- America Past and Present
- Chapter 2
2Breaking Away
- Rapid social change in seventeenth-century
England - English population mobile
- Different motives for migration
- religious versus economic
- personal to escape bad marriages, jail terms, or
lifelong poverty
3The Stuart Monarchs
4Four Colonial Subcultures
- The Chesapeake
- New England
- Middle Colonies
- The Carolinas
5The Chesapeake Dreams of Wealth
- Richard Hakluyt and other visionaries keep alive
the dream of English colonies - Anti-Catholicism prompts English people to
challenge Spanish claims in New World
6Entrepreneurs in Virginia
- Joint-stock companies provide financing
- English stockholders in Virginia Company expect
instant profits - Jamestown settled 1607
- Colonys location in a swamp unhealthy
- Competition from expansive Powhattans
- Colonists do not work for common good
7Chesapeake Colonies, 1640
8Spinning Out of Control
- 1608-1609--John Smith imposes order
- 1609--London Company reorganizes colonial
government - 1610-- Starving Time ended by arrival of Lord
De La Warr, fresh settlers - Conflict with Powhattans
- Contributes to starving time
- 1622natives attempt to drive out English
- 1644second attempt to drive out English
Powhattan empire destroyed
9Stinking Weed
- 1610--John Rolfe introduces tobacco
- 1618-- Headrights instituted to encourage
development of tobacco plantations - Headright 50-acre lot granted to each colonist
who pays his own transportation, or for each
servant brought into the colony - Allows development of huge estates
- 1618--House of Burgesses instituted for Virginia
10Time of Reckoning
- Population increase prevented by imbalanced sex
ratio - 3,570 colonists to Virginia 1619-1622
- Men outnumber women 61 after 1619
- Contagious disease kills settlers
- 1618 Virginia population numbers 700
- 1618-1622 3,000 immigrate
- 1622 Virginia population numbers 1,240
- 1622--Powhattan attack kills 347 settlers
11Corruption and Reform
- 1624--King James I dissolves London Company
- Virginia becomes a royal colony
- House of Burgesses continues to meet
12 Maryland A Troubled Refuge for Catholics
- Initiated by Sir George Calvert (Lord Baltimore)
as refuge for English Catholics - 1632--Calverts son Cecilius (2nd Lord Baltimore)
gains charter to Maryland - Requires toleration among Catholics and
13Maryland A Troubled Refuge for Catholics (2)
- Wealthy Catholics unwilling to relocate in
America - Common settlers demand greater voice in Maryland
government - Protestants refuse to tolerate Catholics
- Protestants seize control in 1655
- Scattered riverfront settlements of poor tobacco
14Reforming England in America
- Pilgrims
- Separatists who refused to worship in the Church
of England, fled - Escape persecution in Holland
- 1620--Plymouth founded
- Plymouth a society of small farming villages
bound together by mutual consent - 1691--absorbed into Massachusetts Bay
15The Great Migration
- Puritans
- Wish to remain within the Church of England, work
to eliminate all remaining vestiges of the Roman
Catholic past - 1629--Puritans despair as King Charles I begins
Personal Rule - 1630--John Winthrop leads Puritan group to
Massachusetts, brings Company Charter
16A City on a Hill
- 1630-1640--16,000 immigrated
- Settlers usually came as family units
- Area generally healthy
- Puritans sacrifice self-interest for the good of
the community
17A City on a Hill (2)
- Puritans establish Congregationalism
- a state-supported ecclesiastical system in which
each congregation is independently governed by
local church members - Puritan civil government permits voting by all
adult male church members - Elected officials not to concern themselves with
voters wishes
18A City on a Hill (3)
- Local, town governments autonomous
- Most participated in public life at town level
- Townships commercial properties, shares of which
could be bought and sold - Village life intensely communal
- Laws and Liberties passed in 1648 to protect
rights, ensure civil order
19Limits of Dissent Roger Williams
- An extreme Separatist
- Questioned the validity of the colonys charter
- Champions liberty of conscience
- Williams expelled to Rhode Island, 1636
20Limits of DissentAnne Hutchinson
- Believed herself directly inspired by the Holy
Spirit - Believed converted persons could live without
the Moral Law - Charged that Congregational ministers preached a
covenant of works - Banished to Rhode Island by General Court
21Mobility and Division
- New Hampshire--insignificant until eighteenth
century - Rhode Island--received dissenters from
Massachusetts - Connecticut--founded by Thomas Hooker
- New Haven--absorbed into Connecticut
22New England Colonies, 1650
23Diversity in the Middle Colonies
- New York
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- Delaware
24Middle Colonies, 1685
25Anglo-Dutch Rivalry on the Hudson
- Location Hudson River
- New Netherlands originally property of Dutch West
Indies Company - Population included Finns, Swedes, Germans,
Africans, as well as Dutch - 1664--English fleet captured colony
26Anglo-Dutch Rivalry on the Hudson (2)
- New York made personal property of James, Duke of
York - Property included New Jersey, Delaware, Maine,
and various islands - Inhabitants had no political voice beyond the
local level - James derived little profit from the colony.
27Confusion in New Jersey
- Colony sold by Duke of York to Lord Berkeley and
Sir George Carteret - Settlers refuse to pay rents
- grounds New York governor had promised
representative assembly - Berkeley splits colony by selling out to Quaker
28Confusion in New Jersey (2)
- West Jersey becomes Quakers colony
- Democratic system of government introduced
- Diverse, contentious
- Neither Jersey prospers, reunited by the crown in
29Quakers in America
- Pennsylvania founding inseparable from Quakers
- Quaker a derogatory term for those who tremble
at the word of the Lord - Members call sect Society of Friends
30Quaker Belief and Practice
- Founder George Fox (1624-1691)
- Believed in Inner Light
- Rejected idea of original sin, predestination
- Each may communicate directly with God
- Each has responsibility to cultivate Inner Light
- Persecuted as dangerous anarchists
31Penn's "Holy Experiment"
- Aristocrat William Penn converts to the Society
of Friends - Obtains a charter for Pennsylvania
- "Holy Experiment"--a society run on Quaker
principles - Promotes religious toleration
- Protects rights of property-less
32Settling Pennsylvania
- Immigrants recruited from England, Wales,
Ireland, and Germany - Quaker population racked by contention
- Non-Quaker population does not share Penns
ideals - 1701--Penn grants self-rule to Pennsylvania
colonists, independence to Delaware
33Planting the Carolinas
- Reliance on slave labor produced superficial
similarity to Chesapeake - Diversity of settlers, environment produced great
divergence from Chesapeake
34Proprietors of the Carolinas
- Granted by Charles II in 1663 to eight
Proprietors to reward loyalty - Tried to recruit settlers from established
American colonies - they were not easily persuaded
- Few inhabitants in first years
35The Barbadian Connection
- Anthony Ashley Cooper encourages settlement by
planters from Barbados - Barbadians settle around Charleston
- Fundamental Constitutions of Carolina drawn up
by John Locke - Barbadians reject Fundamental Constitutions for
greater self-government - French Huguenot settlers oppose
- 1729--Strife prompts Crown to take over, divide
36Founding of Georgia
- Georgia founded in 1732
- Strategic purpose buffer between Carolinas and
Spanish Florida - Charitable purpose refuge for imprisoned
debtors from England - By 1751 a small slave colony
37The Carolinas and Georgia
38(No Transcript)
39Living with Diversity
- All colonies faced early struggle to survive
- Distinct regional differences intensified and
persisted throughout the colonial period - Colonists eventually saw themselves as a distinct