Prospects for GRB Science with GLAST - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Prospects for GRB Science with GLAST


Prospects for GRB Science with GLAST Jonathan Granot University of Hertfordshire (Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award Holder) Collaborators: J. Cohen-Tanugi, E ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Prospects for GRB Science with GLAST

Prospects for GRB Science with GLAST
  • Jonathan Granot
  • University of Hertfordshire
  • (Royal Society Wolfson Research Merit Award

Collaborators J. Cohen-Tanugi, E. do Couto e
Silva A. Königl, T. Piran, P. Kumar, D. Eichler,
E. Ramirez-Ruiz, C. Kouveliotou,
MSFC/NSSTC Science Colloquium, August 11, 2008,
Huntsville AL
Outline of the Talk
  • Short historical overview of Gamma-Ray Bursts
    (important missions, observations, theoretical
  • Brief outline of GLAST capabilities
  • Early afterglow from Swift to GLAST
  • Prompt gamma-ray emission
  • Emission mechanism, energy budget
  • Intrinsic opacity to ?? ? e?e?
  • Conclusions

GRBs Brief Historical Overview
  • 1967 1st detection of a GRB by the Vela
    satellites (serendipitously it was published
    only in 1973)
  • In the early years there were many theories, most
    of which invoked a Galactic origin (at some point
    there were more theories than detected GRBs !!!)
  • 1991 the launch of CGRO with BATSE lead to
    significant progress in our understanding of GRBs
  • BATSE 30 keV 2 MeV, full sky coverage (in
    practice the Earth occulted ½ the sky at any
  • OSSE 50 keV 10 MeV, FOV 3 11
  • COMPTEL burst modules 0.1 10 MeV, 2.5 sr
  • EGRET 30 MeV 30 GeV, FOV 0.6 sr

Isotropic distribution on the sky
  • Favors a Cosmological origin over a Galactic
  • An extended Galactic halo was still invoked by

Bimodal Distribution Long vs. Short
2 s
  • This suggested two distinct classes of bursts

The peak count rate distribution
  • V/Vmax ? (Cmax/Cmin) -3/2 where V is the volume
    out to the source distance Vmax is the volume
    out to which the same source could be detected
    Cmax peak count rate, Cmin detection limit
  • For Euclidean universe constant event rate per
    unit volume, V ? D3 ? F -3/2 ? N(gtC) ? C -3/2
    ?V/Vmax? ½ for any luminosity function
  • ?V/Vmax? 0.328 0.012 for the 1st 601 BATSE
    GRBs ? supported a Cosmological origin

GRBs Observations - Prompt GRB
  • Variable light curve
  • Duration 10 -2 103 sec
  • Spectrum non-thermal
    ?F? peaks at 0.1-1
  • Rapid variability, non thermal spectrum z 1 ?
    relativistic source (? ? 100) (compactness
    problem Schmidt 1978 Fenimore et al. 1993
    Woods Loeb 1995)

BeppoSAX discovery of afterglow
  • Wide Field Camera 40 40, 2 - 30 keV
    ( PDS shielding nearly all sky _at_ 100 - 600
  • Narrow Field Instruments (1- 0.5) 0.1- 300
  • WFC ? ground ? point NFI ? ground (hours)
  • Its abilities led to afterglow detection (1997)
    in X-rays, optical, radio (for long GRBs - LGRBs)
  • This led to redshift measurements clear cut
    determination of the distance/energy (LGRBs)
  • Afterglow observations provided many new
    constraints on beaming, event rate, external
    density, SN connection, etc.

Afterglow Observations pre-Swift(basic features
the model needs to produce)
  • X-ray, optical radio emission over (pre-Swift)
    days, weeks months,
    respectively, after GRB
  • Light curves power-law decay

Fox et al. (2003)
Piro (1999)
Some afterglows show an Achromatic Steepening of
the Light Curve (Jet Break)
Optical light curve of GRB 030329
Optical light curve of GRB 990510
(Gorosabel et al. 2006)
(Harrison et al. 1999)
Spectrum Linear Polarization
  • Spectrum consists of several power law segments
    is well fit by synchrotron emission
  • Linear polarization of 1-3 was detected in
    several optical/NIR afterglows ? likely
    synchrotron emission

