phenomena. These
include phenomena prior to the Big Bang,
Dimensions, 3D space foam, 3D (relativity) time,
timelessness and all processes that may be linked
thereto. I have developed six tools to conduct
this task, and all phenomena are described as
being facilitated information that form patterns
that mean something. I described a timeless
fourth dimension as being the imaginary dimension
from which all cosmic phenomena emerged
furthermore 3D space foam was once in a virtual
(imaginary) state therein and allied to that of a
bulk as hypothesized in M-theory (string theory).
I see my Awareness model of physics as being
amongst others that probe into the deepest
(primordial) levels of physics.
I believe mathematics is the single cosmic
language attributable to phenomena, whether it be
prior to the Big Bang, after the Big Bang or
something simple such as the miniscule amount of
energy I am utilizing as I write the words to
this slide. Furthermore, I believe the first
event that ever took place (facilitated) in
secular reality had its own unique value and can
be identified and described as such. I also
believe the essential construct of mathematics
was an evolutionary process since the beginning
of primordial time, and that it sits quite
comfortably in both 3D relative time and the
phenomenon I refer to as timeless primordial
time. I see the diagram below (derived from E8
mathematical theory by Lisi) as being
representative of this claim, as is the existence
of transcendental mathematics that is capable of
probing into the deepest level of reality.
  • I believe there are numerous hidden mysteries
    within the cosmos. One of these mysteries is the
    scientific phenomenon of the EPR paradox. Readers
    may have found the place where I have (with
    Grant) taken a two pronged approach in explaining
    why I feel such a paradox is not likely to be a
    paradox at all. My Awareness model of physics has
    been a useful tool in supporting this claim.
  • Many scientists and lay persons are skeptical
    about the notion that there is a fourth
    dimension. I have discussed this phenomenon at
    various levels in my writings, and these include
    the possible circumstances under which it came
    into being in the first place. Albert Einstein
    not only believed in the existence of a fourth
    dimension, but he also believed such a dimension
    is where he would spend his afterlife. The
    following quotation supports my position.
  • Einstein believed there is a four dimensional
  • Quote
  • Since there exists in this four dimensional
    structure (space-time) no longer any sections
    which represent now objectively, the concepts
    of happening and becoming are indeed not
    completely suspended, but yet complicated. It
    appears therefore more natural to think of
    physical reality as a four dimensional existence,
    instead of, as hitherto, the evolution of a three
    dimensional existence. Einstein
  • http//

? JF 2013
It is not only Albert Einstein who believes in a
fourth dimension. Mathematicians have been
studying the concept of a fourth dimension since
the early part of the nineteenth century. I
support this statement as follows. Quote
The possibility of spaces with dimensions higher
than three was first studied by mathematicians in
the 19th century. In 1827 Möbius realized that a
fourth dimension would allow a three-dimensional
form to be rotated onto its mirror-image,1 and
by 1853 Ludwig Schläfli had discovered many
polytopes in higher dimensions, although his work
was not published until after his death.2
Higher dimensions were soon put on firm footing
by Bernhard Riemanns 1854 Habilitationsschrift,
Über die Hypothesen welche der Geometrie zu
Grunde liegen, in which he considered a point
to be any sequence of coordinates (x1, , xn).
The possibility of geometry in higher dimensions,
including four dimensions in particular, was thus
established http//
Fuzzy things seem to be happening in the pre-Big
Bang period. In my Awareness model, I suggest
there is a describable boundary between 3D space
and my concept of a fourth dimension. I further
suggest that around this boundary there is a
continuum of fuzzy activity going on. I state it
is within this environment that wave particle
activity is occurring (virtual activity) and it
is in this area many other mysteries of
cosmological science originate. A NASA photograph
allegedly taken of a time before the Big Bang
period suggests this is a reliable statement as
does a separate source derived from a German
newspaper within the last two years.
  • Good science suggests the existence of a pre-Big
    Bang era
  • This quote is from a German newspaper supports
    this position
  • The idea is that all being began in the realm
    of the microcosm. According to the wondrous laws
    of quantum physics, even a vacuum isn't entirely
    empty. Ghost like particles are constantly
    forming and then disappearing again
  • "The idea that everything began with the big bang
    is no longer entirely convincing," says Jean-Luc
    Lehners, a researcher at the Max Planck Institute
    for Gravitational Physics in Potsdam, just
    outside Berlin. "There are many indications that
    there was a before
  • http//
  • universe-a-888355.html

? JF 2013
Have you ever noticed some sort of mysterious
symmetry in the pattern of petals of flowers? If
you have not discovered this, you may not have
realized this symmetry exists. It can be seen to
be akin to many other forms of phenomena. These
include ourselves as well as cosmology. This
phenomenon is called fractals. I have also
written a blog about this cosmic feature in my
website titled Why chaos is not chaos at all?
