An%20overview%20of%20Disabilities,%20common%20characteristics,%20and%20helpful%20hints - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Title: An overview of Disabilities, common characteristics, and helpful hints Author: College of Education Last modified by: College of Education – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: An%20overview%20of%20Disabilities,%20common%20characteristics,%20and%20helpful%20hints

An overview of Disabilities, common
characteristics, and helpful hints
  • From Johns, B Crowley, EP (2005).Students
    with Disabilities and General Education A
    desktop Reference for School Personnel. Horsham,
    PA LRP Publications. Chapter 7.

IDEA definition of specific learning disability
  • A disorder in one or more basic psychological
    processes involved in understanding or in using
    language, spoken or written, which disorder may
    manifest itself in imperfect ability to listen,
    think, speak, read, write, spell or do
    mathematical calculations.

Learning disabilities include
  • Perceptual disabilities
  • Brain injury
  • Minimal brain dysfunction
  • Dyslexia
  • Developmental aphasia

Learning disabilities do not include
  • Visual
  • Hearing
  • Motor disabilities
  • Mental retardation
  • Emotional disturbance
  • Environmental, cultural, or economic disadvantage

Learning disabilities are not
  • Synonymous with low achievers
  • Mild disabilities, and they are life-long
  • Fixable and short term

Some characteristics of children with learning
  • Student learns a skill in a different way or at a
    different pace
  • Student has difficulty processing information in
    particular ways
  • Student has difficulty storing information either
    short term or long term
  • Student has difficulty in the perception of
    information (letter or number reversal)
  • Student has difficulty perceiving social
    situations (sees them differently)

What a teacher can do for students with learning
  • Learn about the child and the learning disability
  • Use multiple learning styles and multiple forms
    of communicating instructions
  • Avoid lengthy directions
  • Use strategies to help students remember
  • Break down tasks into smaller steps
  • Provide additional time for schoolwork and tests
  • Allow the student with reading problems to use
    textbooks on tape or similar devices
  • Allow the student with listening difficulties to
    borrow notes or use a tape recorder
  • Allow the student with writing difficulties to
    use a computer with spell check, grammar checks,
    or speech recognition
  • Teach organizational and study skills

Speech or language disability defined
  • Communication disorder, like stuttering, impaired
    articulation, language impairment or voice

Characteristics of speech or language disability
  • Mispronouncing syllables or whole words
  • Voice disorder, including abnormal pits, loudness
    or voice quality
  • Fluency disorder, pauses, hesitations,
  • Stutter
  • Reluctance to speak

What the teacher can do for speech and language
  • Work closely with speech therapist
  • Minimize the pressure to perform verbally and
    reduce students anxiety
  • Use nonverbal listening skills such as eye
    contact and facial expressions
  • Let the student finish talking
  • Dont finish the students sentences
  • Do not allow other students to make fun of the
  • Provide positive feedback for all communication

Emotional disturbance defined
  • Inability to learn or maintain satisfactory
    interpersonal relationships that can not be
    explained otherwise
  • Inappropriate behavior or feelings under normal
  • Mood of unhappiness or depression
  • Develops physical symptoms or fears associated
    with personal or school problems
  • Schizophrenia
  • Does not apply to students who are maladjusted,
    unless they have an emotional disturbance.

What the teacher can do for students with
Emotional disturbances
  • Provide positive recognition for appropriate
  • Set clear limits so student knows what is
  • Provide posted rules/expectations and teach the
    student what they mean and provide reminders
  • Follow the students behavioral intervention plan
  • Develop a non-verbal cueing system to assist the
  • Provide assigned seating
  • Start each day newdont hold grudges

Autism defined
  • Developmental disability that affects verbal and
    nonverbal communication and social interaction
    before age 3.

Characteristics of students with autism
  • Student may have a range in degree of
    intellectual functioning and any adverse effect
    on educational performance
  • Significant communication/language/
  • interpersonal skill deficits
  • Self stimulate (rocking, hitting self)
  • Inappropriate emotions
  • Becomes upset with routine or environmental
  • Becomes frustrated when over-stimulated

What the teacher can do for students with autism
  • Prepare the child for change in environment or
  • Avoid too much stimulation and a high noise level
  • Break down directions into very small steps
  • Provide multiple opportunities for appropriate
    repetitive movements

Other Health impairments defined
  • Having limited strength, vitality or alertness
    due to chronic or acute health problems such as
    asthma, attention deficit disorder or attention
    deficit hyperactivity disorder, diabetes,
    epilepsy, heart condition, hemophilia, lead
    poisoning, leukemia, nephritis, rheumatic fever,
    and sickle cell anemia

Characteristics of students with other health
  • Difficulty staying on task or paying attention to
    important aspect for a long period of time
  • Impulsive
  • Need to move around frequently
  • Easily distracted
  • Problems breathing
  • Easily infected
  • Energetic
  • Difficulty paying attention when not feeling well