Linear Polarization
GRB 970508 Spectrum at 12.1 days (Galama et al.
(Covino et al. 2003)
The Size of the Afterglow Image
  • Quenching of diffractive scintillations after
    30 days in the radio afterglow of GRB 970508 ? R?
    1017 cm
  • The radio afterglow of GRB 030329 was
    (marginally) resolved directly using the VLBA
    (Taylor et al. 04,05)

Indirect Scintillation
Direct VLBA
spectal slope 4.8-8.4 GHz
GRB 970508
Light Curve 8.4 GHz
(Frail et al. 2000)
GRB 030309 (z 0.17) VLBA _at_ 1.4, 8.4 GHz
(Taylor et al. 2005)
(Waxman et al. 1998)
GRB Theory Fireball vs. Poynting Flux
Meszaros Rees 92, Katz 94, Sari Piran 95
Prompt GRB
X-rays Optical Radio
Shemi Piran 90, Goodman 86, Paczynski 86,
Optical Radio
Matter dominated outflow Ekin ? EEM
Reverse shock
External medium
Forward Shock (Rees Meszaros 92)
Particle acceleration ? synchrotron ?-rays
Poynting flux dominated flow EEM Ekin
X-rays Optical Radio
reconnection (or other EM instability) R
1016-1017 cm
Magnetic bubble
Thopson 94, Usov 94, Meszaros Rees 97, Katz
Lyutikov Blandford 02,03
Afterglow Theory Dynamics1. A spherical outflow
  • A compact source ejects a relativistic outflow
  • Dissipation within the outflow causes the prompt
  • a relativistic forward shock sweeps up external
  • The outflow is decelerated by a reverse shock
  • When most of the energy is transferred to the
    shocked external medium the flow approaches
    self-similarity (Blandford McKee 1976)
  • Finally the flow becomes Newtonian (Sedov-Taylor)

forward shock
reverse shock
1. Unperturbed ext. medium 2. Shocked external
medium 3. Shocked ejecta 4. Freely expanding
Emission Synchrotron Radiation
  • Relativistic electrons gyrating in a magnetic
  • The electrons are presumably shock-accelerated to
    a power-law distribution dN/d?e ? ?e-p (?e gt ?m)
  • Convenient parameterization of our ignorance the
    electrons the magnetic field are assumed to
    hold fractions ?e ?B of the internal energy
  • Individual electron P? ? ?1/3 _at_ ? lt ?syn ?
  • Break frequencies ?m ?syn(?m), ?c ?syn(?c),
  • Synchrotron-self Compton may also be relevant

Spectra Light Curves
F? ? ta ?ß
(Sari, Piran Narayan 1998)
(JG Sari 2002)
Origin of Different Emission Components
  • The long lived afterglow emission lasting days,
    weeks, months in the X-ray, optical radio is
    attributed to the forward shock
  • the reverse shock is believed to produce the
    optical flash and radio flare emission, whose
    polarization probes B-field structure in outflow

The simplest spherical model was very successful
in explaining afterglow observations during the
first 2 years after the detection of afterglow
in 1997
Radio Flare (Kulkarni et al. 99)
Optical Flash (Sari Piran 1999)
GRB 990123
Complications variants of basic
modelmotivation both theoretical observational
  • Radiative losses (Blandford McKee 67 Cohen,
    Piran Sari 98 Panaitescu Meszaros 98
    Meszaros, Rees Wijers 98)
  • Were expected theoretically in the early
  • invoked to reduce the high prompt ?-ray
  • Wind-like external density ?R-2 (Chevalier Li
  • Motivation expected for massive star progenitor
  • Jets narrowly collimated outflow (Rhoads 97,
  • Motivation in analogy to other relativistic
    sources reduces total energy output in ?-rays
  • Predicted a jet break which was soon observed

(Long) GRB SN (Type Ic) Connection
  • Firmly established the connection between long
    GRBs and core collapse Supernovae (in 2003
    circumstantial or less conclusive evidence exited
  • Supports the Collapsar model, in which a BH is
    formed during the collapse of a massive star

