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The Abstract Window Toolkit


Chapter 12 The Abstract Window Toolkit 12.1 Overview Java s Abstract Window Toolkit provides classes and other tools for building programs that have a graphical ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: The Abstract Window Toolkit

Chapter 12
  • The Abstract Window Toolkit

12.1 Overview
  • Javas Abstract Window Toolkit provides classes
    and other tools for building programs that have a
    graphical user interface.
  • The term Abstract refers to the AWTs ability
    to run on multiple platforms.
  • Building a GUI involves creating abstract
    components such as buttons and windows, which are
    then mapped to concrete components for a
    specific platform.

  • Java has a newer library for building graphical
    user interfaces, known as Swing. Swing is more
    powerful and sophisticated than the AWT.
  • Swing is built around the existing AWT, so it
    helps to understand the AWT first.
  • Swing is similar enough to the AWT that its
    relatively easy to switch if the need arises.
  • Many Swing classes correspond to AWT classes. For
    example, Swings JButton class corresponds to the
    AWTs Button class.

Creating a Graphical User Interface
  • GUI programming in Java is based on three
  • Components. A component is an object that the
    user can see on the screen andin most
    casesinteract with.
  • Containers. A container is a component that can
    hold other components.
  • Events. An event is an action triggered by the
    user, such as a key press or mouse click.
  • Designing a graphical user interface involves
    creating components, putting them into
    containers, and arranging for the program to
    respond to events.

Creating a Graphical User Interface
  • Components are objects, so theyre created by
    invoking a constructor.
  • A button would be created by using a constructor
    belonging to the Button class.
  • The most commonly used constructor has one
    argument (the buttons label)
  • Button b new Button("Testing")
  • For a component to be visible, it must be added
    to a container (typically a frame) by the add

Creating a Graphical User Interface
  • To detect when an event occurs, a special
    listener object can be attached to a component.
  • When the user performs an action that involves
    the component, a method belonging to the listener
    object will be called automatically.

12.2 Frames
  • In Java terminology, a frame is a window with a
    title and a border.
  • A frame may also have a menu bar.
  • Frames play an important role in the AWT because
    a GUI program normally displays a frame when its
  • The DrawableFrame objects used in previous
    chapters are examples of frames.

The Frame Class
  • Frames are created using one of the constructors
    in the Frame class.
  • One constructor takes a single argument (the
    title to be displayed at the top of the frame)
  • Frame f new Frame("Title goes here")
  • Although the Frame object now exists, its not
    visible on the screen.
  • Before making the frame visible, a method should
    be called to set the size of the frame.
  • If desired, the frames location can also be

Frame Methods
  • Many methods used with Frame objects are
    inherited from Window (Frames superclass) or
    from Component (Windows superclass).
  • The setSize method sets the width and height of a
  • f.setSize(width, height)
  • If a program fails to call setSize or pack before
    displaying a frame, it will assume a default size.

Frame Methods
  • The size of a frame can change during the
    execution of a program.
  • The getSize method returns a frames current
    width and height
  • Dimension frameSize f.getSize()
  • frameSize.width will contain fs width.
    frameSize.height will contain fs height.

Frame Methods
  • The setVisible method controls whether or not a
    frame is currently visible on the screen.
  • Calling setVisible with true as the argument
    makes a frame visible
  • f.setVisible(true)
  • Calling it with false as the argument makes the
    frame disappear from the screen
  • f.setVisible(false)
  • The Frame object still exists it can be made to
    reappear later by calling setVisible again.

Creating a Frame
  • The FrameTest program creates a Frame object and
    displays it on the screen.
  • This program illustrates three key steps
  • 1. Using the Frame constructor to create a
  • 2. Setting the size of the frame.
  • 3. Displaying the frame on the screen.

  • // Displays a frame on the screen.
  • // WARNING Frame cannot be closed.
  • import java.awt.
  • public class FrameTest
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new Frame("Frame Test")
  • f.setSize(150, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)

Creating a Frame
  • Frame created by the FrameTest program
  • As with the other AWT components, the appearance
    of a frame depends on the platform.

Creating a Frame
  • Clicking on the Close button has no effect,
    because theres no action associated with that
  • The frame will have be closed the hard way, by
    killing the program.
  • In Windows, click on the DOS window from which
    the program was launched, hold down the Ctrl key,
    and press the letter C.

Setting the Location of a Frame
  • By default, all windows (including frames) are
    displayed in the upper-left corner of the screen,
    which has coordinates (0, 0).
  • The setLocation method can be used to specify a
    different location
  • f.setLocation(50, 75)
  • To find the current location of a frame, call
  • Point frameLocation f.getLocation()
  • The coordinates of fs upper-left corner will be
    stored in frameLocation.x and frameLocation.y.

Adding Components to a Frame
  • The Frame class is rarely used to create objects
  • Instead, its customary to define a subclass of
    Frame and then create an instance of the
  • This strategy makes it possible to tailor the
  • In particular, the constructor for the subclass
    can put components into the frame.

Adding Components to a Frame
  • To add a component to a frame (or any kind of
    container), the add method is used.
  • add belongs to the Container class, so its
    inherited by Frame and the other container
  • An example of adding a button to a frame
  • Button b new Button("Testing")
  • add(b)
  • These statements would normally go in the
    constructor for the frame class.

