Night - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Night A Memoir By: Elie Wiesel – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Night

  • A Memoir By Elie Wiesel

Literary Techniques
  • Parallelism is the similarity of construction or
    meaning of clauses placed side by side,
    especially clauses expressing the same sentiment
    with slight modifications.
  • Never shall I forget those flames that consumed
    my faith forever. Never shall I forget that
    nocturnal silence that deprived me, for all
    eternity, to live. Never shall I forget those
    moments that murdered my God and my soul and
    turned my dreams to dust. Never shall I forget
    these things

Literary Techniques
  • Simile is a figure of speech in which two
    essentially unlike things are compared, often in
    a phrase introduced by like or as.
  • At first my father crouched under the blows, then
    he broke in two, like a dry tree struck by
    lightening, and collapsed.

Literary Techniques
  • Metaphor is a figure of speech in which a word or
    phrase that ordinarily designates one thing is
    used to designate another, thus making an
    implicit comparison.
  • We were already accustomed to rumors of this
    kind. It was not the first time a false prophet
    had foretold to us peace-on-earth,
    or other false rumors. . .And often we believed
    them. It was an injection of morphine.

Literary Techniques
  • Paradox is a seemingly contradictory statement
    that may nonetheless be true.
  • And, in spite of myself, a prayer rose in my
    heart, to that God to whom I no longer believed.

Literary Techniques
  • Personification is a figure of speech in which
    inanimate objects or abstractions are endowed
    with human qualities or are represented as
    possessing human form.
  • Death wrapped itself around me.

Literary Techniques
  • Juxtaposition is an act or instance of placing
    close together or side by side, esp. for
    comparison or contrast.
  • When they withdrew, next to me there were two
    corpses, side by side, father and son. I was
    fifteen years old.

Literary Techniques
  • Foreshadowing is the act of presenting materials
    that hint at events to occur later in a story.

3 incidents at the beginning of the memoir that
foreshadow the coming danger to the Sighet Jews
  • Moved into the ghettos
  • Deported foreigners
  • Yellow Stars required for all Jews to wear

Literary Techniques
  • Symbol is a thing that stands for or represents
    both itself and something else.
  • What associations do you make for the following
  • Yellow Star
  • Faded Portraits
  • Cauldron of Soup

How might the following observation apply to
  • Mankind are more disposed to suffer, while evils
    are sufferable, than to right themselves by
    abolishing the forms to which they are

Story of Job
  • There was an extremely pious man named Job. He
    was very prosperous and had seven sons, and three
    daughters. Constantly fearing that his sons may
    have sinned and "cursed God in their hearts" he
    habitually offered burnt offerings as a pardon
    for their sins.
  • The angels of heaven and Satan present themselves
    to God. God asks Satan his opinion on Job,
    apparently a truly pious man. Satan answers that
    Job is only pious because he is prosperous. In
    order to test if Job would still be pious if he
    was stricken with poverty, God gives Satan
    permission to destroy Job's possessions and
  • All of Job's possessions are destroyed and all of
    his family are killed. Job does not curse God
    after this but instead shaves his head, tears his
    clothes and says "Naked I came out of my mother's
    womb, and naked shall I return  the Lord has
    given, and the Lord has taken away.

Story of Job
  • As Job endures these calamities without
    reproaching Divine Providence, Satan solicits
    permission to afflict his person as well, and God
    says, "Behold he is in your hand, but dont touch
    his life." Satan, therefore, smites him with
    dreadful boils, and Job, seated in ashes, scrapes
    his skin with broken pottery. His wife prompts
    him to "curse God, and die" but Job answers,
    "Shall we accept good from God, and not trouble?"
    In all of this, Job doesn't sin by cursing God.

How does Wiesel sympathize with Job?
  • He more understood the trials of Job.
  • Job was faithful to god even when bad things
  • Wiesel puts his faith towards god on trial.

  • To deprive of human qualities such as
    individuality, compassion, or civility.
  • How many components of the definition must be
    removed for dehumanization?

Themes/ Central Ideas in Night
  • With a partner, come up with at least 5 themes in
  • Loss of Innocence
  • Dehumanization
  • Trauma
  • Faith
  • Father and Son Relationship
  • Oppressed v. Oppressor
  • Reality v. Illusion

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