(Hjorth et al. 2003)
The Swift Era
  • Burst Alert Telescope (BAT) sensitive coded
  • Energy 15-150 keV (imaging), ? 350 keV
  • FOV 1.4 sr , angular position accuracy 4
  • Triggers autonomous slewing of the spacecraft
  • X-Ray Telescope (XRT) 0.2-10 keV, FOV 23,
    typical angular position accuracy a few
  • Ultra-Violet Optical Telescope 24 mag in 103 s
  • Detects 100 GRB/yr X-ray afterglow for most
  • Discovered unexpected behavior of early afterglow
  • Led to the discovery of afterglow from short GRBs
    ? host galaxies, redshifts, energy, rate,

Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope (GLAST Era
launched on June 11, 2008)
  • GLAST Burst Monitor (GBM) 10 keV 25 MeV
    (12NaI 10 103 keV, 2BGO 0.15-25 MeV), full
  • Slightly less sensitive than BATSE expected to
    detect 200 GRB/yr (? 60 in the LAT FoV)
  • Large Area Telescope (LAT) 20 MeV 300 GeV FoV
    2.4 sr

LAT performancecompared to EGRET
  • More than 40 times the sensitivity of EGRET
  • Large Energy range 20 MeV to gt300 GeV
  • Optimized Point Spread Function
  • (0.35o _at_ 1 GeV)
  • Wide Field of View
  • (2.4 sr)
  • Good Energy Resolution
  • (DE/E 10)

GRB High Energy Emission Processes
  • Inverse-Compton or Synchrotron-Self Compton
  • Ep,SSC/Ep,syn max(?m,?c)2, LSSC/LsynY,
    Y(1Y) eradee/eB
  • Hadronic processes photopair production (p ?
    ? p e? e?), proton synchrotron, pion
    production via p-p collisions or p ?
    (photopion) interaction
  • The neutral pions decay p0 ? ?? into high energy
    photons that can pair produce with lower energy
    photons ?? ? e? e- -producing a pair cascade
  • GLAST may help determine the
  • identity of the dominant emission
  • mechanism at high low energies
  • Most of the radiated energy can
  • be in the LAT range (energetics)
  • in the LAT range

High energy photons (gt50 MeV)
EGRET Observations of GRBs
  • EGRET detected only a few high-energy bursts
  • The observed properties were
  • different between those cases
  • GRB A distinct high energy spectral component has
    been observed in the prompt phase of one EGRET
    GRB - 941017
  • GRB 940217 delayed emission

GRB 941017 (Gonzàlez et al 03)
GRB 940217
Prompt High Energy Emission in GRB 941017
  • The high-energy spectral component (? 3 MeV) last
    longer (200 s) than the sub-MeV component (with
    T90 77 s) and shows much less temporal
  • Hadronic cascades? (Gonzalez et al. 2003)
  • More likely inverse- Compton emission from
    forward-reverse shock system (JG Guetta 03)

Low Energy lt 3 MeV T90 77 sec Epeak 0.5 MeV
Where is the high-energy peak? Is there a
cut-off? Internal or external shocks? Are
hadrons involved? Time dependent photon index?
How common is this behavior? We Need GLAST
High Energy gt 3 MeV dN/dE E-1 Duration 200s
(Gonzalez et al 2003)
GRB 940217 Delayed High Energy Emission
  • The origin of the delayed emission is not clear
  • Afterglow SSC emission?
  • Hadronic processes?
  • Late time flaring activity?
  • Interaction with the CIB?
  • GLAST may help study the different possible

GRB 940217 (Hurley 1994)
Early X-ray Afterglows from Swift
flat part t0-t-1
Post jet break
usual decay t-1-t-1.5
Tail of prompt emission
rapid decay t-5-t-3
102.5 s
104 s
(Vaughan et al. 2006)
(Obrien et al. 2006)
Possible Explanations for Early Flat Decay
  • Energy injection into afterglow (Nousek et al.
  • I. Continuous relativistic wind L? t-0.5
  • II. Slower material ejected during the prompt GRB
  • gradually catches up the decelerating afterglow
  • Afterglow efficiency increases with time (varying
    shock micro-physics parameters JG, Königl
    Piran 06)
  • Observer outside emitting region (JG Eichler 06)

