Title: Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan
1Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation Since 1929
2Summer Fun Since 1929
- Located in the Northwoods of Wisconsin
- 1,500 acres of beautiful forest and spring-fed
lakes - Two full-service camps
- Wilderness Camp
- High Adventure Base
- Triangle M Horse Ranch
- Family Camp
- Traditional Boy Scout Camp
- Program Areas
- Merit Badges
- Order of the Arrow
- Cub Scout Program
- Fun With Son
- Akela Camp
- Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan High Adventure Base
4Program Areas
Ma-ka-Ja-Wan operates 12 different program areas
- Aquatics
- Eco-Con
- Handicraft
- Scoutcraft
- Trailblazer
- East Pinnacle
- Science Technology
- Climbing Wall
- Horse Ranch
- Buckskin
- Black Hole
- Shooting Sports
- West Pinnacle
- Health Fitness
5Merit Badges
Aquatics Canoeing Kayaking Lifesaving Motorboatin
g Rowing Small Boat Sailing Swimming
Eco-Con Astronomy Bird Study Energy Environ.
Science Fish Wildlife Mgmt. Fishing Forestry Ge
ology Insect Study Mammal Study Nature Oceanograph
y Pulp Paper Reptile/Amph. Study Soil Water
Conserv. Weather Others Chess Cinematography Sales
Handicraft Art Basketry Composite
Mat. Leatherwork Metalwork Photography Pottery Spa
ce Exploration Wood Carving Shooting
Sports Archery Rifle Shooting Shotgun
Shooting West Pinnacle Athletics Emergency
Prep. Fire Safety Personal Fitness Search
Scoutcraft Backpacking Camping Cooking First
Aid Geocaching Hiking Orienteering Pioneering Wil
derness Survival
Buckskin Archaeology Indian Lore Textile Climbing
Wall Climbing
East Pinnacle Auto Maintenance Chemistry Communica
tion Electricity Electronics Nuclear Science Radio
Horse Ranch Animal Science Horsemanship
Eagle required
6High Adventure Opportunities
- In-Camp Adventures
- Whitewater Rafting
- Horse Ranch
- Climbing Wall
- Backpacking Treks
- Ice Age Trail
- Porcupine Mountain
- Pictured Rocks
- Isle Royale
- Water Based Treks
- Boundary Waters Canoeing
- Manitowish River Canoeing
- Flambeau Flowage Canoeing
- Sylvania Wilderness Canoeing
- Apostle Islands Kayaking
- Lake Superior Sailing
Opportunity to complete merit badge requirements
7Order of the Arrow
Ordeal Callout Ceremonies June 28 830 PM July
12 830 PM July 26 - 815 PM Brotherhood
Induction Ceremonies June 29 July 3 July 13 July
17 July 27 July 31 Vigil Weekend July 12
8Guest Unit Camping
- Guest Unit Camping provides scouts the
opportunity - to go to camp without their troop when
- They cant attend when their unit is going
- They want to spend an extra week
- Their troop isnt attending camp
- Two options
- Be a part of Ma-Ka-Ja-Wans Troop 129
- Weeks 1, 2 6
- Attend a week with another unit
- Troop 129 leadership provided by former staff and
- registered adult volunteers
9Adult Leader Programs
Mug Club Training.e.g. Outdoor Leader
Skills Adult Trailblazer Scoutmasters vs. staff
Volleyball Scoutmasters vs. staff War Canoe
Races . and the camp program areas
10Trained and Highly Experienced Staff Senior
Claudia Clark Food Service Manager
Trent Zelmer Reservation Ranger
Rory Fencl High Adventure Director
Adam Hoeflich West Camp Director
Matt Morse East Camp Director
11Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation Camp Fees
- Boy Scouts 275 per week
- Adult Leaders Full-time leaders 140 week or
30 daily fee - Full-time Leader Credits
- 1-8 Scouts 1 free
- 9-16 Scouts 2 free
- 16-30 Scouts 3 free
- 31 or more Scouts 4 free
Additional fees for Wolf River rafting and
canoeing, horseback riding and costs associated
with some merit badges
Camperships available, check the NEIC.org site
for information
12Ma-Ka-Ja-Wan Scout Reservation High Adventure Fees
Sylvania Wilderness Area Canoeing Manitowish
River Canoeing Boundary Waters
Canoeing Flambeau Flowage Canoeing Apostle
Island Kayaking Lake Superior Sailing Ice Age
Trail Trek Picture Rocks Trek Porcupine
Mountain Trek Isle Royale Trek
4 days 3 or 4 days 7 days 3 or 4 days 5
days 3 or 4 days 3-5 days 4 or 5 days 3 or 4
days 5 days
360 360 495 360 550 500 300 360 3
60 450
Camperships available, check the NEIC.org site
for information