Introduction to macroeconomics - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to macroeconomics


INTRODUCTION TO MACROECONOMICS Notes and Summary of Readings – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to macroeconomics

Introduction to macroeconomics
  • Notes and Summary of Readings

  • Links to online resources are highlighted in
    yellow. Right click and choose Open Hyperlink
    to access them.

Topics Covered
  • Macroeconomics by Abel, Bernanke and Croushore
    Chapter 1 (main reference)
  • Macroeconomics by Dornbusch and Fischer Chapter
    1 (for supplementary reading)
  • These chapters are available online for free

What Macroeconomics is about
  • Let us start by reading about some news topics
    that generated debate and discussion in the world
    of economics...
  • FDI in multi-brand retail (India, Sep 2012)
  • Debt crisis (Eurozone)
  • Fiscal cliff (USA, Dec 2012 / Jan 2013)
  • Direct cash transfer program (India, Jan 2013)
  • Record high unemployment rate (Eurozone, Jan

  • While reading the above articles, you would have
    come across terms like growth, unemployment,
    inflation, depression, debt, deficit, interest
    rate, savings, exchange rate, economic policy
    etc. The branch of economics that deals with all
    these issues, and much more, is called
  • Formally, macroeconomics is defined as the field
    concerned with the structure and performance of
    national economies and the policies governments
    use to try to affect economic performance.
  • Structure refers to the relationship
    between input-output accounts, levels of
    consumption and investment, sectors of the
    economy, relationships between different sectors,
    degree of independence of the economy etc.
  • Performance the values of macroeconomic
    variables, such as inflation rate, unemployment
    rate, GDP etc., and how they are related to one

  • Difference between microeconomics and
  • The difference between the two fields is
    primarily one of approach and emphasis.
  • Diff. in approach

Microeconomics Macroeconomics
Focuses on the choices made by the individual decision-making units of the society-typically the consumers and firms- and the impact of those choices on individual markets Concerns itself with choices made by the macro players of the economy- such as the government, the central bank etc. and the impact of those choices on the economy as a whole
Bottoms-up approach Top-down approach
  • Diff. in emphasis

Microeconomics Macroeconomics
Studies the demand and supply in individual markets, each of which is too small to have an impact on the national economy Emphasizes on aggregate quantities such as aggregate consumption, aggregate investment and aggregate output fine distinctions among different kinds of goods, firms and markets are usually ignored
Phenomena affecting the economy as a whole, like inflation or unemployment, are either not mentioned or are taken as given, as these are not variables that individual buyers or sellers can change Phenomena such as inflation and unemployment are among the key variables studied
Some basic issues in Macroeconomics
  • Long-run economic growth
  • Economic growth is the increase in the amount of
    the goods and services produced by
    an economy over time. i.e. the quantitative
    changes taking place in an economy.
  • Economic growth is measured in terms of real
    Gross National Product (GNP) or Gross Domestic
    Product (GDP). It is different from economic
    development because the latter also takes into
    account qualitative changes taking place in the
    economy, such as improvement in socio-cultural
    relations, health care, literacy etc.
  • Rich nations Experienced periods of rapid
    economic growth at some point in their history.
  • Developing nations Never experienced sustained
    growth / Periods of growth offset by periods of
    economic decline.

  • Factors important for long-term economic growth

Output per unit of employed labour
  • 2. Business cycles
  • As said earlier, an increase in the availability
    of resources and improvements in efficiency help
    a country to register an upward trend in long-run
    economic growth. But it has been observed that at
    any given point of time, the rate of economic
    growth is greater than, smaller than, or
    sometimes equal to, the general trend.
  • For example, the trend in the USA over the last
    century has been one of rising economic growth.
    However, the growth hasnt been smooth and has
    numerous hills and valleys. During the 1960s,
    national output nearly doubled, but during
    1973-75, 1981-82, and 1990-91, output declined
    from one year to the next.

