Permafrost in Canada and climate change - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Permafrost in Canada and climate change


Permafrost in Canada and climate change Source: NRC * – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Permafrost in Canada and climate change

Permafrost in Canada and climate change
Source NRC
Source Hinzman et al. (2005)
Time to form deep permafrost
Time (yr) Permafrost depth
1 4.44 m
350 79.9 m
3,500 219.3 m
35,000 461.4 m
100,000 567.8 m
225,000 626.5 m
775,000 687.7 m
Source Wikipedia
Snow permafrost warming
Source Stieglitz et al. (2003)
Source Hinzman et al. (2005)
Permafrost and climate change
  • During the past few thousand years, Earth's
    climate has been subject of fairly small changes
    and world temperatures have fluctuated only
    within a couple of degrees.
  • However, higher levels of carbon dioxide and
    other greenhouse gases in the atmosphere may
    progressively increase global temperature by as
    much as 2 to 4oC over the next century.

  • In addition to temperature changes, the patterns
    of precipitation would undoubtedly change -
    annual totals would likely increase over the
    arctic mainland, although current regional
    projections are again quite variable between
  • Increase of 10 to 50 in summer and as much as
    60 in winter may be anticipated for parts of the
    Canadian Arctic.
  • Such large and rapid climatic changes would have
    serious and far-reaching environmental and
    socio-economic effects in permafrost regions and
    for the arctic environment as a whole.

  • Some might look on the transition to a warmer
    Arctic with happy anticipation in the long term,
    it would undoubtedly result in greatly reduced
    costs of living and operating there.
  • New resources could become available, and mining
    and agriculture, for example, might expand
    however the terrestrial environment of the north,
    in which permafrost plays a major role, would be
    profoundly disrupted during the transition.

  • Permafrost degradation may lead to another,
    potentially disastrous, positive feedback on
  • Degrading permafrost may allow the release of
    greenhouse gases such as CO2 and CH4 that are
    currently trapped in frozen ground (especially in
    peat bogs).

  • Let us imagine some change in climatic conditions
    which causes the mean annual surface temperature
    to fall below 0oC, so that the depth of winter
    freezing will exceed the depth of summer thaw.
  • A layer of permafrost would grow downward from
    the base of the seasonal frost, thickening
    progressively with each succeeding winter.

  • Was it not for the effect of heat escaping from
    Earth's interior (the geothermal heat flux), the
    permafrost would grow to depths in response to
    surface temperatures only slightly below 0oC.
  • However, this outward heat flow results in a
    temperature increase of about 30 K km-1, the
    figure varying with regional geological

  • Thus the base of permafrost approaches an
    equilibrium depth where the temperature increase
    caused by this geothermal gradient just offsets
    the amount by which the surface temperature is
    below freezing.
  • Whereas the base of permafrost is determined by
    the mean surface temperature and geothermal heat
    flow, the upper layers of permafrost are
    influenced more by seasonal and interannual
    fluctuations of temperature and snowpack.

  • The major variation in surface temperature has a
    period of one year, corresponding to the annual
    cycle of solar radiation (there is also a diurnal
    variation corresponding to the daily cycle of
  • Temperature variations experienced with the
    passage of the seasons at the surface extend in a
    progressively dampened manner to a depth of some
    10-20 m.

  • Within the layer of annual variation, maximum and
    minimum figures form an envelope about the mean,
    and the top of permafrost is that depth where the
    maximum annual temperature is 0oC.
  • Superimposed on normal periodic variations are
    other fluctuations with durations from seconds to
    years causes may included sporadic cloudiness,
    variations in weather and changes in climate.

  • Let us now imagine some change in climatic
    conditions which causes mean annual surface
    temperature to rise.
  • The result would be deepening of the active
    layer, as both the mean annual temperature and
    the envelope of maximum (summer) temperatures
    shift to higher values.
  • If climatic warming were sustained, the
    permafrost table would recede further year by
    year and the base of the permafrost would begin
    to rise as surface warming propagated to greater

  • If the progressive warming were great enough,
    then permafrost could eventually disappear
  • Since permafrost is a thermal condition, it is
    potentially sensitive to changes in climate.
  • However changes in the thermal regime of the
    ground that lead to degradation (or formation) of
    permafrost can result from environmental changes
    other than fluctuations in climate.

  • For example, removal, damage, or compaction of
    surface vegetation, peat, and soil alters the
    balance of surface energy transfers, generally
    raising mean summer surface temperature and
    thawing the upper layer of permafrost.
  • In winter, increases in snow cover accumulation,
    as can result from barriers, structures, and
    depressions or changes in wind patterns, can lead
    to significant warming of the ground.
  • Decreases in snow cover, in contrast, lead to
    cooling of the ground, other things being equal.

  • While the effects of surface environmental
    changes are usually restricted in areal extent,
    climatic change can affect extensive areas of
  • Even modest climatic warming could have drastic
    effects for terrain conditions and northern
    engineering, since thousands of square kilometers
    of warm permafrost would be directly affected.
  • While many centuries would be required for
    complete degradation of the affected permafrost,
    thawing from the surface would begin immediately,
    with many potentially serious results.

  • There is some evidence that permafrost has been
    retreating during the past decades Syslov (1961)
    reports that the permafrost extent at Mezen
    (Russia) has retreated northward at an average
    rate of 400 m per year since 1837, whereas
    similar findings have been reported for the
    Mackenzie Valley of Canada.
  • Although permafrost is temperature dependent, the
    relation with climate is not straightforward,
    since the surface temperature regime does not
    depend solely on geographic location.

  • Local surface conditions such as the type of
    vegetation, depth of snow cover, soil type, and
    moisture content, profoundly affect the surface
    energy regime, being interposed between the
    atmosphere and the ground.
  • Thus myriad local variations of vegetation,
    topography, and soil conditions can cause
    differences in mean ground temperatures of
    several degrees over quite small areas. Wherever
    average temperature is within a few degrees of
    0oC, such variation mean that permafrost occurs
    in patches, or discontinuously.

  • These circumstances, together with the scattered
    nature of direct observations, make precise
    mapping of permafrost difficult.
  • While cold is usually seen as the singular
    feature of high latitudes, problems resulting
    from thaw are generally of greater practical

  • Where permafrost contains ground ice,
    considerable thaw settlement can occur and such
    action has been responsible for significant
    damage to buildings, roads, runways, etc. and
    increased action would undoubtedly cause
    additional and severe maintenance and repair
  • Special concern might be directed to existing
    water-retaining structures, such as reservoirs,
    and hydrodams, especially in areas of
    thaw-sensitive permafrost.

  • Erosion of lake, river, and reservoir shorelines
    may increase because of permafrost thawing and a
    longer open-water season.
  • Greater sediment transport in rivers could
    shorten the operating life of hydro-electric
    projects, for example.
  • The expected rise in sea level accompanying
    global warming could accelerate coastal retreat
    in permafrost regions and combined with thaw
    settlement as permafrost melts, could produce
    inundation of low-lying areas.

Potential Changes in the Components of the
Surface Water Budget, Kuparuk River Basin
Source Déry et al. (2005), JHM.
Source Anisimov (2006)
Slaymaker and Kelly (2007)
Source Lawrence and Slater (2005)
Source Lawrence and Slater (2005)
Source Vavrus (2007)
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