Adding Components to a Frame
  • ButtonTest is a modified version of FrameTest.
  • ButtonTest defines a subclass of Frame named
    ButtonTestFrame, and then creates an instance of
  • Actions taken by the ButtonTestFrame constructor
  • 1. Invokes the superclass constructor (the
    constructor for Frame), passing it the title of
    the frame.
  • 2. Calls setLayout to specify how the components
    inside the frame will be laid out.
  • 3. Creates a Button object.
  • 4. Calls add to add the button to the frame.

  • // Displays a frame containing a single button.
  • // WARNING Frame cannot be closed.
  • import java.awt.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ButtonTest
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new ButtonTestFrame("Button Test")
  • f.setSize(150, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)
  • // Frame class
  • class ButtonTestFrame extends Frame
  • public ButtonTestFrame(String title)

Adding Components to a Frame
  • Frame created by the ButtonTest program
  • Pressing the Testing button has no effect.

Adding Components to a Frame
  • Instead of calling setSize, the main method in
    ButtonTest could have called pack
  • f.pack()
  • pack makes the frame just large enough to display
    the components within it
  • Regardless of whether setSize or pack is called,
    the user can manually resize the frame.

Adding Components to a Frame
  • Its not necessary to have two separate classes,
    (ButtonTest and ButtonTestFrame).
  • By moving the main method from ButtonTest to
    ButtonTestFrame, the program could be condensed
    to one class (ButtonTestFrame).

12.3 Event Listeners
  • When the user performs an action, Java creates an
    object containing information about the event.
  • Responding to an event is done by writing a
    method that can be called when the event occurs.
  • Steps involved in handling an event
  • 1. The user performs an action, causing an event
    to be triggered (or fired).
  • 2. An object is created that contains
    information about the event, including an
    indication of which component was involved.
  • 3. A method that belongs to a listener object is
    called. The object created in step 2 is passed to
    the method.

  • When an event occurs, an object is created that
    contains information about the event.
  • This object will belong to one of several
    different classes, depending on the nature of the
  • These classes all belong to the java.awt.event
  • Java divides events into two groups high-level
    events and low-level events.

  • High-level events
  • Class Name
    Description of Event
  • ActionEvent A significant action has been
    performed on
  • a component (a button was pressed, a list
  • item was double-clicked, or the Enter key
  • was pressed in a text field).
  • AdjustmentEvent The state of an adjustable
    component (such
  • as a scrollbar) has changed.
  • ItemEvent An item has been selected (or
  • within a checkbox, choice menu, or list.
  • TextEvent The contents of a text area or text
  • have changed.

  • Low-level events include moving the mouse or
    pressing a key.
  • One low-level event is WindowEvent, which occurs
    when the status of a window has changed.
  • In particular, a WindowEvent occurs when the user
    attempts to close a window.

  • Event-handling requires the use of interfaces.
  • An interface looks like a class, except that its
    methods arent fully defined.
  • Each method in an interface has a name, a
    parameter list, and a result type, but no body.
  • One common interface is named ActionListener
  • public interface ActionListener extends
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • This resembles a class declaration, except that
    the word class has been replaced by interface,
    and the actionPerformed method has no body.

  • An interface is nothing but a pattern that will
    be used later to define real classes.
  • A class implements an interface by agreeing to
    provide bodies for all methods in the interface.
  • A class that implements the ActionListener
    interface would have to provide a method named
    actionPerformed with one parameter of type
    ActionEvent and a result type of void.

  • The keyword implements is used to tell the
    compiler that a class will implement a particular
  • A class that implements the ActionListener
  • class class-name implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • // Variables, constructors, and methods,
  • // if desired
  • The class may contain any number of variables,
    constructors, and methods.

Creating Event Listeners
  • To handle an event, its necessary to create an
    event listener object.
  • This object will be registered with a
    component when an event occurs that involves the
    component, one of the listeners methods will be
  • An event listener will be an instance of a
    listener class defined by the programmer.

Creating Event Listeners
  • A listener class must implement one of the
  • that belong to the java.awt.event package.
  • Listener interfaces for high-level events
  • Interface Name
    Required Method
  • ActionListener actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • AdjustmentListener adjustmentValueChanged(Adjustm
    entEvent evt)
  • ItemListener itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt)
  • TextListener textValueChanged(TextEvent evt)
  • Each interface contains a single method. The
    access modifier for each method is public, and
    the result
  • type is void.

Creating Event Listeners
  • Theres a similar set of listener interfaces for
    low-level events.
  • The listener interface for WindowEvent is named

Creating Event Listeners
  • Pressing a button is an action event, so the
    listener class for a button would need to
    implement the ActionListener interface.
  • To implement this interface, the class must
    define a public void method named actionPerformed
    with a parameter of type ActionEvent.
  • An example of a listener for an action event
  • class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)

Creating Event Listeners
  • After writing a listener class, the next step is
    to create an instance of the class and connect it
    to a particular component.
  • In the simplest case, a single listener object
    will be attached to a single component.
  • Suppose that b is a Button object
  • Button b new Button("Change Color")
  • A listener object can be created by using the
    constructor for the listener class
  • ButtonListener listener new ButtonListener()

Creating Event Listeners
  • listener can now be registered as an action
    listener for the button
  • b.addActionListener(listener)
  • Its sometimes possible to save a statement by
    combining the creation of the listener object
    with the call of addActionListener
  • b.addActionListener(new ButtonListener())

Creating Event Listeners
  • Calling addActionListener creates a link between
    the Button object and its listener
  • When the user presses the button, the
    ButtonListener objects actionPerformed method
    will be called.