(JG, Ramirez-Ruiz Perna 05)
Possible Explanations for Early Flat Decay
  • Energy injection into afterglow (Nousek et al.
  • I. Continuous relativistic wind L? t-0.5
  • II. Slower material ejected during the prompt GRB
  • gradually catches up the decelerating afterglow
  • Afterglow efficiency increases with time (varying
    shock micro-physics parameters JG, Königl
    Piran 06)
  • Observer outside emitting region (JG Eichler
  • Two component jet

wide jet ?0 20-50
narrow jet ?0 gt 100
(JG, Königl Piran 06)
tdec ? ?0-2(4-k)/(3-4) for ?ext ? r-k ? tdec,n
Implications for ?-ray Efficiency
  • ?? E?/E0, ??/(1-??) ?f ? E?/Ek(t), f
  • ? 1 from the X-ray afterglow flux at t 10 hr

Implications for ?-ray Efficiency
  • ?? E?/E0, ??/(1-??) ?f ? E?/Ek(t), f
  • ? 1 from the X-ray afterglow flux at t 10 hr
  • f ? 10 if flat decay is energy injection ?? ?
  • If the flat decay phase is due to an increase in
    the afterglow efficiency then f 1 ?? 0.5
  • If also Ek(t 10 hr) is underestimated (e.g., ?e
    0.1 instead of 1) then possibly ? 0.1 ??
  • ? a typical afterglow kinetic energy ? 1052 erg
    (? 1053 erg) for a uniform (structured) jet
  • GLAST might find a larger E? ? higher ??
  • Models differ in GLAST range (SSC componet)

GLAST may help distinguish between the different
possibl explanations
  • Energy injection long lived reverse shock
  • The reverse shock is highly (mildly) relativistic
    in Type I (II) energy injection
  • ? different inverse-Compton emission is expected
    (in both cases 4 IC components ff fr rf rr)
  • Afterglow efficiency increases with time most of
    the energy could potentially be radiated in LAT
  • Observer outside emitting region SSC from the
    external shock with similar shallow decay phase

X-ray Flares prolonged source activity?
  • Short time scale (?t t) Large amplitude (?F ?
    F) rule out an afterglow origin
  • They are most likely due to long lived central
    source activity (late time fallback?)
  • Late localized dissipation events within the

(Nousek et al. 2006)
(Krimm, JG, et al. 2006)
X-ray Flares
  • Temporal spectral properties similar to prompt
  • The emission site mechanism is similarly
  • GLAST observations can help solve such questions
    (SSC component,
    opacity effects)
  • 4 IC components are
  • predicted, as there are
  • 2 emission regions

The largest flare so far in the X-ray
afterglow (Falcone et al. 2006)
X-ray flare
The Compactness Problem
  • The large ?-ray flux implies huge luminosities
    for cosmological GRBs, Liso 1050 - 1053 erg/s
  • For Newtonian sources short variability time ?t
    ? small source R lt c?t e Epheak /mec2 1 ?
    large fraction of ?s can pair produce (?? ?
  • ???(e) sTnph(1/e)R, nph(1/e) L1/e/4pR2mec3 ?
  • ???(e) sTL1/e/4pmec3R ? 1014 L1/e,51(?t / 1
  • Such a huge ??? would produce a thermal spectrum
    ? inconsistent with the observed high energy tail

Solution Relativistic Motion ? 1
  • Source can be larger R lt G2c?t (factor G-2 in
  • ?? ? e?e- threshold e1e2 ? G2 (G2(1-a),
  • Factor of 1- cos?12 G-2 in ??? expression
  • Altogether ??? is reduced by a factor of G2(1a)
    and since a 2-3, ??? lt 1 typically implies G ?
  • ??? sTG-2aL1/e/4pmec3R ? sTG-2(a1)L1/e/4pmec4?t

Opacity Buildup in Impulsive Relativistic
sources Motivation(JG, Cohen-Tanugi do Couto
e Silva 2008)
  • Opacity effects are expected to be important in
    GLAST LAT energy range ( 20 MeV - 300 GeV)
  • Above some photon energy ?1, ??? gt 1 the
    spectrum is expected to cut off exponentially
  • Lack of such a cutoff up to an observed photon
    energy ?max ? ? ? 100L0,52(?max)?-1/ R131/2?
    where ? Eph/mec2 and L? L0?1-?
  • This was used to put a lower limit on assuming R
    ?2c?t where ?t observed variability time

