Title: Convention%20on%20Long-range%20Transboundary%20Air%20Pollution
1Convention on Long-range Transboundary Air
- Task Force on Integrated Assessment Modelling
- 31st and 32nd meeting
- 8-9 December 2005, Gothenburg, Sweden
- 17-19 May, Rome, Italy
2- Review of the Gothenburg protocol
- Prepare for the revision of the protocol
3 1. Review what has changed?
- New Eulerian dispersion model
- Ecosystem dependent deposition rates
- Sensitivity of ecosystems, ozone flux approach
- Health effects of particles and ozone
- Emission estimates
- New (national) projections, time horizon 2020
- Effects of existing control options (cycle
bypassing) - Increased potential of cost-effective measures
due to linkages with climate policy,
non-technical local measures and measures for
4Preliminary conclusion TFIAM32
- Emissions of SO2, NOx, NH3 and VOC declined
- Current policy efforts are no-regret, but
- The Gothenburg Protocol is not sufficient to meet
the original ambitions regarding the long term
protection of ecosystems and health
5Unprotected Ecosystem-area (nitrogen) -
Meteorologisk Institutt met.no
6Factors changing ecosystem risk estimates
Goth Protocol
Updated CL
50 50 km
Exceedance of CLnut in 2010
Eulerian model
Ecosyst. spec. dep.
Meteorologisk Institutt met.no
7Trends in unprotected ecosystem area ()
1990 1995 2000 2004 2010GP
Acidification Acidification Acidification Acidification Acidification Acidification
EU25 39 27 23 15 16
EMEP 41 19 15 10 11
Eutrophication Eutrophication Eutrophication Eutrophication Eutrophication Eutrophication
EU25 81 74 75 66 64
EMEP 66 54 50 47 48
Meteorologisk Institutt met.no
8GP knowledge days with ozone above 60 ppb ?
Problem for Northwestern central Europe
9Current knowledge SOMO35 ppb.days ? problem in
Southern Europe
2000 2010
Sum Of Mean Ozone values over 35 ppb in rural
10Effect of hemispheric ozone increases the
No increase
Expected increase
Meteorologisk Institutt met.no
11Increasing importance of ship emissions
Contribution of SOx from shipping to deposition
of S
Meteorologisk Institutt met.no
12Emission factors cars higher than expected
13With CLE emissions significantly decrease, with
the exception of NH3 and CO2
EU25, Primes projection
14Remaining problem areas in 2020 Eutrophication
remains wide scale problem
Forests acid dep
Healthvegetation - ozone
Vegetation N dep
Semi-natural acid dep
Freshwater acid dep
Health - PM
152004 - Distance to Target NOx
Preliminary data !
Meteorologisk Institutt met.no
16To do list
- Improve update national emissions projections
- Non EU-countries
- What control measures are envisaged and when?
(TFEIP) - Write TFIAM background document to the official
review report - Same structure, including figures 4
additional items - Add para. on policy development in EU to
TFIAM-document - Describe the quality of models used based on
reviews - Explore new knowledge on damage to materials
- Discuss costs and benefits of Gothenburg Protocol
172. Preparations for revision of the Protocol
- Modelling particulate matter
- Local air pollution modelling (TFMM)
- Update MFR, including emerging technologies
non-technical measures - Inclusion of GHG abatement measures ? GAINS
- Options for target setting robustness of
18Towards robust strategies uncertainty analysis
RAINS emission estimates vs. national
inventories, 2000
19Uncertainties for PM are much larger! RAINS
emission estimates vs.national inventories, 2000
20Workshop on Non-Technical Measures
- NTMs have advantages, they
- can have a significant and rapid effect on
emissions - do not assume speculative technological
development - often do not have negative environmental side
effects - can have low or net negative direct costs
- NTMs have disadvantages, they
- require visible changes in behaviour that will
generally be resisted by consumers, whereas most
technical emission control measures (catalytic
converters, loft insulation) are virtually
invisible to the consumer - TMs, if based on standards, have a fairly
predictable easily calculated effect on future
emissions. NTMs are more uncertain. - have indirect costs that are difficult to
21 Non-Technical measures in the transport sector
22MFR including non-technical measuresemissions
of nitrogen oxides (Mark Barrett- Senco)
23CO2 mitigation options in GAINS
- Power plants
- Fuels shift to natural gas and renewables
- Co-generation
- Carbon capture and storage
- Transport
- Hybrid cars
- Alternative fuels (biofuels, hydrogen)
- Industry
- End-use savings (including CHP)
- Fuel shifts
- Domestic
- Insulation
- Solar, biomass
- Fuel shift to natural gas
- Savings for appliances and lighting
2415 CO2 reduction by 2020 will also reduce air
25Principles for target setting (TFIAM 31)
- Long term objective is achieving critical loads
no-effect levels - An effect-based approach has to achieve actual
environmental improvements in a cost-effective
way taking into account the distribution of costs
and benefits among parties - The appropriate scaling of the gap is a policy
choice - For CAFE, scaling the gap between 2000 and
no-effect levelswas found problematic - No evidence for no-effect thresholds for health
impacts - Limited scope for improvements in (clean)
countries at the margin of the EU prevent
measures at highly polluted places. - As a pragmatic interim approach, CAFE scaled the
gap between the impact indicators calculated for
Baseline 2020 and MTFR, - while working on extension of MFR with
GAINS-measures and introducing dynamic effects
modelling for priority setting.
26Target setting uniform reduction shows
limited scope for overall reduction of
PM-exposure in 2020 (2000 100)
- 30-31 October 2006 (Thessaloniki)
- TFEIP/TFIAM Workshop on Emission
Projections - 16-17 November (Laxenburg)
- TFIAM/TFMM Workshop on Urban Air Pollution
- Modelling
- 14-15 November (Laxenburg)
- Drafting group TFIAM review report
(Informal) - 2-4 May 2007 (Prague)
- TFIAM 33 (finalize review report)
- ??
- Tutorial session on GAINS-model (Informal)