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3 Materials Moments Rich WVolleyballs Elijah
WCooking surfaces
4Crystallographic Directions and PlanesSolved
Examples posted on Canvas FilesgtSolved
Problems, Assignments, Extra Credit
5Packing and Close-packed Planes
6Close-packed Xl Structures
- Most efficient packing
- for equal-sized spheres.
- BCCAPF .68
- Not as efficient
7BCC Which is the closest-packed plane?
(110) plane packing
- FCCNot a close-packed plane
- BCCclose-packed plane
Figs. 3.11, 3.12
Close-Packed Planes
10Different PackingSo What?
- Packing along planes
- Strongly affects deformation
- Atoms can slip past each other on tightly packed
planes (plastic deformation).
11SEM 100 planes
- SEM single cadmium crystal deforming by
dislocation slip on 100 planes.
SEM study of slip in deformed cadmium single
12Sections 3.13-3.15 Single CrystalsPolycrystalli
ne MaterialsAnisotropy
- CrystallineRegular repeating order over long
distances - Crystal structureshape of atomic arrangement
- Crystal lattice
- Single crystal
- Polycrystalline
14Crystal lattice
- Long-range 3-D representation of a crystal
- Specific location for each atom
Unit Cell
Crystal Lattice
15Single Crystals
- Crystal structure repeats perfectly over large
atomic distance
Galena (Lead ore)
16Polycrystalline materials
- Many small crystals grow together
17Polycrystalline materials
- Extremely small crystals grow together.
Polycrystalline grain growth
Nucleation sites have random orientations ? xls
have random orientations
Fig. 3.18
19Polycrystalline metal
Micrograph of a polycrystalline metal grain
boundaries evidenced by acid etching.
20AnisotropyProperties dependent
oncrystallographic direction
Isotropy Properties independent of
crystallographic direction.
Polycrystalline copper (SEM)
21Random orientations of anisotropic material
yield isotropic behavior
Polycrystalline Calcite
22Metal Thread Anisotropy
23Section 3.17
Non-Crystalline Solids
24Non-Crystalline Solids
- Amorphouswithout ordered form.
- Formed by rapid cooling from a melt
25Non-crystalline solids
Glass SiO2 (Glassy texture)
- Hand sample of fractured glass
- SEM of fractured glass
Crystalline SiO2
Non-Crystalline SiO2
Fig. 3.23
27Sections 4.1-4.3 Imperfections in Solids
Point defects
28Perfect Crystals
Crystal lattice
Crystal structure
Crystal structure
29Real World of Crystals
- The perfect crystal doesnt exist.
- All materials have defects impurities
- 99.9999 pure metals have
- 1022 1023 impurity atoms/m3
30Crystal defects
- Defectplace where perfect periodicity of unit
cell is interrupted.
31Dimension Defect Type Examples
0 Point Vacancy, Substitutional
1 Line Dislocations
2 Interfacial Free surface, Grain boundary
3 Volume Pores, cracks, other phases
32Point defects
- I) Intrinsicflaws in xl lattice geometry
(no impurities) - II) Extrinsicimpurities
33I. Intrinsic Point Defects 1) Vacancy
STM Germanium (55x70 Å2)
34I. Intrinsic Point Defects 1) Vacancy
An STM image of a self-assembled Au cluster
array. The hexagonal lines illustrate the unit
cell properties of the cluster array. A defect
vacancy is clearly evident. The image was taken
under ultra-high vacuum conditions. Image by T.
Fig. 4.1
35I. Intrinsic Point Defects 2) Interstitial
Fig. 4.1
36II. Extrinsic Point Defects1) Substitutional
STM Manganese substituted into GaAs (makes
semiconductor magnetic)
Fig 4.2
37When can an impurity atom be substitutional?
38Substitutional Atoms
- Atomic radii of host and impurity must be 15
39II. Extrinsic Point Defects2) Interstitial
Fig. 4.2
40When can an impurity atom be interstitial?
41Most common interstitial elements
- Nitrogen
- Oxygen
- Carbon
- Hydrogen