These short-run fluctuations, called business
cycles, exist not only for economic growth, but
also for other macroeconomic variables such as
inflation and unemployment. Formally, a
business cycle is defined as the more or less
regular pattern of expansion and contraction in
economic activity around the path of trend
growth. It is important to note that business
cycles do not include fluctuations that last only
for a few months, such as the spurts in economic
activity that occur around major festivals. In
the past few years, we often came across the term
recession in newspaper articles. Recession
simply refers to the downward phase of a business
cycle, during which national output may be
falling or growing very slowly.
  • 3. Unemployment
  • Unemployment (joblessness) occurs when people are
    without work and actively seeking work.
  • The prevalence of unemployment in an economy is
    measured by the unemployment rate, which is
    calculated as a percentage by dividing the number
    of unemployed individuals by all individuals
    currently in the labour force.
  • An economy usually experiences a relatively high
    unemployment rate during periods of recession.
    But even if the economy on the whole is doing
    very well, the unemployment rate can remain
    fairly high.
  • Example
  • 1933 USA Great Depression era. Unemployment
    rate 24.9
  • 1944 USA Peak of war time boom. National
    output doubles. Unemployment rate significantly
    small, 1.2
  • 2000 USA 4 even after prolonged economic
    growth with no recession.

  • 4. Inflation
  • When the prices of most goods and services are
    rising over time, the economy is said to be
    experiencing inflation. The percentage increase
    in the average level of prices over a year is
    called the inflation rate. If the inflation rate
    in consumer prices is 10, then on an average the
    prices of items that consumers buy are rising by
    10 per year.
  • In contrast, deflation is the fall in the average
    level of prices. The last major deflation in the
    USA was seen during the Great Depression. After
    that, rising prices have been the normal state of
  • High inflation is a major issue because it
    greatly reduces the purchasing power of
    consumers. When inflation rates are extremely
    high, the economy tends to function poorly. A
    deflation too, is nothing to be excited about, as
    falling prices reduce the incentive of producers
    to sell goods.

  • 5. The international economy
  • Today, every major economy is an open economy,
    which means that it has extensive trading and
    financial relationships with other national
    economies. (This is in contrast to a closed
    economy, which doesnt interact economically with
    the rest of the world.)
  • A macroeconomist studying the international
    economy would be interested in knowing how
    economic links among nations, such as
    international trade and borrowing, affect the
    performance of individual economies and the world
    economy as a whole.

  • Some major issues related to the international
    economy are
  • How are business cycles transmitted from one
    country to another?
  • Why do trade imbalances take place? Are they good
    or bad for the economy? Exports are goods and
    services produced within the nation and sold to
    other countries. Imports are goods and services
    produced abroad and purchased by people within
    the country. An excess of exports over imports is
    called trade surplus, while an excess of imports
    over exports is called trade deficit.
  • How does the foreign exchange rate (value of one
    countrys currency in terms of another currency)
    affect international trade?
  • How do immigration and outsourcing affect an
  • Related articles Immigration in Canada,
    Outsourcing in the USA

  • 6) Macroeconomic policy
  • An extremely important factor affecting economic
    performance is the set of macroeconomic policies
    pursued by the government.
  • The two major types of policies are
  • Fiscal policy
  • concerns government spending and taxation
  • determined at the national, state and local
  • Monetary policy
  • determines the rate of growth of money supply in
    the country
  • under the control of the central bank

What are federal budget surpluses and deficits?
Do governments usually run a surplus or a deficit?
Which is the central bank in India? In the USA?
What macroeconomists do
  • Macroeconomic forecasting
  • An economist trying to forecast (predict) the
    performance of the economy will be concerned with
    questions such as How will a severe drought in
    agricultural regions affect food quantities and
    prices? Will productivity rise as rapidly in the
    future as it did during the tech boom of the
    early 2000s? How will a crisis in the middle east
    affect fuel prices?
  • Owing to the complexity of the economic system,
    answering such questions with a high degree of
    accuracy is close to impossible. So, a
    macroeconomic forecaster will usually talk in
    terms of most likely forecasts, while offering
    optimistic and pessimistic alternative
    scenarios. In this sense, he/she is very similar
    to a meteorologist both can only talk about the
    probability of an event taking place.
  • Related news article

  • Macroeconomic analysis
  • Macroeconomic analysts monitor the economy and
    think about the implications of current economic
  • In private sector organizations (like banks and
    large corporations), the job of an analyst is to
    try to determine how general economic trends will
    affect their employers financial investments,
    their opportunities for expansion, the demand for
    their products, and so on.
  • In public sector agencies (such as the
    government, the World Bank and the International
    Monetary Fund) the main function of analysts is
    to assist in policymaking. The ultimate decisions
    regarding economic policy are taken by
    politicians, who may or may not heed the advice
    of macroeconomists in the face of numerous
    political considerations.