Creating Event Listeners
  • Because ButtonListener implements the
    ActionListener interface, the compiler can verify
    that it has an actionPerformed method.
  • The ActionListener interface acts as a sort of
    contract that ButtonListener agrees to honor.
  • Its an error to pass an object to
    addActionListener unless the object belongs to a
    class that implements ActionListener.

Creating Event Listeners
  • The ButtonTest program displays a Testing
    button, but pressing the button has no effect.
  • Making the button work involves defining a
    listener class that implements the ActionListener
    interface, creating an instance of the class, and
    attaching it to the button.
  • The ButtonTest2 program is similar to ButtonTest,
    but the window will close when the button is
  • Changes are highlighted in bold.

  • // Displays a frame containing a single "Close
  • // button. The frame can be closed by pressing
    the button.
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ButtonTest2
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new ButtonTestFrame("Button Test")
  • f.setSize(150, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)

  • // Frame class
  • class ButtonTestFrame extends Frame
  • public ButtonTestFrame(String title)
  • super(title)
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • Button b new Button("Close window")
  • add(b)
  • b.addActionListener(new ButtonListener())
  • // Listener for button
  • class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • System.exit(0)

Creating Event Listeners
  • Frame created by the ButtonTest2 program

Creating Event Listeners
  • Pressing the Close window button causes a call
    of the actionPerformed method for the buttons
    listener object.
  • This method calls System.exit, which causes the
    program to terminate and the frame to disappear.
  • When a program terminates, any windows that it
    created are automatically closed.

Adapter Classes
  • To make the Close button work, a WindowEvent
    listener is needed.
  • A class that implements the WindowListener
    interface would have to contain seven methods.
  • Theres an easier technique use the
    WindowAdapter class from the java.awt.event
  • This class implements the WindowListener
    interface, although the methods that it provides
    are all empty.

Adapter Classes
  • The listener class will extend the WindowAdapter
    class and override the windowClosing method.
  • It will then inherit all the other methods it
  • WindowAdapter is an example of an adapter classa
    class that can be extended instead of
    implementing an interface.
  • Java provides matching adapter classes for most
    interfaces that have two or more methods.

Adapter Classes
  • The ButtonTest3 program is a modification of
  • The new WindowCloser class extends WindowAdapter
    and provides a windowClosing method of its own.
  • The constructor for ButtonTestFrame now calls
    addWindowListener to install a WindowCloser
    object as a listener for window events.

  • // Displays a frame containing a single "Close
  • // button. The frame can be closed by pressing
    either the
  • // "Close window" button or the frame's "close"
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ButtonTest3
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new ButtonTestFrame("Button Test")
  • f.setSize(150, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)

  • // Frame class
  • class ButtonTestFrame extends Frame
  • public ButtonTestFrame(String title)
  • super(title)
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • Button b new Button("Close window")
  • add(b)
  • b.addActionListener(new ButtonListener())
  • // Attach window listener
  • addWindowListener(new WindowCloser())
  • // Listener for button
  • class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • System.exit(0)

  • // Listener for window
  • class WindowCloser extends WindowAdapter
  • public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
  • System.exit(0)

Adapter Classes
  • When a window event occurs, one of the methods in
    the WindowCloser class will be called.
  • If the event is caused by the user attempting to
    close the window, the windowClosing method is
    called, and the program terminates.
  • Any other window event will cause one of
    WindowClosers inherited methods to be called.
  • These methods are empty, so nothing will happen.

12.4 Inner Classes
  • The ChangeColor program will also have a single
  • Pressing the button will change the background
    color of the frame. The background will initially
    be white

The ChangeColor Program
  • Pressing the button once will change the
    background to black
  • Pressing it again will cause the background to
    return to white.

The setBackground andgetBackground Methods
  • Changing the background color of a frame is done
    by calling the setBackground method, which is
    inherited from the Component class
  • setBackground(
  • The getBackground method (also inherited from
    Component) returns the current background color.

Writing the ChangeColor Program
  • The button listener in ChangeColor will change
    the frames background color instead of causing
    the program to terminate
  • class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • if (getBackground() Color.white)
  • setBackground(
  • else
  • setBackground(Color.white)

Writing the ChangeColor Program
  • Unfortunately, the compiler wont allow the
    listener to call getBackground or setBackground,
    because those methods dont belong to the
    ButtonListener class or its superclass (Object).
  • The actionPerformed method needs to get (and set)
    the background for the frame, not the background
    for the ButtonListener object itself (which
    doesnt have a background, anyway).

Writing the ChangeColor Program
  • Problems of this sort are common when writing a
    listener class because listeners often need
    access to variables or methods that belong to the
  • Theres an easy way to solve such a problem put
    the listener class inside the frame class.
  • A class thats nested inside another class is
    said to be an inner class.
  • Inner class methods have access to variables and
    methods in the enclosing class, allowing the
    inner class to serve as a helper for the
    enclosing class.

