Title: Module 4C
1Module 4C
- Introduction
- Assessment
- Step 8Step 12
2TIP Chapter 4 Assessment
- Module 4A
- Screening and Step 1Step 2
- Module 4B
- The Assessment Process Step 3Step 7
- Module 4C
- The Assessment Process Step 8Step 12
312 Step Assessment Process
- 1 Engage the client
- 2 Identify contact collaterals to gather
additional information - 3 Screen for detect COD
- 4 Determine quadrant locus of responsibility
- 5 Determine level of care
- 6 Determine diagnosis
7 Determine disability functional
impairment 8 Identify strengths
supports 9 Identify cultural linguistic needs
supports 10 Identify problem
domains 11 Determine stage of change 12 Plan
412 Step Assessment Process
- 1 Engage the client
- 2 Identify contact collaterals to gather
additional information - 3 Screen for detect COD
- 4 Determine quadrant locus of responsibility
- 5 Determine level of care
- 6 Determine diagnosis
7 Determine disability functional
impairment 8 Identify strengths
supports 9 Identify cultural linguistic needs
supports 10 Identify problem
domains 11 Determine stage of change 12 Plan
512 Step Assessment Process
- 1 Engage the client
- 2 Identify contact collaterals to gather
additional information - 3 Screen for detect COD
- 4 Determine quadrant locus of responsibility
- 5 Determine level of care
- 6 Determine diagnosis
7 Determine disability functional
impairment 8 Identify strengths
supports 9 Identify cultural linguistic needs
supports 10 Identify problem
domains 11 Determine stage of change 12 Plan
6Cultural AssessmentCOD
- Three important issues for those with COD
- Not fitting into the treatment culture (do not
fit into either substance abuse or mental health
treatment culture) and conflict in treatment - Cultural and linguistic service barriers
- Problems with literacy
712 Step Assessment Process
- 1 Engage the client
- 2 Identify contact collaterals to gather
additional information - 3 Screen for detect COD
- 4 Determine quadrant locus of responsibility
- 5 Determine level of care
- 6 Determine diagnosis
7 Determine disability functional
impairment 8 Identify strengths
supports 9 Identify cultural linguistic needs
supports 10 Identify problem
domains 11 Determine stage of change 12 Plan
812 Step Assessment Process
- 1 Engage the client
- 2 Identify contact collaterals to gather
additional information - 3 Screen for detect COD
- 4 Determine quadrant locus of responsibility
- 5 Determine level of care
- 6 Determine diagnosis
7 Determine disability functional
impairment 8 Identify strengths
supports 9 Identify cultural linguistic needs
supports 10 Identify problem
domains 11 Determine stage of change 12 Plan
9TIP ExerciseStages of Change
- Using the case on p. 94, what stage of readiness
to change would you and your partner(s) assign
the client regarding her - Mental disorder?
- Substance use disorder?
- Give reasons
- Stages of Change
- Precontemplation
- Contemplation
- Preparation
- Action
- Maintenance
(3 minutes)
1012 Step Assessment Process
- 1 Engage the client
- 2 Identify contact collaterals to gather
additional information - 3 Screen for detect COD
- 4 Determine quadrant locus of responsibility
- 5 Determine level of care
- 6 Determine diagnosis
7 Determine disability functional
impairment 8 Identify strengths
supports 9 Identify cultural linguistic needs
supports 10 Identify problem
domains 11 Determine stage of change 12 Plan
11TIP ExercisePlan Treatment
- With your group, use format on p. 96 to . . .
- Plan treatment for
- Maria M. (pp. 69, 87, 89, 92) or Jane B. (pp.
70, 83, 91) - Address at least two (2) problems
- Include for each
- Related information (strengths, cultural issues,
etc.) - Stage of readiness to change
- Recommended interventions
- Goals
(10 minutes)