Title: --science that uses
1 --science that uses tree rings to study
present and past climates
2Dendroclimate studies have revealed much about
Photo Henri Grissino-Mayer
3Bristlecone pine (5000 yr old)
4Juniper tree From New Mexico
1320 AD
256 BC
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10Sugar maple (Acer saccharum)
Douglas fir (Pseudotsuga menziesii)
11Locations of established tree-ring chronologies
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(e.g., in arid regions moisture is the
limiting factor, whereas in high latitude zones
temperature may be the limiting factor )
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17For climate research, best to sample trees near
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19--need to select trees that are sensitive to
environmental conditions
(e.g., tree on right is more sensitive to
drought than tree on left)
20--states that matching patterns in ring widths or
other ring characteristics (such as ring
density) among several tree-ring series allows
the identification of the exact year in which
each tree ring was formed
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22--need to take more than one core per tree and
sample more than one tree per site
23Estimated precipitation from tree ring widths for
the western US
24Correlation of tree ring widths and glacier
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27- tree ring study showed that the 1900-1930 period
- was abnormally wet compared to last 400 years
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29Flood scar
31Fire scars
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