  • // Displays a frame containing a single button.
    Pressing the
  • // button causes the background of the frame to
    change from
  • // white to black or from black to white.
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ChangeColor
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new ChangeColorFrame("Change
  • f.setSize(160, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)

  • // Frame class
  • class ChangeColorFrame extends Frame
  • public ChangeColorFrame(String title)
  • // Set title, layout, and background color
  • super(title)
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • setBackground(Color.white)
  • // Add "Change color" button to frame and
    attach listener
  • Button b new Button("Change color")
  • add(b)
  • b.addActionListener(new ButtonListener())
  • // Attach window listener
  • addWindowListener(new WindowCloser())

  • // Listener for button
  • class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • if (getBackground() Color.white)
  • setBackground(
  • else
  • setBackground(Color.white)
  • // Listener for window
  • class WindowCloser extends WindowAdapter
  • public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
  • System.exit(0)

12.5 Attaching Listeners toMultiple Components
  • If a program has two buttons, one possibility is
    to attach the second button to the same
    ButtonListener object
  • The ButtonListener objects actionPerformed
    method will be called when either button is

Using Multiple Listeners
  • The other possibility is to create a different
    listener object for the second button

Using Multiple Listeners
  • The second listener could be an instance of a
    different listener class

Determining the Source of an Event
  • If two or more buttons are connected to a single
    listener, its actionPerformed method will need to
    determine which button was pressed.
  • Ways to solve this problem
  • Compare the source of the event (the component
    that triggered the method call) to see which
    Button object it matches.
  • Test the events action command to see which
    button label it matches.

The getSource Method
  • If evt is an instance of any event class, the
    source of the event can be found by calling
  • Object source evt.getSource()
  • Because events can be caused by a variety of
    components, getSource returns an Object
  • To determine which component fired the event, the
    value returned by getSource can be compared with
    the variables containing the components
  • if (source testButton)

The getActionCommand Method
  • The other way to determine the origin of a button
    press is to use the getActionCommand method.
  • String label evt.getActionCommand()
  • This method can be used only with action events,
    such as button presses.
  • In the case of a button press, getActionCommand
    returns the label on the button.
  • A statement that checks whether the button
    labeled "Testing" was pressed
  • if (label.equals("Testing"))

Example A Single Listener
  • The ChangeColor2 program displays two buttons,
    labeled Lighter and Darker

Example A Single Listener
  • Pressing the Lighter button will lighten the
    background slightly

Example A Single Listener
  • Pressing Darker will darken it
  • Each button can be pressed more than once,
    causing the background to become successively
    lighter or darker.

Example A Single Listener
  • Its possible to use a single listener object for
    both buttons. Alternatively, there could be two
    listeners, one for each button.
  • The ChangeColor2 program will use a single
  • The listeners actionPerformed method will
    determine which button was pressed by testing the
    string returned by getActionCommand.
  • There are only two buttons, so the string will be
    either "Lighter" or "Darker".

  • // Displays a frame containing two buttons.
    Pressing the
  • // "Lighter" button lightens the background of
    the frame.
  • // Pressing the "Darker" button darkens the
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ChangeColor2
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new ChangeColorFrame("Change
  • f.setSize(160, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)

  • // Frame class
  • class ChangeColorFrame extends Frame
  • public ChangeColorFrame(String title)
  • // Set title, layout, and background color
  • super(title)
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • setBackground(Color.gray)
  • // Create button listener
  • ButtonListener listener new
  • // Add "Lighter" button to frame and attach
  • Button b new Button("Lighter")
  • add(b)
  • b.addActionListener(listener)
  • // Add "Darker" button to frame and attach
  • b new Button("Darker")
  • add(b)

  • // Listener for both buttons
  • class ButtonListener implements ActionListener
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • Color currentBackground getBackground()
  • String buttonLabel evt.getActionCommand()
  • // Test label on button and change
    background color
  • if (buttonLabel.equals("Lighter"))
  • setBackground(currentBackground.brighter()
  • else
  • setBackground(currentBackground.darker())
  • // Listener for window
  • class WindowCloser extends WindowAdapter
  • public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
  • System.exit(0)

Example A Single Listener
  • The brighter and darker methods belong to the
    Color class.
  • brighter returns a brighter version of the Color
    object that called it darker returns a darker

Example Separate Listeners
  • The ChangeColor3 program is similar to
    ChangeColor2, except that it uses separate
    listeners for the Lighter and Darker buttons.
  • Using separate listeners requires an additional
    listener class.
  • On the other hand, the actionPerformed method in
    each class will be very short, because theres no
    need to test which button was pressed.

  • // Displays a frame containing two buttons.
    Pressing the
  • // "Lighter" button lightens the background of
    the frame.
  • // Pressing the "Darker" button darkens the
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ChangeColor3
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame f new ChangeColorFrame("Change
  • f.setSize(160, 100)
  • f.setVisible(true)

  • // Frame class
  • class ChangeColorFrame extends Frame
  • public ChangeColorFrame(String title)
  • // Set title, layout, and background color
  • super(title)
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • setBackground(Color.gray)
  • // Add "Lighter" button to frame and attach
  • Button b new Button("Lighter")
  • add(b)
  • b.addActionListener(new LighterButtonListener(
  • // Add "Darker" button to frame and attach
  • b new Button("Darker")
  • add(b)
  • b.addActionListener(new DarkerButtonListener()
  • // Attach window listener

  • // Listener for "Lighter" button
  • class LighterButtonListener implements
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • setBackground(getBackground().brighter())
  • // Listener for "Darker" button
  • class DarkerButtonListener implements
  • public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent evt)
  • setBackground(getBackground().darker())
  • // Listener for window
  • class WindowCloser extends WindowAdapter
  • public void windowClosing(WindowEvent evt)
  • System.exit(0)

12.6 Layout
  • The layout of components within a container
    remains a mystery.
  • Consider the ChangeColor2 frame
  • Why are the buttons placed side by side?
  • Why are the buttons centered within the frame?

