MCTF/AARD at Fermilab - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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MCTF/AARD at Fermilab


MCTF/AARD at Fermilab Andreas Jansson Fermilab – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: MCTF/AARD at Fermilab

MCTF/AARD at Fermilab
  • Andreas Jansson
  • Fermilab

Directors charge
  • To Vladimir Shiltsev and Steve Geer
  • From Pier Oddone
  • Subject Muon Collider Task Force
  • I would like to ask the two of you to form and
    lead a Task Force to develop a plan for an
    advanced RD program aimed at the technologies
    required to support the long term prospects of a
    Muon Collider. In doing so I would ask that you
    operate in consideration of the attached charge,
    taking special note of the deliverables requested
    for September 2006 A report outlining a plan for
    developing the Muon Collider concept based on
    recent ideas in the realm of ionization cooling,
    and an associated cooling RD plan that can be
    implemented starting in FY2007. Following receipt
    of this report I will expect to initiate the Muon
    Collider study, including the associated cooling
    channel study and development program, in 2007.
  • The Muon Collider represents a possible long term
    path for extending the energy frontier in lepton
    collisions beyond 1 TeV. It is important to
    establish the possibilities and to outline the
    RD program that will be necessary to develop the
    underlying technology base. I look forward to
    working with you to formulate and execute a plan
    to explore these possibilities and to provide
    options for Fermilab and the world HEP program in
    the future.

MCTF Report/AARD Proposal
  • A fresh look at Muon Collider Design
  • Collider ring (1.5GeV cm) and tracking
  • Magnet design studies
  • Cooling channel design studies
  • Cooling channel component development
  • Helical cooling channel
  • HTS solenoid
  • Absorbers
  • Beam tests
  • High power proton beam
  • Pressurized RF cavities
  • Muon beam and muon beam tests

Proposed budget
MTA Proton Beam
  • Bring (low intensity) H- beam to MTA
  • Needed to test pressurized cavities
  • AD/EBD has requested 632k for FY07 to build
    transfer line.
  • PPD has ordered the switching magnet (long lead
    time) using leftover FY06 funds.
  • Expect to have first beam next summer
  • High intensity beam
  • Needed for additional component testing
  • Another 150k required for absorber and
    additional shielding.
  • Requested thru MCTF/AARD report

Muon beam experiment
  • Can we do a beam experiment (as opposed to a
    single particle experiment)?
  • Complementary to MICE!
  • Cooling of a beam would be a more tangible result
    than cooling single particles.
  • Could potentially be done with simpler
    instruments (beam profiles vs tracking
  • Good case for doing it at Fermilab.

Required muon beam properties
Covariance matrix at beginning of Katsuyas
matching section
  • Angular momentum is much smaller than would be
    generated by fringe field.
  • The beam has real canonical momentum
  • Should be generated inside a solenoid

Muon beam at MTA
  • Lot of infrastructure at MTA (eg cryo) ?
  • 400MeV protons ?
  • Total pi yield few , usable yield about 1e-5 -
  • Can get 1e7 - 1e8 muons per pulse with an
    emittance that roughly fits HCC ?

Protons on 30cm Li rod in 6T field
Conceptual setup
Cooling channel (instrumented) matching section
Pion decay channel
Pion selection (emittance and momentum)
Muon beam diagnostics (emittance and momentum
Fiber tracker work in PPD
Can probably be used directly in beam lines May
be modified for use in LHe?
H. Nguyen
  • Design and simulate proton target, pion
    collection system and decay channel
  • Design muon optics to measure beam properties and
    match to HCC
  • Study and optimize HCC parameters for cooling
    experiment (input momentum, cooling partitions,
    beam parameters). Input to magnet development.
  • Look at optimal detectors and electronics (eg
    Fiber trackers in LHe).
  • Full experiment simulation (eg using MARS and
  • Think about including RF into HCC

  • The MCTF/AARD work is just getting started.
  • Strong backing by the Director .
  • We need you help to succeed!
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