Title: A Practical Approach to Recognizing Physical Activities
1A Practical Approach to Recognizing Physical
- Jonathan Lester
- Tanzeem Choudhury
- Gaetano Borriello
2The Idea
What am I doing?
3Requirements, and intriguing questions
- Single point of location on the body and location
independence Does it matter? - Work for any person Personalization only
increases accuracy How much variation across
users? - Cost Effective How many sensors are needed?
4Sensors Locations - Single versus Multiple
- Majority of research with single sensor modality,
at multiple locations - Sensor placement and data collection becomes
cumbersome - Use of single sensor (single location) reduced
accuracy by 35 1 - Compensate for accuracy lost using multiple
sensor modalities2 - More comfortable for user to wear at single
location - Can integrate into existing mobile platforms
- 1 Bao, L., Intille, S. Activity Recognition
from User-Annotated Acceleration Data. - In Proc. Proc. Pervasive (2004) 1-17
- 2 Choudhury, T., Lester, J., Kern, N.,
Borriello, G., Hannaford, B.. A Hybrid
Discriminative - Discriminative/Generative Approach for Modeling
Human Activities.
- Three main components
- Sensing Module
- Gathers low level information about activities
- microphone, accelerometer, light sensors, etc
- Feature Processing and Selection Module
- Process raw data from sensors into features
- Features discriminate activities
- Classification Module
- Tags the activity being performed from predefined
6The Experimental System
- A Multi-Mode Sensor Board (MSB)
- Bluetooth Intel Mote (iMote)
- USB rechargeable battery board
- Data collected across 12 individuals performing 8
activities - 8 in mid twenties, 4 in their thirties
- 2/3 of data collected in a computer science
building, 1/3 collected in office building - Data collected from 3 MSBs located at shoulder
strap, side of waist, right wrist - Given a sequence of activities - sitting followed
by climbing stairs followed by brushing teeth - Data collected on laptop, annotated by an
observer using iPaq
8Feature Extraction
- About 18,000 samples per second
- How to bring out the important details compute
features - Features linear, log scale FFT frequency
coefficients, spectral entropy, band pass filter
coefficients, correlations, integrals, means, etc - Not every feature for every sensor
- Total of 651 features computed
- Need to pick few important features to avoid
confusing classification algorithm
9Training the Classifiers
- Have all the data with the features extracted
- Need to separate the data into training and
testing sections - Data separated into 4 folds
- 3 folds used for training the classifier
- 1 fold used for testing
- Done with all combinations of 3 of 4 folds
- Temperature and humidity sensor data not used
10Classifier Structure
- Modified version of AdaBoost1 used to select
best features and rank them based on
classification performance - Most discriminative sub-set of features selected
to learn static classification of activities - Usage of Hidden Markov model (HMM) as a second
layer using the class probabilities - Discriminative classifier tuned to make
activities more distinguishable, while HMM
ensures temporal smoothness - 1 Viola, P., Jones, M. Rapid Object Detection
using a Boosted Cascade of Simple - Features. In Proc. Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition (2001)
11Confusion Matrix The Results
Table Confusion matrix for the static and HMM
classifier trained using a single stream of
sensor data from all three locations on the body
12Location Sensitivity
- Sensors at different locations on body give
better classification - Want to make the sensors invisible to the user
- Ideally classification should work accurately
with data from different locations on the body - Allows user to carry at any convenient location
- How to determine which location is best to place
the sensor board? - Train four sets of classifiers (1) data from
all 3 locations - (2) data from shoulder (3) data from waist
(4) data from wrist
13Location Sensitivity Results
Table Overall precision/recall for the static
and HMM classifiers trained/tested on
all locations (top row) and a single location
(bottom rows).
- Precision True Positive / (True Positive
False Positive) - Recall True Positive / (True Positive False
Negative) - Overall accuracy (True Positive True
Negative) / Total number of example
14Variation across users
- Is there any need for training period for
particular end user? - User would want it to work immediately upon
purchase - Good if it gives better results with more usage
but reasonable performance to begin with - Train the classifier with lot of data collected
from diverse group of people - Use the classifier for new individual No need
to collect any training data, no need to retrain
the classifier
15User Variation Test 1
- Data collected from 12 users. Select N (N 1 to
12) users data for training. Test on all 12
users data - Idea To show that accuracy improves with
increase in training data
16User Variation Test 2
- Data collected from 12 users. Select N (N 1 to
12) users data for training. Test on remaining
12 N users data - Idea To show improvement in accuracy due to
general classifier and not increased training
data size
17Sensors Necessary
- Do not necessarily need all sensors on MSB to
accurately classify - Results shown here do not use temperature and
humidity sensors - Reducing number of sensors makes system less
susceptible to environmental changes - Increasing number of sensors increases
complexity, power and computational requirements,
thus higher costs - Fewer sensors means smaller sizes, more practical
to use - 3 important sensors accelerometer, audio and
barometric pressure sensor
18Single Versus Multiple Sensors
Table Classifiers trained using a single sensor.
Overall accuracies approximately 65
Table Classifiers trained using three sensors.
Overall accuracies approximately 90
- Accurate recognition of range of activities can
be achieved - Have answered the three questions
- Single-board activity recognition system
generalizes well. No need to learn location
specific activity models - For the data set, no need for customization to
specific individuals - Although 7 different modalities on board, but
three main audio, barometric pressure and
accelerometer - Participants were young healthy individuals
- How to handle activities that do not fall into
predefined classes? - How to handle ambiguities associated with
compound activities?