Layout Managers
  • These decisions are made by an object known as a
    layout manager.
  • Every container has a default layout manager that
    determines the sizes and positions of components
    within the container.
  • This layout manager can be replaced if desired.
  • One reason that Java uses layout managers is so
    that containers can be resized gracefully.
  • Each time a container is resized, the containers
    layout manager determines new sizes and positions
    for the components in the container.

Layout Manager Classes
  • The java.awt package provides five layout manager
  • Class Name
  • BorderLayout Arranges components along the sides
    of the
  • container and in the middle.
  • CardLayout Arrange components in cards. Only
  • card is visible at a time.
  • FlowLayout Arranges components in variable-length
  • GridBagLayout Aligns components horizontally and
  • components can be of different sizes.
  • GridLayout Arranges components in fixed-length
    rows and
  • columns.

Layout Manager Classes
  • FlowLayout and GridLayout are the easiest layout
    managers to understand.
  • BorderLayout and CardLayout are somewhat harder
    to use.
  • GridBagLayout is the most powerful layout
    manager, but its also the most complicated.

Layout Manager Classes
  • Choosing a layout manager is done by calling the
    setLayout method. (setLayout belongs to the
    Container class, so its inherited by all
    container classes.)
  • To select FlowLayout as the layout manager for a
    frame, put the following call of setLayout in the
    frames constructor
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • If no layout manager is specified for a frame,
    the default is BorderLayout.

The FlowLayout Class
  • The FlowLayout layout manager can handle any
    number of components.
  • The components are laid out side by side from
    left to right.
  • When no more components will fit in a row,
    FlowLayout starts a new row.

The FlowLayout Class
  • Suppose that a frame containing seven buttons
    uses FlowLayout as its layout manager.
  • The number of buttons that can be squeezed into a
    row depends on how wide the frame is

The FlowLayout Class
  • The simplest way to use FlowLayout is to call its
    no-arg constructor and pass the resulting object
    to setLayout
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout())
  • By default, components will be separated by five
    pixels of space and centered in each row.

The FlowLayout Class
  • The alignment can be specified explicitly by
    passing FlowLayout.LEFT, FlowLayout.RIGHT, or
    FlowLayout.CENTER to the constructor
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT))
  • The horizontal and vertical gaps between
    components can also be passed to the constructor
  • setLayout(new FlowLayout(FlowLayout.LEFT, 20,

The GridLayout Class
  • The GridLayout layout manager places components
    in rows, with each row (except possibly the last)
    having an equal number of components

The GridLayout Class
  • If a frame with a GridLayout is resized, the
    components within the frame change size as well

The GridLayout Class
  • The GridLayout constructor requires that the
    number of rows and columns be specified
  • setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 5))
  • Components will be arranged in four rows and
    five columns, with no space between components.
  • If space is desired between components, two more
    argumentsthe horizontal gap and the vertical
    gapare supplied to the constructor
  • setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 5, 20, 10))

The GridLayout Class
  • GridLayout works best when all components in the
    container are the same kind (all buttons, for
    example), because it forces the components to be
    the same size.
  • If the container contains a mixture of
    components, some components may end up appearing
    too large while others look too small.

The BorderLayout Class
  • The BorderLayout layout manager can handle up to
    five components.
  • Four of the components can be positioned against
    the sides of the container, with the fifth
    occupying the center of the container.

The BorderLayout Class
  • The positions in a BorderLayout are named North,
    South, East, West, and Center

The BorderLayout Class
  • The North and South components are stretched to
    the width of the container.
  • The West and East components are stretched
    vertically to fill the gap between North and
  • The Center component expands in both directions
    to fill any remaining space.

The BorderLayout Class
  • The no-arg version of the BorderLayout
    constructor leaves no space between components
  • setLayout(new BorderLayout())
  • A different constructor is used if space is
    needed between components
  • setLayout(new BorderLayout(20, 10))

The BorderLayout Class
  • When a container uses BorderLayout as its layout
    manager, a different version of the add method is
  • add("Center", new Button("Test"))
  • The first argument must be either "North",
    "South", "East", "West", or "Center".

The BorderLayout Class
  • If a frame with a BorderLayout is resized, the
    heights of the North and South components
    dont change
  • The widths of the East and West components
    also remain the same.

The BorderLayout Class
  • BorderLayout doesnt require that all five
    positions be used unused positions are filled by
    neighboring components.
  • This property makes BorderLayout a surprisingly
    versatile layout tool.

Preferred Sizes
  • Every component has a preferred size.
  • For example, the preferred size of a button is
    determined by the size of the label on the
    buttonthe longer the label, the wider the button.

