TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURY - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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By Dr.Gihan Seif El Nasr Professor of
Anaesthesia ICU
  • Traumatic brain injury (TBI), causes substantial
    disability and mortality.
  • It occurs when a sudden trauma damages the brain
    and disrupts normal brain function.
  • TBI may have profound physical, psychological,
    cognitive, emotional, and social effects.

  • TBI may be divided into primary injury and
    secondary injury.
  • Primary injury is induced by mechanical force and
    occurs at the moment of injury.
  • Secondary injury is not mechanically induced. It
    may be delayed from the moment of impact, and it
    may superimpose injury on a brain already
    affected by a mechanical injury.

Primary injury
  • The 2 main mechanisms that cause primary injury
  • Contact (as an object striking the head or the
    brain striking the inside of the skull).
  • Acceleration-deceleration.

  • Primary injury due to contact may result in
    injury to the scalp, fracture to the skull and
    surface contusions.
  • Contusions are distinct areas of swollen brain
    tissue,typically found on the poles of the
    frontal lobes, the inferior aspects of the
    frontal lobes, the cortex above and below the
    operculum of the sylvian fissures, and the
    lateral and inferior aspects of the temporal

  • Primary injury due to acceleration-deceleration
    results from unrestricted movement of the head
    and leads to shear, tensile, and compressive
  • These forces can cause intracranial haematoma or
    diffuse axonal injury (injury to cranial nerves
    and the pituitary stalk.

  • Intracranial haematoma is the most common cause
    of death and clinical deterioration after TBI.
    Haematomas may be
  • Epidural haematomas caused by fracture of the
    temporal bone and rupture of the middle meningeal
    artery, clotted blood collects between the bone
    and the dura.It can grow quickly creating
    pressure against the brain tissue.
  • Subdural haematomas are usually caused by rupture
    of the bridging veins in the subdural space. They
    can grow large enough to act as mass lesions, and
    they are associated with high morbidity and
    mortality rates.
  • Subarachnoid haematomas result from damage to
    blood vessels in the posterior fossa stalk.

  • Diffuse axonal injury (DAI) is one of the most
    common and important pathologic feature of TBI.
  • It constitutes mostly microscopic damage, and it
    is often not visible on imaging studies.
  • The main mechanical force that causes DAI is
    rotational acceleration of the brain, resulting
    in unrestricted head movement.
  • Rotational acceleration produces shearing and
    tensile forces, and axons can be pulled apart at
    the microscopic level.
  • Microscopic evaluation of the brain tissue often
    shows numerous swollen and disconnected axons.
  • Rapid stretching of axons is thought to damage
    the axonal cytoskeleton and, therefore, disrupt
    normal neuron function.

  • Secondary injury
  • It may occur hours or even days after the
    inciting traumatic event.
  • Injury may result from impairment or local
    declines in CBF after TBI as a result of local
    edema, haemorrhage or increased ICP.
  • As a result of inadequate perfusion, cellular ion
    pumps may fail, causing a cascade involving
    intracellular calcium and sodium which may
    contribute to cellular destruction.

  • Excessive release of excitatory amino acids, such
    as glutamate and aspartate, exacerbates failure
    of the ion pumps.
  • As the cascade continues, cells die, causing free
    radical formation, proteolysis, and lipid
  • These factors can ultimately cause neuronal death.

  • To summarize causes of secondary brain injury
  • Hypotension
  • Hypoxaemia
  • Hypercarbia
  • Hyperthermia
  • Hyperglycaemia
  • Hypoglycaemia
  • Hyponatraemia
  • Seizures
  • Infection

  • Head injuries can be classified into mild,
    moderate, and severe.
  • The Glascow Coma Scale (GCS),is the most commonly
    used system for classifying TBI severity
  • TBI with a GCS of 13 or above is mild, 912 is
    moderate, and 8 or below is severe.
  • Other classification systems are also used to
    help determine severity duration of
    post-traumatic amnesia (PTA), and loss of
    consciousness (LOC).