It is well illustrated. The quote below also
supports my beliefs in this area. If you have
never noticed a fractal pattern in a flower head
before, you will probably find this sunflower
head interesting.
  • The whole universe is fractal
  • Quote
  • Our tests show that the Universe never becomes
    homogeneous in the available galaxy samples.
    Says Sylos Labini, who began his work while in
    Pietroneros team. It remains hierarchically
    clustered. It remains fractal.
  • I postulate all of reality is of a fractal in
    nature. This means across all dimensions and
    universes, whether scientifically identifiable,
    suspected or not.
  • http//

? JF 2013
To the heart of my chatter I have just shared
some mystery stories about not only science, but
also those within my Awareness model. I have
shared these few stories in Shelf One of this
series because I feel it is very important for
you to understand that the whole of my work is
abstract in its own right. I am not alone in
thinking and writing in the philosophical manner
I do. The matter that I feel you should most
attempt to understand is that I feel it is the
scientific phenomena occurring in the mysterious
world below the Planck level are more important
than those phenomena occurring in the quantum
level above it. I feel if scientists ever hope to
understand big picture reality of everything,
then it is appropriate that they give it far more
serious attention than they have over the last
few decades. The mysterious sub-Planck level is
where I think all the inert information and
knowledge lies tucked away in order to be better
scientifically understand the here and now.
Furthermore I believe scientists would be able
to make more accurate standard model quantum
mechanics predictions there from. I have
nominated this sub-quantum environment as being
fine quantum entangled. I think the words I have
coined aptly describe exactly where I am coming
from with my amateur scientific ideas. The
information and knowledge to better understand
reality is already out there, waiting to be
discovered and understood. I see this information
as being facilitated in blobs and patterns of
blobs. I see each blob and each pattern of
information containing many mysteries in its own
right. However, at the end of the da I feel there
is a deep hidden meaning in it, and this is a
secular meaning. This is also a scientific
meaning. This is why I have inserted the
following quotation. The words reflect some of
the ideas of the greatest minds in 20th century
science. Keep in mind the last line related to
undetectable macroscopic objects that defy being
understood by relativistic quantum mechanics. In
my Awareness model (via the medium of fine
quantum entanglement) I include phenomena like
consciousness, thought, instinct and Sheldrakes
morphic field theory as well. All the remaining
slides in this Shelf provide an entrée into Shelf
number Two. The invisible also has its own life
and individual momentum Through the work of
Max Planck, Albert Einstein, Louis de Broglie,
Arthur Compton, Niels Bohr, and many others,
current scientific theory holds that all
particles also have a wave nature (and vice
versa).1 This phenomenon has been verified not
only for elementary particles, but also for
compound particles like atoms and even molecules.
In fact, according to traditional formulations of
non-relativistic quantum mechanics, waveparticle
duality applies to all objects, even macroscopic
ones but because of their small wavelengths, the
wave properties of macroscopic objects cannot be
detected.2 http//
A special talk about blobs of information and
knowledge I will now begin to share with you the
multiple blobs of information and knowledge that
I feel mean something very, very special. You can
make of the illustration below whatever you may
choose. I have chosen the word NOW (noun)
because it is the only word in the English
language that aptly describes my concept of the
beginning of reality. If you can imagine this
image as having just thought something, and then
thought something else, and beyond something
else you will understand the origins of my
Awareness model perfectly. Furthermore, readers
who have read about the psychology behind the
story of Pavlovs dog will also understand why I
have nominated the beginning of reality as being
Pavlov - NOW. I described the beginning of
reality as a single thought facilitating further
thoughts. I will explain this phenomenon further
in Shelf Two.