Preferred Sizes
  • Each layout manager has a different way of
    dealing with preferred sizes
  • FlowLayout Honors the preferred sizes of all
  • GridLayout Ignores the preferred sizes of all
  • BorderLayout Honors the preferred widths of the
    East and West components. Honors the preferred
    heights of the North and South components.
    Ignores the preferred size of the Center

Preferred Sizes
  • The layout examples shown earlier illustrate this
  • The buttons in the FlowLayout example stayed the
    same size (their preferred size), no matter what
    the size of the frame was.
  • The buttons in the GridLayout example expanded to
    fill the entire frame.
  • In the BorderLayout example, the North and
    South buttons kept their preferred height,
    while the East and West buttons kept their
    preferred width.

  • A panelan instance of the Panel classis another
    kind of container.
  • A panel is rectangular but has no border.
  • When a panel is placed inside another container,
    it blends in seamlessly.
  • Each panel has its own layout manager.
  • A panel can be used to create a group of
    components that is treated as a single component.

  • Panel objects can be created by using the no-arg
    version of the Panel constructor
  • Panel p new Panel()
  • By default, the layout manager for a panel is
  • A different layout manager can be chosen by
    calling setLayout
  • p.setLayout(new BorderLayout())
  • Passing the layout manager to the Panel
    constructor avoids a separate call of setLayout
  • Panel p new Panel(new BorderLayout())

  • Once a panel has been created, components are
    added to it by calling the add method
  • p.add("Center", new Button("Test"))
  • The panel itself will need to be added to a frame
    or other container.

  • Consider the problem of creating a frame with the
    following appearance

  • The top 12 buttons will need to be grouped into a
    single component using a panel.
  • The panel will use a GridLayout to force the
    buttons into four rows and three columns.
  • To make sure that this panel is positioned above
    the Dial button, the frame itself will need to
    use a BorderLayout.
  • If the Dial button is placed at the South
    position and the panel at the Center position,
    the panel will expand to fill the frame.

  • To keep the Dial button at the correct size, it
    will need to be put in a panel of its own, which
    is then placed at the South position.
  • This panel will have a FlowLayout manager, which
    will center the button and keep it at its
    preferred size.
  • The panel containing the 12 buttons will also
    need to be put inside another panel, to keep the
    buttons from growing if the frame is resized.

  • Summary of panels needed
  • buttonPanel Contains 12 buttons uses
  • centerPanel Contains buttonPanel uses
  • bottomPanel Contains Dial button uses

  • A figure showing the panels as dashed rectangles

  • Statements to create the phone layout
  • Panel buttonPanel new Panel()
  • buttonPanel.setLayout(new GridLayout(4, 3, 10,
  • for (int i 1 i lt 9 i)
  • buttonPanel.add(new Button(i ""))
  • buttonPanel.add(new Button(""))
  • buttonPanel.add(new Button("0"))
  • buttonPanel.add(new Button(""))
  • Panel centerPanel new Panel()
  • centerPanel.add(buttonPanel)
  • add("Center", centerPanel)
  • Panel bottomPanel new Panel()
  • bottomPanel.add(new Button("Dial"))
  • add("South", bottomPanel)

12.7 Creating and Using Components
  • For each component, its important to know three
  • How to create the component
  • What kind of event(s) it fires
  • How to determine the current state of the

  • A checkbox is a small box that the user can
    check by clicking with the mouse
  • Clicking on the box causes a check mark to
  • Clicking a second time removes the check mark
    from the box.

  • A checkbox normally has a label, which is passed
    to the Checkbox constructor as an argument
  • Checkbox cb new Checkbox("Enable sounds")
  • The no-arg version of the Checkbox constructor
    creates a checkbox without a label
  • Checkbox cb new Checkbox()
  • By default, a new checkbox is in the off state
    (no check mark).
  • Creating a checkbox thats on requires using a
    constructor that takes the state as its second
  • Checkbox cb new Checkbox("Enable sounds",

  • When a checkbox is clicked, an item event occurs.
  • Detecting this event requires writing a listener
    class that implements the ItemListener interface.
  • Implementing this interface requires writing a
    method named itemStateChanged
  • class CheckboxListener implements ItemListener
  • public void itemStateChanged(ItemEvent evt)
  • The addItemListener method can be used to attach
    a listener to the checkbox
  • cb.addItemListener(new CheckboxListener())

  • Not every checkbox will require a listener.
  • A program may wait for some other event to occur
    and then examine the checkboxes to see which ones
    are currently checked.
  • The getState method returns the state of a
  • boolean state cb.getState()
  • The setState method changes the state of a
  • cb.setState(true)

Checkbox Groups
  • A checkbox group is a collection of checkboxes in
    which only one box can be checked at a time
  • Checkboxes that are related in this way are often
    referred to as radio buttons.
  • Checkboxes that belong to a group often have a
    different appearance than individual checkboxes.
  • Under Windows, boxes in a group are round instead
    of square.

