Title: Waseley Hills High School
1Waseley Hills High School
2Waseley Hills High School
- Our suggestion for an
- Eco Schools focus
3We have considered the 5 W's
- Waste
- Water
- Wattage
- Walking
- World
- We did this by thinking how we could tackle
these areas within our school and the community.
- We worked in groups to find out the answers to a
lot of questions. - We had to ask the buildings manager and other
staff to help us find this information.
5We then used this information to decide which one
of the 5 Ws we would like to suggest
6Our chosen W is.
7Class monitors can check lights are off and
windows are closed
Wind generators and solar panels are exciting
We can encourage people to look at the Warmer
Worcester website
We can get energy bills from the building manager
to check our progress
We can look at each room and suggest how it could
be changed to save energy
The community can do similar things to their homes
Energy saving bulbs are a quick way to reduce our
8- Our second choice is waste
Because we have too much litter on our school
To reduce the number of seagulls
Because we need to set an example to our pupils
Because it can harm animals
To reduce the number of vermin/rats
To recycle more!
9Thank you for listening