What the teacher can do for students with other
health impairments
  • Provide many opportunities for movement
  • Keep lecture and written activities short
  • Use visuals during teaching centered activities
  • Provide fidgets (ball, paperclip)
  • Provide positive reinforcement
  • Provide organizers away from desk for items
    student is not currently using
  • Use timers
  • Use highlighters to color code instructions and
    key parts of assignments

What the teacher can do regarding other health
  • Learn about the health disability
  • Follow physicians instructions regarding level
    of activity
  • Work with school dietician regarding dietary
  • Watch for changes in behavior or unusual lethargy

Mental retardation defined
  • Sub-average general intellectual functioning with
    deficits in adaptive behavior

Characteristics of students with mental
  • Student learns at a slower rate
  • Student will have difficulty grasping abstract
  • Student may not remember directions he or she is

What the teacher can do for students with mental
  • Provide new information at a slower rate
  • Provide concrete directions
  • Repeat directions as much as possible
  • Provide reinforcement for rote material learned

Traumatic brain injury
  • An acquired injury caused by physical force
    resulting in total or partial functional
    disability or psychosocial impairment

Characteristics of students with traumatic brain
  • Reduced stamina
  • Seizures/headaches
  • Hearing/vision problems
  • Easily confused
  • Mood swings and problems with social skills

What the teacher can do for students with
traumatic brain injuries
  • Talk with administrator/parent to find the extent
    of the injury
  • Avoid an unstructured daily routine
  • Keep directions simple and concrete
  • Plan ahead for specific activities
  • Be clear on rules and review them frequently
  • Document any unusual circumstances of changes in

Hearing impairment defined
  • Impairment of hearing severe enough to adversely
    affect a childs educational performance, whether
    permanent or fluctuating

Characteristics of a student who is hearing
  • Uses gestures
  • Hearing aides
  • Sign language
  • May write on paper or refuse to write on paper if
    feels inadequate
  • Isolation due to communication barriers
  • Unintentional noises

What the teacher can do for a student who is
hearing impaired
  • Minimize background noise
  • Face the student when giving instruction
  • Use an overhead or power point so you can face
    the class while instructing
  • Teachers mouth should be fully visible when
  • Stand in areas without bright backlighting
  • Maximize visual and tactile access
  • Use advance organizers

Deafness defined
  • Hearing impairment so severe that student can not
    process linguistic information through hearing,
    with or without amplification

Characteristics of deafness
  • Student may talk very loudly
  • Student may feel isolated due to communication
  • Student may use gestures
  • Student may use an interpreter

What the teacher can do for a student who is deaf
  • Address the child, not the interpreter
  • Increase wait time during lecture
  • Meet regularly with the interpreter to assess the
    communication services
  • Learn a few signs for vocabulary frequently used
    in the classroom

Visual impairment defined
  • Includes blindness, but can include partial or
    complete blindness
  • Some visual impairments may be corrected with

What the teacher can do for students with visual
  • Provide extra time to complete a task
  • Provide verbal descriptions
  • Help implement an IEP team decision to provide
    services necessary
  • Provide assistance in the students orientation
    to the classroom and around the building
  • Talk about where things are
  • Dont lead the student teacher hand at students
    elbow may be enough
  • Remind sighted students/adults to identify
    themselves by name
  • Describe objects when referring to them
  • Dont leave student standing or waiting along in
    an open space
  • Do not move things in classroom without notifying

Deaf-blindness defined
  • Hearing and visual impairments
  • Cause communication and other developmental/educat
    ional needs

Characteristics of students with deaf-blindness
  • Demonstrates serious impairments and growing
    diversity of impairments
  • Significant medical complications
  • Self-stimulating behaviors (rocking)
  • Easily aroused (frustration, self-abusive,
    aggressive, withdrawn)
  • Lack of responsiveness
  • Own interests and signaling methods
  • Vulnerable to stress

What the teacher can do for students who are
  • Teach systematically what non-impaired students
  • Increase the length of time to master daily
    classroom objectives
  • Establish sensitivity and awareness
  • Mutual attention
  • Respond to students signals
  • Keep classroom emotions positive

Orthopedic impairment defined
  • Clubfoot, absence of an appendage
  • Polio-myelitis, bone tuberculosis
  • Cerebral palsy, amputations, fractures or burns

Characteristics of students with orthopedic
  • Unable to coordinate body movement
  • Muscles may weaken and degenerate
  • Nerve control and lack of feeling
  • Painful movement

What the teacher can do for students with
orthopedic impairments
  • Avoid barriers in the classroom
  • Plan accommodations ahead of time
  • Provide extra time for movement and transitions
  • Treat student with respect
  • Provide assistance as needed
  • Monitor safety and health
  • Meet with building administrator regarding
    specific medical emergency plan

Multiple disabilities defined
  • Combination of disabilities
  • Teacher should try to find out as much as
    possible about the multiple disabilities

General words of advice
  • Stay informed of changes
  • Changes in medication
  • Behavioral changes
  • Academic changes
  • Talk with parents and let them know of any
    academic or behavioral changes in their student
    in response to any changes in medication
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