Title: UTA College of Engineering
1 Academic Honesty in the UT Arlington College
of Engineering
2Engineering Academic Honesty
- Colleges statement
- Academic Honesty The College of Engineering
takes academic honesty and ethical behavior very
seriously. Engineers are entrusted with the
safety, health and well being of the public.
Students found guilty of academic dishonesty will
be punished to the full extent permitted by the
rules and regulations of U. T. Arlington. - This is from the COE section of the
Undergraduate Catalog. For a more detailed
description of each violation reference the
Student Code of Conduct Section 2-202 F
3Academic Honesty Statement
- The Universitys statement,
- to be on every syllabus.
- Policy on cheating --- students who violate
University rules on scholastic dishonesty are
subject to disciplinary penalties, including the
possibility of failure in the course and
dismissal from the University. Since dishonesty
harms the individual, all students, and the
integrity of the University, policies on
scholastic dishonesty will be strictly enforced.
4What Constitutes Academic (or Scholastic)
- Cheating
- Plagiarism
- Collusion
- Other forms of dishonesty
- Misuse of UTA resources
5What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty?
- Cheating
- Copying another's test of assignment.
- Communication with another during an exam or
assignment (i.e. written, oral, electronic or
otherwise). - Giving or seeking aid from another when not
permitted by the instructor. - Possessing or using unauthorized materials during
the test. - Buying, using, stealing, transporting, or
soliciting a test, draft of a test, or answer
6What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty?
- Plagiarism
- Using someone else's work in your assignment
without appropriate acknowledgement and citation.
- Making slight variations in the language of a
source work and then failing to give credit to
the source. - Students must be particularly vigilant about
plagiarism in all written research documentation
such as technical reports, papers, theses, and
7What Constitutes Academic Dishonesty?
- Collusion
- Without authorization, collaborating with another
when preparing an assignment. - Note that this type of academic dishonesty
applies to the person who collaborated even if
they did not turn in the work.
8UT Arlingtons Resource on Consequences and
- Office of Student Conduct
- at The University of Texas at Arlington
- www.uta.edu/studentaffairs/conduct
- See especially the tutorial on plagiarism at this
site or on the library site.
9UTA Student Responsibility
- The student assumes responsibility in two ways.
- First, if they choose to take the risk associated
with scholastic dishonesty and any other
violation of the Code of Student Conduct, the
student must assume responsibility for their
behavior and accept the consequences. In an
academic community, the standards for integrity
are high. - Second, if a student is aware of scholastic
dishonesty and any other conduct violations, they
have the responsibility to report it to the
professor or to the Office of Student Conduct.
The decision to do so is another moral dilemma to
be faced as they define who they are.
The student assumes responsibility in two ways.
First, if they choose to take the risk
associated with scholastic dishonesty and any
other violation of the Code of Student Conduct,
the student must assume responsibility for their
behavior and accept the consequences. In an
academic community, the standards for integrity
are high. Second, if a student is aware of
scholastic dishonesty and any other conduct
violations, they have the responsibility to
report it to the professor or to the Office of
Student Conduct. The decision to do so is another
moral dilemma to be faced as they define who they
10Academic Honesty at UTA
- It is every student's responsibility to read
and be fully aware of all campus rules,
regulations and procedures. This means that the
student is responsible for fully understanding
the definitions and terms regarding academic
dishonesty. - Further questions and comments regarding the
Office of Student Conduct at The University of
Texas at Arlington should be directed to that
office at (817) 272-2354 or conduct_at_uta.edu