CSR - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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CSR Kieran Nellist Alexey ... of complaints NO complaints 1,5,6,7 Learning and Growth Activist shareholders Business units currently operating or planning operations ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: CSR

  • Kieran Nellist
  • Alexey Trush
  • Karthik Kuppuswamy
  • Kalin Pipatanantakurn
  • Panji Sukma
  • Majid Zabihi

  • Intro
  • Definition
  • Key Points and Benefits
  • Best Practices
  • Implementing CSR into Wave Riders
  • Conclusion

  • Green Vision
  • Need for CSR?
  • Sustainable environment

  • "A concept whereby companies integrate social and
    environmental concerns in their business
    operations and in their interaction with their
    stakeholders on a voluntary basis."

European commission web site (2011)
Our Definition
  • An organisation aligning its objects with
    societal and environmental concerns by
    incorporating them in its structure and

Key points
  • Assessment of the companies impact on the society
    in terms of
  • Customers
  • Suppliers
  • Environment
  • Communities
  • Employees
  • Overall Business
  • CSR policy
  • Long term strategy

  • Improved relationships with the customers
  • Money saving approach in terms of energy
  • Business reputation
  • Employee satisfaction
  • Competitive advantage
  • Funding opportunities
  • Public appreciation

Simply CSR Web Site (2011)
Best Practices
  • Responsibility towards society and the
    environment has always been a strong force at the
    TVS Group. This is manifested in the form of
    diverse community partnerships. From schools and
    hospitals to initiatives for drinking water and
    electrification, companies contribute actively to
    the development of the society in which their
    people live and work.
  • Mission Statement To facilitate the process
    of sustainable development in villages by
    deploying skills and resources in key areas such
    as economic development, healthcare, education,
    creation and maintenance of infrastructure and
    conservation of environment, with the active
    involvement of local communities and the

Best Practises
  • Corporate commitment and responsibilityBMW Group
    believes that responsibility for the protection
    of the environment lies with all employees of the
    company. Managers are asked to implement the
    environmental guidelines and motivate employees
    by leading by example in the belief that
    employees will assume the same spirit and
    responsibility in their roles.
  • Responsibility for the environmentBMW Group has
    made a commitment to reconcile the interests of
    people and nature, technology and progress with
    the right of future generations to inherit a
    healthy environment. This obligation reflects the
    company's competence as a manufacturer of premium
    vehicles and as a global employer of a highly
    skilled workforce.

CSR vision of Wave Riders
  • We want to provide our customers with innovative
    products that are always on the pioneering edge
    of green technologies in the marine industry

Ten CSR Forces
FMI journal (2006)
Strategic objectives
  1. Research market potential for a new product
  2. Invest in new equipment
  3. Invest in new technology.
  4. Reorganise production line
  5. Reorganize the Leisure sales team
  6. Increase marketing spend to 180k
  7. Reorganize Finance and HR departments
  8. Introduction of the Finance package

CSR according to BSC
Balance Scorecard Perspective 10 Market Forces (Objective) Wave Riders Measure Target The level of performance or rate of improvement required Strategic objectives
Financial Green consumers Investment on Green technology Annual budget for developing green products (recyclable, etc.) 2,3
Financial Energy crunch Investment on renewable energy (RE) 30 renewable energy 2,3
Financial Financial Changes in retained earnings at end of period Higher proportion of green product revenue ROI of RE 1,4,6
CSR according to BSC
Balance Scorecard Perspective 10 Market Forces (Objective) Wave Riders Measure Target The level of performance or rate of improvement required Strategic objectives
Internal Pollution and health Standard injury, lost day and absentee rates and number of work-related incidents, Customers safety 0 incidents, no long-term illnesses 2,3,4
Internal Climate change Total greenhouse gas emissions Annual reductions 2,3
Internal Government and regulators Number of incidents and fines for not complying with all laws and regulations 0 incidents and fines 2,3,4
CSR according to BSC
Balance Scorecard Perspective 10 Market Forces (Objective) Wave Riders Measure Target The level of performance or rate of improvement required Strategic objectives
Learning and Growth Civil society/NGOs Number of complaints NO complaints 1,5,6,7
Learning and Growth Activist shareholders Business units currently operating or planning operations in or around protected or sensitive areas Number of employees trained in environmental management practices 5,7
Customers Erosion of trust/transparency Number of Transparent reports on company performance and activities Number of positive corporate publication reviews 1,6,7,8
Customers Globalization backlash Supplier performance related to environmental commitments Optimising the use of recyclable and environmental friendly materials 2,3
  • By using the balance score card approach we can
    see that strategies laid out by Wave Riders can
    be achieved in a manner that satisfies the
    requirements of societal and environmental

  • Simply CSR Web Site, http//www.simplycsr.co.uk/th
  • European Commission http//ec.europa.eu/enterprise
  • FMI Journal. (2006). Interview with the Auditor
    General of Canada. Vol. 17-3, pp. 39-41
  • TVS web site,http//www.tvsgroup.com/pages/cust_se
  • BMW web site, http//www.bmw.co.uk/bmwuk/about/cor
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