Checkbox Groups
  • The first step in creating a group of checkboxes
    is to create a CheckboxGroup object
  • CheckboxGroup musicGroup new CheckboxGroup()
  • The next step is to create the checkboxes,
    supplying the CheckboxGroup object as the second
    argument to the Checkbox constructor
  • Checkbox rockBox
  • new Checkbox("Rock", musicGroup, true)
  • Checkbox jazzBox
  • new Checkbox("Jazz", musicGroup, false)
  • Checkbox classicalBox
  • new Checkbox("Classical", musicGroup, false)

Choice Menus
  • A choice menu (or popup menu) displays one of
    several items
  • When the user presses on the arrow button with
    the mouse, the full list of choices pops up

Choice Menus
  • Creating a choice menu requires two steps. The
    first step is to create a Choice object
  • Choice countryChoice new Choice()
  • The second step is to add menu items using the
    add method
  • countryChoice.add("U.S.A.")
  • countryChoice.add("Canada")
  • countryChoice.add("Mexico")
  • The order in which the items are added determines
    the order in which theyll appear on the menu.

Choice Menus
  • When the user pops up the menu and makes a
    choice, an item event occurs.
  • As a result, the listener class for a choice menu
    will need to implement the ItemListener
  • The getSelectedItem method returns the selected
  • String itemSelected countryChoice.getSelectedIt
  • The getSelectedIndex method returns the position
    of the selected item
  • int itemIndex countryChoice.getSelectedIndex()
  • The first item in the list has index 0.

  • A label is a rectangular area containing a text
  • A label has no border around it the user sees
    nothing but the text.
  • Labels are often placed next to other components
    to indicate their meaning or function.
  • The user cant change a labels text there are
    no events defined for labels.

  • One of the Label constructors takes a single
    argument, the text to be displayed within the
  • Label lastName new Label("Enter last name")
  • By default, the text is left-justified within the
  • The desired alignment can be passed as a second
    argument to the Label constructor
  • Label lastName
  • new Label("Enter last name", Label.CENTER)
  • Possible values are Label.CENTER, Label.LEFT,
    and Label.RIGHT.

  • The getText method returns the text of a label
  • String labelContents lastName.getText()
  • The setText method changes the text of a label
  • lastName.setText("Enter first name")

  • A list is a rectangle containing a series of
  • The user can choose an item by clicking on it

  • If not all list items are visible, a scrollbar
    appears to the right of the list

  • Creating a list is similar to creating a choice
  • The first step is to create a List object
  • List countryList new List()
  • By default, four items will be visible at a time.
    The number of visible items can be specified if
  • List countryList new List(5)
  • Once the list has been created, the add method is
    used to add items to it
  • countryList.add("U.S.A.")
  • countryList.add("Canada")
  • countryList.add("Mexico")

  • Single-clicking on a list item causes an item
  • Double-clicking causes an action event.
  • To determine which item was selected, either
    getSelectedIndex or getSelectedItem can be called.

  • A scrollbar is a sliding bar.
  • Scrollbars can be either horizontal
  • or vertical

  • Each scrollbar represents a number chosen from a
    range of integers, such as 0 to 100 or 32 to 212.
  • The width of the sliding portion of the scrollbar
    (the scroll box or bubble) must be at least 1
    (measured in the scrollbars own units, not in
    pixels), but it can be wider if desired.

  • The largest value that the user can select is the
    maximum value of the scrollbars range minus the
    width of the scroll box.
  • If the scrollbar has a range of 0 to 100, and the
    scroll box has a width of 10, then the largest
    value that the user can select is 100 10 90.

  • Ways for the user to change the value of a
  • Drag the scroll box to a different position.
  • Click on the arrow buttons, which changes the
    value by a small amount, known as the unit
    increment. (By default, the unit increment is
  • Click in the area between an arrow button and the
    scroll box, which changes the value by a larger
    amount, known as the block increment. (By
    default, the block increment is 10.)

  • One Scrollbar constructor has five arguments
  • Scrollbar sb
  • new Scrollbar(Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL, 50, 1, 0,
  • The first argument (Scrollbar.HORIZONTAL or
    Scrollbar.VERTICAL) specifies the scrollbars
  • The fourth and fifth arguments specify the
    minimum and maximum values of the scrollbars
  • The second argument is the initial value of the
  • The third argument is the width of the scroll
    box, which must be at least 1.

  • When the user adjusts a scrollbar, an adjustment
    event occurs.
  • Handling the event requires writing a class that
    implements the AdjustmentListener interface.
  • This class must contain a method named
  • class ScrollbarListener implements
  • public void adjustmentValueChanged(AdjustmentEve
    nt evt)

  • The addAdjustmentListener method is used to
    attach a listener to the scrollbar
  • sb.addAdjustmentListener(new ScrollbarListener())
  • The getValue method returns the current value of
    a scrollbar
  • int value sb.getValue()
  • The setValue method changes the value of a
  • scrollbar
  • sb.setValue(newValue)

Text Areas
  • A text area is capable of displaying multiple
    lines of text
  • Scrollbars at the bottom and right side make it
    possible for the user to view text thats not
    otherwise visible.

Text Areas
  • There are four ways to create a TextArea object,
    depending on
  • Whether or not text is to be displayed initially.
  • Whether the number of rows and columns is

Text Areas
  • Assume that quote is the following string
  • String quote
  • "To be, or not to be that is the question\n"
  • "Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer\n"
  • "The slings and arrows of outrageous
  • "Or to take arms against a sea of troubles,\n"
  • "And by opposing end them? To die to sleep\n"
  • "No more and, by a sleep to say we end\n"
  • "The heartache and the thousand natural
  • "That flesh is heir to, 'tis a consummation\n"
  • "Devoutly to be wish'd. To die, to sleep\n"
  • "To sleep perchance to dream ay, there's the
  • "For in that sleep of death what dreams may
  • Notice that new-line characters are used to
    separate lines.