Motivation (2)
  • Observing the high energy cutoff due to ??? will
    determine ?2?R (instead of just a lower limit)
  • Some sources are highly variable, suggesting
    impulsive emission (GRBs, flares in Blazars,)
  • We consider the opacity to pair production
    (?? ? e?e-) within the source (flaring region)
  • Together with an independent estimate of ? this
    can determine R and check if indeed R ?2c?t
  • Initially there is no photon field the opacity
    builds-up with time ? even ? gt ?1(steady state)
    photons can initially escape, as long as ?1(t) gt
  • ? a distinct temporal spectral signature

Simple (yet rich) Semi-Analytic Model
  • Ultra-relativistic (? 1) spherical thin (?
    R/?2) shell emits in a finite interval R0 R
  • Isotropic emission in the shell co-moving frame
  • For simplicity ? 2 ? R-m, L? ? (?)1-?Rb is
    assumed while the formalism is more general

Corresponds to a single flare/spike in light curve
expanding shell
gg ee-
turns off
turns on
Calculation of the observed Flux
  • Flux calculation integration over the equal
    arrival time surface of photons to the observer
  • The photon field is calculated at all space
  • The pair-production optical depth is calculated
    by integrating along the trajectory of each photon

equal arrival time surface
? photon arrival time to observer ? emission
angle from the l.o.s. t emission time (in lab
Calculating the ?? ? ee- Optical Depth

equal arrival times surface of photons to
the observer (EATS)
the shell emits a test photon
photon front
Expanding spherical ultra-relativistic shell
observer at infinity
radius where the GRB source turns on
?t,0 ?(Rt,0)
Calculating the ?? ? ee? Optical Depth
At each point along the test photon trajectory
the local photon field is calculated by
integrating along the equal arrival time surface
to that space-time point EATS-II
Results Light Curves Instantaneous Spectra
Time of instantaneous spectrum
Time integrated spectrum
one dynamical time
T0 time when first photon reaches the observer
at infinity
1 GeV
Time Integrated Spectrum Power law High Energy
300 GeV
8 keV
1 MeV
1 GeV
25 MeV
Temporal signatureHigh energy photons, above
the break in time integrated spectrum escape
mainly near the onset of aflare or spike in the
light curve
gg ee-
source opaque to ?-rays
high energy photons reach the observer near the
onset of the flare / spike in light curve
?-rays escape freely
The opacity builds-up saturates on a dynamical
time scale
Theoretical Calculations
  • Like previous major relevant space missions,
    GLAST is also expected to significantly advance
    the GRB field
  • Early Afterglow
  • May help find the cause of the shallow decay
  • May help find the origin of the X-ray flares
  • Prompt GRB emission
  • May determine emission mechanism (soft hard)
  • Will better determine the total radiated energy
  • Opacity effects constrain R, G ? composition (e?
    / p / B)
  • ?? ? e?e? opacity has distinct observable
  • GLAST may find surprising new things (more fun)

Validity of the Model Assumptions
  • Thin Shell in internal shocks tcool tdynamic ?
    thin cooling layer behind the shock
  • Spherical geometry reasonably valid in GRBs
    should not qualitatively affect the main results
  • Power law emission spectrum only marginally
    valid for GRBs ? will be generalized
  • Neglecting external opacity valid for GRBs not
    so clear how valid in Blazar flares (but can be
    distinguished by lack of ??? time dependence)
  • Single spike/flare reasonably valid for spikes
    after quiescent period vicinity to previous
    spike or flare would effect manly high energies ?

Why is there an exponential cutoff in the
spectrum of a (quasi-) steady source?
  • If the emission and absorption are in the same
    region (e.g. by the same material), then photons
    can escape only from a thin layer of width R/?
    at the edge of the emitting region Lesc
  • For ?? ? e?e? attenuation occurs also outside of
    the emitting region ? ?2 ?1 ? nphR for steady
    sources ? exponential cutoff
  • This assumes a uniform nph
  • in emission region ? requires
  • reasonably localized emission
  • Holds for a relativistic source

Photon 1
Photon 2
The Relativistic Self Similar Regime
?12 1
The particle velocities are randomized at the
shock kinetic energy (bulk motion) turns into
internal energy
1. Upstream Ordered Velocities
2. Downstream Random Velocities
Shock Front
  • The internal energy per unit rest mass is
  • ? E ? ?2Mc2 where ? ? ?12 if E ? const (no
    energy gains or losses) ? ? M-1/2 ? R(k-3)/2 for
    ?1 ? R-k and M(ltR) ? R3-k

LAT Performance
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