Title: Computation of FREE CONVECTION
1Computation of FREE CONVECTION
- P M V Subbarao
- Associate Professor
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- IIT Delhi
Quantification of Free .
2Governing Equations
- Now, we can see buoyancy effects replace pressure
gradient in the momentum equation.
- The buoyancy effects are confined to the momentum
equation, so the mass and energy equations are
the same.
Strongly coupled and must be solved simultaneously
3Dimensionless Similarity Parameter
- The x-momentum and energy equations are
4Dimensionless Similarity Parameter
- Define new dimensionless parameter,
- Grashof number in natural convection is analogous
to the Reynolds number in forced convection. - Grashof number indicates the ratio of the
buoyancy force to the viscous force. - Higher Gr number means increased natural
convection flow
5Laminar Free Convection on Vertical Surface
- As y ? ? u 0, T T?
- As y ? 0 u 0, T Ts
- With little or no external driving flow, Re ? 0
and forced convection effects can be safely
6- Analytical similarity solution for the local
Nusselt number in laminar free convection
Average Nusselt
7Effects of Turbulence
- Just like in forced convection flow, hydrodynamic
instabilities may result in the flow. - For example, illustrated for a heated vertical
surface - Define the Rayleigh number for relativemagnitude
of buoyancy and viscous forces
8Effects of Turbulence
- Transition to turbulent flow greatly effects heat
transfer rate.
9Empirical Correlations
Typical correlations for heat transfer
coefficient developed from experimental data are
expressed as
For Turbulent
For Laminar
10Vertical Plate at constant Ts
11- Alternative applicable to entire Rayleigh number
range (for constant Ts)
- Vertical Cylinders
- Use same correlations for vertical flat plate if
12Free Convection from Inclined Plate
Cold plate or Hot fluid
Hot plate or Cold fluid
13Horizontal Plate
Cold Plate (Ts lt T?)
Hot Plate (Ts gt T?)
Active Upper Surface
Active Lower Surface
14Empirical Correlations Horizontal Plate
- Define the characteristic length, L as
- Upper surface of heated plate, or Lower surface
of cooled plate
- Lower surface of heated plate, or Upper surface
of cooled plate
Note Use fluid properties at the film temperature
15Empirical Correlations Long Horizontal Cylinder
- Very common geometry (pipes, wires)
- For isothermal cylinder surface, use general form
equation for computing Nusselt
16Constants for general Nusselt number Equation
17free convection turbulent heat transfer in an
- Turbulent flow in an enclosed cavity or box is a
model for many flows of practical interest - Heating of a room.
- Flow in a double glazing Window.
- Spreading of fire and fire generated gases in an
18Velocity Vectors on A Central Vertical Plane
19Isotherms on A Central Vertical Plane
20Nusselt Number Correlations
21Natural Convection in A Pool of Saturated Liquid
Onset of Convection
22Further Behavior of Saturated Liquid
Natural Convection
Increasing DT
Onset of Boiling
Isolated Bubble Regime
23High Overshoots !!!
A Onset of Natural convection
B Onset of Nucleate Boiling
Heat Flux
Wall Superheat (DTTs Tsat)
- P M V Subbarao
- Associate Professor
- Mechanical Engineering Department
- IIT Delhi
A Basic means of Power Generation A science
which made Einstein Very Happy!!!
- In a steam power plant convective heat transfer
is used to remove heat from a heat transfer
surface. - The liquid used for cooling is usually in
a compressed state, (that is, a subcooled
fluid) at pressures higher than the normal
saturation pressure for the given temperature. - Under certain conditions some type of boiling can
take place. - It is an important process in nuclear field
when discussing convection heat transfer. - More than one type of boiling can take
place within a - nuclear facility.
26Nuclear Power Plant
27Steam Boiler
28Classification of Boiling
- Microscopic classification or Boiling Science
basis - Nucleated Boiling
- Bulk Boiling
- Film Boiling
- Macroscopic Classification or Boiling Technology
basis - Flow Boiling
- Pool Boiling
29 Nucleate Boiling
- The most common type of local boiling encountered
in nuclear facilities is nucleate boiling. - In nucleate boiling, steam bubbles form at the
heat transfer surface and then break away and are
carried into the main stream of the fluid. - Such movement enhances heat transfer because the
heat generated at the surface is carried directly
into the fluid stream. - In the main fluid stream, the bubbles collapse
because the bulk temperature of the fluid is not
as high as the heat transfer surface temperature
where the bubbles were created. - This heat transfer process is sometimes
desirable because the energy created at the
heat transfer surface is quickly and
efficiently "carried" away.
30Bulk Boiling
- As system temperature increases or system
pressure drops, the bulk fluid can reach
saturation conditions. - At this point, the bubbles entering the coolant
channel will not collapse. - The bubbles will tend to join together and form
bigger steam bubbles. - This phenomenon is referred to as bulk boiling.
- Bulk boiling can provide adequate heat
transfer provided that the steam bubbles
are carried away from the heat transfer
surface and the - surface is continually wetted with
liquid water. - When this cannot occur film boiling results.
31Film Boiling
- When the pressure of a system drops or the flow
decreases, the bubbles cannot escape as quickly
from the heat transfer surface. - Likewise, if the temperature of the heat
transfer surface is increased, more bubbles
are created. - As the temperature continues to increase, more
bubbles are formed than can be efficiently
carried away. - The bubbles grow and group together,
covering small areas of the heat transfer
surface with a film of steam. - This is known as partial film boiling.
- Since steam has a lower convective heat
transfer coefficient than water, the steam
patches on the heat transfer surface act to
insulate the surface making heat transfer more
difficult. - As the area of the heat transfer surface
covered with steam increases, the
temperature of the surface increases
dramatically, while the heat flux from the
surface decreases.
32- This unstable situation continues until the
affected surface is covered by a stable blanket
of steam, preventing contact between the heat
transfer surface and the liquid in the center of
the flow channel. - The condition after the stable steam blanket has
formed is referred to as film boiling. - The process of going from nucleate boiling to
film boiling is graphically represented in
Figure. - The figure illustrates the effect of boiling on
the relationship between the heat flux and the
temperature difference between the heat transfer
surface and the fluid passing it.
33Boiling Curve