The first step in beginning to understand the
fundamental characteristics of my Awareness model
of physics. Some readers may elect to sidestep
this slide altogether. I strongly urge you not
to! It is an extract from my 2011 thesis. At that
time, I was writing about the beginning of a
reality that I nominated as being nothing. My
views today are pretty well the same as what they
were then. However, I now refer to nothing as
being simply aware, primordially aware. (I also
call this phenomenon primordial reality). The
item I wrote for my 2011 paper was designed to be
read by laypersons as a lead in to my abstract
wider message as a whole. It is for the same
reason that I suggest the readers of this slide
do so as well. The article also refers to three
of the principal tools I have just referred to in
terms of understanding my views about the whole
of reality. I quote
You know what a passion fruit is. It has a firm
wrinkly skin. Its contents are both a multitude
of seeds and thick honey-like fluid. Both are
intertwined. Both remain independent of each
other for different reasons. Then ask yourself,
where did the passion fruit come from? The
obvious answer is from a bush somewhere. Then ask
exactly from where?. Unless you picked it
yourself you could not answer that question. But
you would have to agree it did have an origin
somewhere. You would also have to agree its
origin was not only unknown, but also you would
not be aware if the bush it came from had
accidentally been poisoned several days earlier,
and/or if it had been urinated upon by a passing
dog. So you see the simple single passion fruit
is beginning to build a history around itself in
its own right. In my essay I have nominated all
similar events, just described, as
possibilities. In turn I have nominated these
possibilities to be IFs, that is, events that
come together to finally manifest themselves into
something like a simple passion fruit. Back to
the single passion fruit. We would all agree that
it grew from a bush, despite the fact we do not
know exactly where the bush it was located. So it
grew from something we have nominated as being a
passion fruit bush, but before we named it
passion fruit it was merely a fruit bearing
bush with no attached name for immediate
identifiable reference. So it was just it, the
bush. That it was a processor of fruit. Some
fruit withered and were rendered tasteless,
others, because of lack of sun were undersized,
some were sun scorched. So this single bush
created not only fruit of a type but also
variations of a type. Because the passion fruit
bush has not yet been named, let us give it a
name and call it simply, IT. By this it is
implied that IT is a processor of something,
which we later called a passion fruit bush. So
this means the processor had not only a primary
function to create and ripen passion fruit, but
also non standard blemished fruit as well.
Where am I going with this metaphor? Firstly I
seek to get you accustomed to the concept of
possibilities. Within my work you will find
reference to endless possibilities. To me they
are the core components of all things, including
you and me! Please let me remind you, I
repeatedly refer to these possibilities as IFs. I
have shared with you the notion of IT, IT is the
processor. In my essay I refer to IT as being the
process computer of all things, and just as the
analogy with the passion fruit, it creates (from
possibilities IFs) all that has ever been, is and
will ever be. I describe this self-perpetuating
process in great detail in my work. I describe
the link between both. I call them symbolic bar
codes. As a reminder to the underlying message of
the presentation this phenomenon includes all
thought processes and associated behaviour. I
hypothesise that it also embraces awareness. And
finally, if we have an IT processing something
from limitless universal IFs, what exactly, are
these somethings? How do we identify and then
name them, just as we just did with the passion
fruit bush. We tagged the single bush IT to be a
passion fruit bush. So instantly a bush had a
specific image, and for all time, a bar code type
of identity. In practical terms this has meant a
somewhat nebulous fruit-bearing bush has become
something that is specifically a passion fruit
bush. This is an item (process) which stands
alone. In our culture it has a firm identity. In
this instance the bush is a passion fruit bush.
It is real in its own right. Why? Because simply
it is! We have named it as so. Accordingly I have
nominated all such manifestations as IS. In my
essay I regularly refer to the identifiable
manifestation IS. It is the icon that is the
tangible (identifiable or manifested) member of
the IT, IS, IF trio. The other two (IT and IF)
are highly abstract. However, if you continually
refer back to the humble passion fruit you should
cope reasonably well with the concept. And, just
as a foot note, remember the humble seeds
floating in honey within the original passion
fruit we were discussing? How would you determine
that event? Surely it would have to be that the
seeds are all possibilities for all manner of
other possibilities. For the present lets leave
it at that. If you do not have the gist of things
thus far you will struggle as the rest of the
work unfolds. I recommend all readers to read
through to the end of the Introduction, and
before proceeding, return to review the humble
passion fruit analogy.
An example of fine quantum entanglement in
everyday life This is another extract from my
2011 work. At the time I was attempting to
demonstrate to my readers the hierarchical nature
of events that occur in everyday living. At the
time, I was implying that a similar hierarchy
exists in all of the realm of nothing (reality)
as I describe it today. I also suggested at the
time that mathematical values could be assigned
to each event as though they were barcodes on an
item of groceries. I suggest that if you care to
better understand my contemporary beliefs about
the interconnected nature of information via the
medium of blobs and patterns of blobs, you will
find this extract to be of value as you peruse
both Shelves Two and Three of My cosmological
An introduction to connectedness and
structure Football is probably pretty common
stuff to all sports lovers. Lets add a little
theatre to a match and see where that leads us.
