Title: Winter wk 2
1Winter wk 2 Tues.11.Jan.05
- Electrostatics and gravity
- Physics Ch.23 Gauss Law
- Physics Ch.24 Electric potential
Energy Systems, EJZ
2Causes and effects of E
- Charges attract or repel FkqQ/r2
- Charges can create electric fields FqE so E
- Field due to a point charge Q Epoint charge
- Lorentz force
- E fields can exert a
- force on charges
- FqEma
3Fields, gravitational electrostatic
4E field due to charge distributions
- Superposition add the E fields to to each
charge - For more complex charge distributions, find the
Electric FLUX through a - surface enclosing the charges
- Gauss E fields diverge from charges
- Practice Ch.23 Q1
5Gauss Law
- The electric flux through a surface is
proportional to the charge enclosed. -
- Practice Ch.23 Q 5, 10 P 4, 9, 17
6Charged plates
7Charged plates
8Ch.24 Electric potential
Potential energy U Fd can be due to mass or
charge Electrostatic potential energy of two
charges UEkqQ/r Potential Energy/unit mass
or charge Electrostatic potential due to point
charge VEU/q Work done in moving a charge q
through a potential V is WqV lower potential
energy preferred state Practice Ch.24 Q2,
P1, 2
9Equipotential surfaces and E fields
Equipotential constant voltage Conductors are
generally equipotentials Potential difference ?
Electric field dV/dx -E or, equivalently,
Practice Ch.24 Q5,8 (p.646), P3, 4, 6, 35
10Ch.24 4
11Ch.24 6
12Ch.24 35
13Ch.2 Electrostatics (d/dt0) charges ?
fields ? forces, energy
- Charges make E fields and forces
- charges make scalar potential differences dV
- E can be found from V
- Electric forces move charges
- Electric fields store energy (capacitance)
F q E m a
W qV, C q/V
14Why use electrostatic potential V?
Easy to measure V, physically with a
voltmeter Easy to find E from V,
mathematically Scalar V superpose more easily
than vector E