Severity of traumatic brain injury
Mild 13-15 Less than 1 day 0-30 min.
Moderate 9-12 1-7 days 30min.- 24hrs.
Severe 3-8 More than 7 days More than 24hrs.
Signs and symptoms
  • Symptoms are dependent on the injury's severity
  • With mild TBI, the patient may remain conscious
    or may lose consciousness for few seconds or
  • Other symptoms of mild TBI include headache,
    vomiting, nausea, lack of motor coordination,
    dizziness, difficult balancing, lightheadedness,
    blurred vision or tired eyes, ringing in the
    ears, bad taste in the mouth, fatigue or
    lethargy, and changes in sleep patterns.
  • Cognitive and emotional symptoms include
    behavioral or mood changes, confusion, and
    trouble with memory, concentration, attention, or

  • A person with a moderate or severe TBI may
    have a headache that does not go away, repeated
    vomiting or nausea, convulsions, an inability to
    awaken,dilation of one or both pupils,slurred
    speech, aphasia , dysarthria, weakness or
    numbness in the limbs, loss of coordination,
    confusion, restlessness, or agitation.
  • Common long-term symptoms of moderate to
    severe TBI are changes in appropriate social
    behaviour, deficits in social judgment, and
    cognitive changes, especially problems with
    sustained attention, processing speed, and
    executive functioning.

  • When the pressure within the skull, ICP, rises
    too high, it can be deadly.
  • Signs of increased ICP include decreased level of
    consciousness, paralysis or weakness on one side
    of the body, and a blown pupil, one that fails to
    constrict in response to light .
  • Cushing's triad, a slow heart rate with high
    blood pressure and respiratory depression is a
    classic manifestation of significantly raised
  • Anisocoria, unequal pupil size, is another sign
    of serious TBI.
  • Abnormal posturing, a characteristic positioning
    of the limbs caused by severe diffuse injury or
    high ICP, is an ominous sign.
  • Young children with moderate to severe TBI may
    have some of these symptoms.
  • Other signs seen in young children include
    persistent crying, inability to be consoled,
    listlessness, refusal to nurse or eat and

  • Neurological examination and assigning a GCS
  • Neuroimaging helps in determining the diagnosis
    and prognosis and proposed treatment.
  • The preferred radiologic test in the emergency
    setting is computed tomography (CT) it is
    quick, accurate, and widely available.
  • Followup CT scans may be performed later to
    determine whether the injury has progressed.

  • Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) can show more
    details than CT as detecting injury
    characteristics such as diffuse axonal injury.
    However, MRI is not used in the emergency
  • X-rays are still used for head injuries that are
    so mild that they do not need imaging or severe
    enough to merit the more accurate CT.
  • Angiography may be used to detect blood vessel
  • Electroencephalography and transcranial doppler
    may also be used.

  • I- Posttraumatic seizures

    Occur after
    moderate or severe TBI, they are usually general
    or partial.
  • Immediate seizures occur in the first 24 hours.
  • Early seizures occur in the first 2-7 days.
  • Late seizures occur after 7 days.
  • Temkin showed that prophylactic use of phenytoin
    is effective during the first week after TBI.
  • He recommended discontinuation after 1 week if no
    seizures develop because of its lack of effect in
    preventing late seizures.

  • II- Hydrocephalus is characterized as
    communicating or noncommunicating
    Noncommunicating hydrocephalus occurs secondary
    to an obstruction in the ventricular system
    before the point at which CSF exits the fourth
  • Communicating hydrocephalus is the most common
    form after TBI and occurs when the obstruction is
    in the subarachnoid space.