  • Macroeconomic research
  • The role of a macroeconomist engaged in research
    is to make general statements about how the
    economy works. Research can take a variety of
    forms, from abstract mathematical analyses to
    psychological experimentation to simulation
    experiments representing the randomness of
    day-to-day economic activity.
  • Like many other fields, macroeconomic research
    proceeds primarily through the formulation and
    testing of theories. An economic theory is a set
    of ideas about the economy organized in a logical
    framework. Most economic theories are developed
    in terms of an economic model, which is a
    simplified description of some aspect of the
    economy, usually expressed in mathematical form.
  • A useful economic theory has the following
  • It is based on reasonable and realistic
  • It is easy to use
  • It is consistent with data obtained from the real

  • Data development
  • Several macroeconomists are involved in the
    process of collecting data on macroeconomic
    variables such as the price level, measures of
    output etc. This economic data is used to assess
    the current state of the economy, make forecasts,
    analyze policy alternatives, and test
    macroeconomic theories.
  • In the USA, most economic data is collected by
    agencies such as the Bureau of the Census, the
    Bureau of Labour Statistics, and the Bureau of
    Economic Analysis.

Why macroeconomists disagree
Disagreements between macroeconomists may arise
due to differences in normative conclusions, and
because of differences in the positive analysis
of a policy proposal. There have always been
many schools of thought in macroeconomics, but
the most important and enduring disagreements on
positive issues involve the two schools of
thought called the classical approach and the
Keynesian approach.
  • The classical approach
  • Origin Can be traced back to as early as 1776,
    when Scottish economist Adam Smith published The
    Wealth of Nations.
  • Main idea
  • Free markets are guided by the invisible hand,
    which operates through the price mechanism.
    Economic agents-typically firms and
    households-look at the prices in the market, and
    use the available information to make rational
    decisions that maximize their self-interest in
    the given circumstances. If they could increase
    their welfare by adjusting their wages or prices,
    there is no reason why they would not do so. As a
    result, wages and prices in an economy adjust
    reasonably quickly to equate supply and demand in
    all markets. A major implication of these
    assumptions is that there is no possibility for
    involuntary unemployment in the economy.
  • Proponents of the classical approach believe
    that the invisible hand works well to ensure the
    economic welfare of the whole society, so that
    there is only a limited scope for government
  • Well-known classicals Robert Lucas, Thomas
    Sargent, Robert Barro, Edward Prescott and Neil
    Wallace, all of whom were influenced by the ideas
    of Adam Smith and Milton Friedman.

  • The Keynesian approach
  • Origin Relatively recent, during the Great
    Depression of the 1930s. Introduced by John
    Maynard Keynes in his book General Theory of
    Employment, Interest, and Money (1936)
  • Main idea The unprecedentedly high rates of
    unemployment of the 1930s could not be explained
    by the classical theory. The thoery appeared to
    be inconsistent with the data collected from the
    real world, and the invisible hand seemed
    completely ineffective. This led Keynes to
    suggest an alternative explanation for
    unemployment There are problems of asymmetric
    information, and high costs related to frequent
    price changes, due to which prices and wages do
    not adjust rapidly enough to maintain market
    equilibrium at all times. Slow price and wage
    adjustment means that the supply of labour may
    exceed the demand for long periods of
    time-leading to high and persistent unemployment.
  • Proponents of this approach tend to be sceptical
    about the invisible hand and thus are more
    willing to advocate a role for government in
    improving macroeconomic performance.
  • Influential Keynesians Franco Modigliani and
    James Tobin were among the early Keynesians. The
    new generation of Keynesians includes George
    Akerlof, Janet Yellen, David Romer, Olivier
    Blanchard, Gregory Mankiw, Larry Summers and Ben

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