Title: Cultural/legal/political environments
1Section Topics
- Cultural/legal/political environments
- Economic/financial environments
Part 4, Section B
2Orientation and Controls
Ethnocentric Home-country-oriented with
home-country controls
Geocentric World-oriented with strong
interdependence between home and host countries
Polycentric Host-country-oriented with local
Regiocentric Host-country-oriented with
regional and third-country controls
Reference Howard V. Perlmutter.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
3Influences and Pressures
- Political environment
- Ownership risk
- Operational risk
- Transfer risk
- Terrorism
- Technological environment
- Varied resources
- Varied capabilities
- Information explosion
- Privacy/security issues
- Legal and regulatory
- environment
- Legal systems
- Trade restrictions
- Accounting standards
- International auditing concerns
- Economic environment
- Currency exchange rates
- Business restrictions
- Investment restrictions
- Privatization
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
4Discussion Question
- What are techniques for anticipating and
balancing these pressures and influences?
- Possible answers
- Global strategy
- Risk assessments
- Country risk profiles
- Accounting for local technical issues such as
transportation, language barriers, etc.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
5Global Mindset
Leadership and management
Cultural intelligence
Cultural dimensions
Cross-cultural communication
Employee development
Developing cultural awareness and a global
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
6Cultural Dimensions
Dimensions (Low to High)
Uncertainty avoidance
Long-term orientation
Reference Hofstede Cultural Dimensions.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
7Cross-Cultural Communication
- Assumptions and attitudes
- Body language
- Use of space
- Time
- Language (high- and low-context)
- Authority
- Country profiles
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
8Discussion Question
You are sent to conduct internal audit interviews
at the organizations foreign location. How might
you interpret the following interviewee responses?
- A limp handshake and no eye contact
- Interviewee backs off when you move physically
closer - Long periods of silence in interviews and group
- Possible answers
- These may be normal greetings in the culture.
- In some cultures people like to keep physical
space distance. - Silence may be natural and expected in
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
9Managing Complexities
- Develop a clear global strategy.
- Foster a global mindset.
- Operate as both a centralized and decentralized
organization. - Sponsor a flexible business structure for
adaptability. - Disperse knowledge widely.
- Train international managers well.
- Hire employees with diverse backgrounds.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
10Managing Complexities (continued)
- Break down language barriers.
- Maximize technology for production and service
efficiencies. - Use cultural informants for understanding,
negotiation, and coalition building. - Continue to forecast and assess risks.
- Develop crisis management plans and exit
strategies. - Foster creativity and innovation.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
11Effective Multicultural Teams
- Legitimize differences build trust.
- Agree upon values and expectations.
- Agree on team leadership style.
- Encourage participation, recognizing status/
- authority perceptions.
- Select the best communication modes.
- Produce the appropriate outcomes.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 1
12Discussion Question
Match the orientation to the characteristics.
Strategic Orientation Characteristics
1. International 2. Global 3. Multilocal 4. Multinational A. Centralized and decentralized high integration and coordination B. Home-country headquarters and value chain with headquarters C. Local products and standards differentiation D. Standardization, economies of scale, value chains anywhere
Answers 1 B 2 D 3 C 4 A
Part 4, Section B, Topic 2
13Global Marketplace Entry Checklist
Has the organization met the necessary
requirements to enter the global marketplace?
Global strategy readiness
Organizational culture readiness
Global expansion readiness
Part 4, Section B, Topic 2
14Managing Training and Development in
International Organizations
- Disperse training in home and host countries.
- Use the Web for distance and 24/7 course access.
- Use translators and produce materials in the
related foreign languages. - Assess knowledge and performance gaps to
determine training needs. - Offer strong orientation programs and acclimation
to the related cultures.
- Sponsor expatriate assignments for managers.
- Use a variety of learning approaches, such as
field experiences, coaching and mentoring, and
multicultural team participation.
Part 4, Section B, Topic 2
15- Reinforcing Activity 4-2
- Part 4, Section B, Topics 1 and 2
- Global Business Environments
Part 4, Section B, Topics 1 and 2
16End of Section B
Part 4, Section B