  • III- Deep vein thrombosis

  • DVT
    is common in persons with TBI, with an incidence
    as high as 54.
  • Risk factors for DVT include immobility, lower
    extremity fracture, paralysis, and disruption in
    coagulation and fibrinolysis.
  • DVT may cause pulmonary embolism, postthrombotic
    syndrome or recurrence.
  • DVT best detected by venous Doppler
    ultrasonography and contrast-enhanced venography.
  • Prophylaxis for DVT should be started as soon as

  • IV- Heterotopic ossification
  • Described as ectopic bone formation in the soft
    tissue surrounding the joints,in TBI, its
    incidence is 11-76.
  • It causes joint pain and decreases range of
    motion ,it is often associated with low-grade
    fever, peri-articular swelling, peri-articular
    warmth, and peri-articular erythema.
  • The risk of heterotopic ossification is
    greatest during the first 3-4 months after

  • V- Spasticity
  • Velocity-dependent increase in tone.
  • It is found in an estimated 25 of patients with
  • First-line treatment for spasticity is correct
    positioning of the involved body segment and
  • Second-line treatment include splinting,
    casting and other modalities.

  • VI- GIT and urinary tract complications remain
    among the most common sequelae in patients with
  • Most frequent GIT complications are stress
    ulcers, dysphagia, bowel incontinence, and
    elevated levels of liver function tests.
  • Urinary tract complications include urethral
    strictures, infections, and urinary incontinence.

  • VII- Posttraumatic agitation is common after TBI.
    Furthermore, aggression was consistently
    associated with depression.
  • VIII- Insomia is common in TBI patients. They may
    have nighttime awakenings and longer sleep-onset
  • IX- Posttraumatic headache in 38.
  • X- Posttraumatic depression in 40 after TBI, it
    is further associated with cognitive decline,
    anxiety disorders, substance abuse, dysregulation
    of emotional expression, and aggressive outbursts.

  • Monitoring
  • This is essential in severe TBI.
  • It includes ECG, invasive arterial blood
    pressure, pulse oximetry, central venous
    pressure, urinary catheter, naso-gastric vs
    oro-gastric tube (in case of base skull
    fracture), frequent neurological examination,
    temperature and capnography.

  • Maintenance of cerebral perfusion pressure(CPP)
  • This is achieved by maintaining MAP above 90mmHg
    and preventing increases in ICP,to be between
  • 20-25mmHg.

  • Maintaining MAP
  • Treating hypovolaemia by 0.9 NaCl/
    colloids/P-RBCs/FFP as indicated.
  • Avoid glucose containing fluids unless there is
    hypoglycaemia (blood sugar should be between 4-7
  • Start early enteral feeding as,TBI patients have
    induced hypermetabolic and hypercatabolic state
    resulting in increased energy and protein
  • Use inotropes (noradrenaline- dopamine), if
    other causes of hypotension are treated.

  • Controlling ICP
  • Raised ICP leads to secondary brain injury.
  • It is treated by osmotherapy, analgesia,
    sedation, optimal ventilation, positioning of
    patient and surgical .

  • Mannitol induces changes in blood rheology and
    increases cardiac output, leading to improved CPP
    and cerebral oxygenation.
  • Improvements in cerebral oxygenation induce
    cerebral artery vasoconstriction and subsequent
    reduction in cerebral blood volume and ICP.
  • Mild dehydration after osmotherapy is desirable
    and may improve cerebral edema.
  • Also it decreases CSF production by up to 50,
    lead to prolonged ICP decrease.

  • Mannitol has several limitations
  • Hyperosmolality is a common problem, and a serum
    osmolarity gt320 mOsmol/L is associated with
    adverse renal and central nervous system effects.
  • Accumulation of mannitol in cerebral tissue may
    lead to a rebound phenomenon and increased ICP.

  • The most promising solution investigated as
    possible substitute for mannitol is hypertonic
    saline (HTS).
  • Serum Na is maintained between 145 and 155
    mmol/L in all patients with TBI.
  • To start osmotherapy,250-mL bolus of 3 HTS is
    administered through a central venous cannula.
  • This dose is repeated until ICP is controlled or
    a Na level of 155 mmol/L is achieved.
  • The serum Na is maintained at this level until
    ICP has stabilized and then gradually allowed to

  • If ICP control is still problematic after 34
    days of HTS therapy, boluses of furosemide are
    administered in an effort to mobilize tissue Na.
  • Serum sodium and potassium concentrations are
    monitored four hourly on a blood gas analyzer.