Text Areas
  • The no-arg constructor creates an empty text area
    with a default size
  • TextArea ta new TextArea()
  • To create a nonempty text area, a string
    containing the desired text is passed as an
  • TextArea ta new TextArea(quote)
  • The number of rows and columns can be specified
  • TextArea ta new TextArea(10, 20)
  • Its also possible to specify values for both the
    text and the rows and columns
  • TextArea ta new TextArea(quote, 10, 20)

Text Areas
  • A text area can be made editable or not editable
    by calling setEditable and passing either true or
  • ta.setEditable(false) // Not editable
  • Text areas are editable by default.
  • A text event occurs whenever the user changes any
    of the text in a text area.

Text Areas
  • Detecting a text event requires writing a class
    that implements the TextListener interface.
  • Implementing this interface involves writing a
    method named textValueChanged
  • class TextAreaListener implements TextListener
  • public void textValueChanged(TextEvent evt)
  • The addTextListener method attaches a listener to
    a text area
  • ta.addTextListener(new TextAreaListener())

Text Areas
  • The getText method returns the current contents
    of a text area
  • String text ta.getText()
  • getText returns a single string, with new-line
    characters marking breaks between lines.
  • The setText method replaces the contents of a
    text area
  • ta.setText("Line 1\nLine 2\nLine 3")
  • The append method adds text to the end of a text
  • ta.append("\nLine 4")

Text Fields
  • A text field contains a single line of text
  • The TextField class has four constructors, whose
    arguments specify the contents of the text field
    and/or the number of columns in the text field
  • TextField tf new TextField()
  • TextField tf new TextField("Your name here")
  • TextField tf new TextField(40)
  • TextField tf new TextField("Your name here",

Text Fields
  • Text fields are editable by default.
  • A text field can be made not editable by calling
    setEditable with false as the argument
  • tf.setEditable(false) // Not editable
  • A text field can fire text events, which occur
    when the user modifies the contents of the text
  • An action event occurs when the user presses the
    Enter key after entering data into a text field.
  • Both text events and action events are possible
    only if the text field is editable.

Text Fields
  • The methods for text fields, which include
    getText and setText, are similar to those for
    text areas.
  • This similarity isnt surprising, because the
    TextArea and TextField classes inherit much of
    their behavior from their superclass,
  • Text fields dont support the append method,

12.8 Examples
  • The ConvertTemp, ShowDefinition, and PickColor
    programs illustrate the use of various GUI

Using Labels and Text FieldsTemperature
  • ConvertTemp is a GUI version of the Chapter 2
    program that converts Fahrenheit temperatures to
  • The new version will also be able to convert
    temperatures from Celsius to Fahrenheit.
  • ConvertTemp will display the following frame

Using Labels and Text FieldsTemperature
  • If the user enters a value in the Fahrenheit
    field and presses the Enter key, the
    corresponding Celsius temperature will appear in
    the Celsius field

Using Labels and Text FieldsTemperature
  • Likewise, if the user enters a value in the
    Celsius field and presses the Enter key, the
    corresponding Fahrenheit temperature will appear
    in the Fahrenheit field
  • Temperatures displayed by the program will be
    rounded to two decimal places.

Using Labels and Text FieldsTemperature
  • Designing this program requires confronting two
    issues layout and event-handling.
  • The GUI components will be two labels and two
    text fields.
  • The layout manager can be GridLayout with two
    rows and two columns.
  • GridLayout will make the labels and text fields
    all the same size.
  • The text fields will need to be declared as
    instance variables so that a listener will be
    able to modify one of the text fields when the
    other is changed.

Using Labels and Text FieldsTemperature
  • ConvertTemp will need at least two listeners.
  • One listener will cause the program to terminate
    when the user closes the frame.
  • Another listener will be called when the user
    enters data into either one of the text fields.
  • Although one listener is enough for this purpose,
    the program is easier to understand if two
    listeners are used, one for each field.

Using Labels and Text FieldsTemperature
  • The listener classes, FahrenheitListener and
    CelsiusListener, will each have an
    actionPerformed method.
  • Actions taken by this method
  • Retrieve the users input from one of the text
    fields and convert it to double form.
  • Convert this number from one temperature scale to
    the other.
  • Round the result to two decimal places and
    display it in the other text field.
  • Convert.toDouble (from the jpb package) is used
    to convert the users input into a double value.

  • // Converts a Fahrenheit temperature entered by
    the user to
  • // Celsius, or vice versa
  • import java.awt.
  • import java.awt.event.
  • import jpb.
  • // Driver class
  • public class ConvertTemp
  • public static void main(String args)
  • Frame frame
  • new ConvertTempFrame("Temperature
  • frame.setSize(150, 75)
  • frame.setVisible(true)

  • // Frame class
  • class ConvertTempFrame extends Frame
  • private TextField fahrenField new
  • private TextField celsiusField new
  • // Constructor
  • public ConvertTempFrame(String title)
  • // Set title for frame and choose layout
  • super(title)
  • setLayout(new GridLayout(2, 2))
  • // Add Fahrenheit label and text field to
    frame attach
  • // listener to text field
  • add(new Label("Fahrenheit"))
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