Imagine Port Power was at the MCG playing Geelong
in a grand final. There are ninety thousand
attending and the match is well covered by both
television and radio. Geelong comes on to the
oval first. The crowds are cheering or booing in
a seemingly orchestrated frenzy. Port Power
commence running onto the oval but to everyones
shock and surprise, although they are all wearing
their normal colours, all have black hood masks
on their heads with eye slots. Not only that, but
one player is wearing bright pink shorts. He
wears jersey number eleven. Otherwise, all
players are unidentifiable (for the sake of the
argument, forget spectators would mostly know who
number eleven was anyway). The Power line up
adjacent to the Geelong team. The crowd is
booing, laughing, clapping, and throwing rubbish
on to the oval and are expressing mixed feelings.
The media are in a frenzy of disbelief, as is
their audience. So is team management, as is oval
management. The Power team stand rigidly still
for around forty seconds. The umpire moves
forward demanding to know who, is, their team
captain. No one immediately owns up but at the
sixty second mark all take their hood masks off
in unison. It was only at that point that the
umpire and crowd knew who is wearing the pink
shorts. By this stage the stadium crowd is mostly
laughing and clapping as they begin to realize it
was probably a pre-planned stunt whereas, in
actual fact, it was not. All management is in an
absolute fury. The wearer of the pink shorts is
one of the lower-ranking players. Now lets take
a close look at this scenario in relationship to
my philosophical beliefs. The first question is-
Why was there such a surprise? Why was the stunt
committed in the first place? What was it trying
to prove? Why did the crowd and media react in
the manner they did? How much reasoned? How much
The idea of this prank had to begin with one
players original thought to publicly muck up.
The idea of pink shorts may have either
originated with him, or from a joint discussion
to decide what act would create the greatest
public sensation. The team wanted something to go
down in the annals of football history for all
time, not only across Australia but
internationally as well. Keep in mind that there
was one originating thought that began the
process and what thoughts preceded that players
thought will never be known. But it could have
followed a falling-out with his girl friend, or
perhaps getting drunk and deciding to do
something totally reckless to offset some of his
despair. Also, it is possible that two days
before the Grand Final, all players engaged in a
drunken binge wherein they discussed the idea of
one player being publicly stupid. In a drunken
state, another idea, to be collectively
outrageous, slowly took hold amongst all team
members. It was instigated by the fact that the
team members had failed to negotiate a pay rise
and improved employment conditions for nearly
eighteen months. Hence frustration and anger
prevailed amongst all team members, and in such a
drunken mood it was notionally easy for them to
decide to show Port Power Club officials who were
the real income earners for the club. The clubs
very survival depended on their expectations
being met. So you can see that we have one
single thought as the starting point for all that
follows, which is then being augmented by
numerous other complementary thoughts. What then
is the first catalyst to do something about their
grievances and in turn convert them into a
capacity to do something? (remember I
discussed this earlier in the presentation) In
this case, the catalyst can be seen as group
revenge, and a hope to get improved employment
conditions and front page publicity that could
enhance their career prospects well into the
future. So the first two criteria are met. Now
capacity. Capacity in this case includes is
whether they have the collective will and whether
they have the necessary organizational skills to
conduct such a stunt in such a public arena? The
next stage is the qualifying catalyst that brings
to account things like consequences to their
families, to club management, to players, to the
public at large, a less risky spectacular plan,
or an even more grandiose plan, all based on
capacity to carry through the original thought.
The next stage is propensity, the stage through
which all options that have flowed from the
previous catalyst can be assimilated and
integrated for final implementation. It is at
this point that the creativity factor comes to
play, that is, the best manner in which to
implement the original idea for maximum group
benefit. The bar-code plan I outlined, with pink
shorts and associated well orchestrated playing
field drama in my view would have achieved a
result of a type I have outlined. Again, for
purposes of reduced complexity of understanding I
have avoided embracing IT and IS into this
scenario, but they both contribute to the
described process. By now you could probably
work this out for yourself anyhow.
I hope have found the preceding slides of
interest and value. I trust you enjoy reading the
contents of the slides in Shelves Two and Three
as well. It is a great pleasure writing for you!
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