  • The permeability of the BBB to sodium is low.HTS
    produces an osmotic gradient between the
    intravascular and intracellular compartments,
    leading to shrinkage of brain tissue (where BBB
    is intact) and therefore reducing ICP.
  • The selectivity of the BBB to NaCl is more than
    that of mannitol making it potentially a more
    effective osmotic drug.
  • HTS augments volume resuscitation and increases
    circulating BV, MAP, and CPP.
  • HTS restores the neuronal membrane potential,
    maintains BBB integrity, and modulates the
    inflammatory response by reducing adhesion of
    leukocytes to endothelium.

  • Analgesia and Sedation
  • Morphine or fentanyl can be used for analgesia
    but with caution for their respiratory depression
    in case patient is spontaneously breathing.
  • Remifentanyl can be used in ventilated patients.
  • Propofol is sedative of choice especially in
    first 48 hours. It causes cerebral metabolic
    suppression and has neuroprotective effect.
    Using propofol in doses more than 5mg/Kg.
  • Midazolam should replace propofol for sedation.
    (for fear of propofol infusion syndrome).

  • Mechanical ventilation
  • In TBI patients, hypoxia, hypercarbia /
    hypocarbia should be prevented.
  • PaO2 should be above 100mmHg and SpO2 above 95.
  • Mechanical ventilation should be started at GCS
  • PaCO2 in first 24hrs should be 34-38mmHg and
    mild hyperventilation can be started for PaCO2 to
    be 32-35mmHg in case of increased ICP.
  • Monitor end tidal CO2 and perform blood gases
    15-20 min. after any change in ventilatory

  • Neuromuscular blockade
  • May be considersd to facilitate endotracheal
  • In cases of difficult ventilation inspite of
    adequate sedation/analgesia.
  • Use of neuromuscular blockade may mask seizure
    activity, increase risk of pneumonia and cause
    critical illness neuropathy.

  • Patient positioning
  • Patient head should be in neutral position with
    head of bed elevated 15-30 degrees.
  • Neck collar should be applied whenever there is
    doubt of cervical spine injury.

  • Surgical Intervention
  • It is decided by neurosurgeon to decrease ICP.
  • Surgery can be performed on mass lesions or to
    eleminate objects that penetrated the brain.
  • Mass lesions are like contusions or haematomas
    causing significant shift of intracranial

Maintenance of haematological parameters
  • Monitor HCT or haemoglobin level as CBF is
    influenced by blood viscosity which increases by
    increase in HCT.
  • CBF is reduced by HCT levels above 50 and
    increased by HCT levels below 30.
  • HTC of 30-34 is suggested to be best for
    optimal oxygen delivery to brain tissue.

Control of seizures
  • Seizure activity in TBI patients may cause
    secondary brain damage as a result of increased
    metabolic demands, raised ICP and excess
    neurotransmitter release.
  • Benzodiazepines should be started together with
    phenytoin .
  • Adequate sedation with propofol reduces seizure
    activity and raises seizure threshold.

Treating hyperpyrexia
  • Increase in body temperature should be treated
    agressively paracetamol, cooling blanket, cool
    sponging and ice packs.
  • Hyperthermia increases metabolic demand and
    aggrevates the condition.

Monitoring renal function
  • Urine output should be 0.5-1ml/Kg/min.
  • Diabetes insipidus should be suspected if urine
    output is more than 250ml/hr, for more than 3hrs
    and specific gravity less than1005,confirmed by
    serum and urine osmolalities.
  • If confirmed , start desmopressin.

Monitoring increase in ICP
  • CT scan should be done on admission and repeated
    whenever there is change in symptoms or signs.
  • Frequent neurological examination is essential.
  • Hourly recording of GCS, of pupil size and
  • Monitoring ICP if available.

Figure 1. Suggested algorithm for cerebral
resuscitation after traumatic brain injury,
adapted from the Brain Trauma Foundation and the
European Brain Injury Consortium Guidelines and
modified to replace mannitol with hypertonic
saline for osmotherapy.
  • White H et al. Anesth Analg 20061021836-1846

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