Computational Applications of Noise Sensitivity - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Computational Applications of Noise Sensitivity


Title: Computational Applications of Noise Sensitivity Author: Ryan Last modified by: Ryan Created Date: 4/1/2003 10:12:00 PM Document presentation format – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Computational Applications of Noise Sensitivity

Computational Applications of Noise Sensitivity
  • Ryan ODonnell

Includes joint work withElchanan MosselRocco
ServedioAdam KlivansNader BshoutyOded
RegevBenny Sudakov
Intro to Noise Sensitivity
Election schemes
  • suppose there is an election between two parties,
    called 0 and 1
  • assume unrealistically that n voters cast votes
    independently and unif. randomly
  • an election scheme is a boolean function f
    0,1n ? 0,1 mapping votes to winner
  • what if there are errors in recording of votes?
    suppose each vote is misrecorded independently
    with prob. e.

(No Transcript)
Election schemes
  • suppose there is an election between two parties,
    called 0 and 1
  • assume unrealistically that n voters cast votes
    independently and unif. randomly
  • an election scheme is a boolean function f
    0,1n ? 0,1 mapping votes to winner
  • what if there are errors in recording of votes?
    suppose each vote is misrecorded independently
    with prob. e.
  • what is the prob. this affects elec.s outcome?

  • Let f 0,1n ? 0,1 be any boolean function.
  • Let 0 e ½, the noise rate.
  • Let x be a uniformly randomly chosen string in
    0,1n, and let y be an e-noisy version of x.
  • Then the noise sensitivity of f at e is
  • NSe(f) Pr f(x) ? f(y).

  • Suppose f is the constant function f(x) 1.
  • Then NSe(f) 0.
  • Suppose f is the dictator function f(x) x1.
  • Then NSe(f) e.
  • In general, for fixed f, NSe(f) is a function of

Examples parity
  • The parity (xor) function on n bits 1 iff there
    are an odd number of 1s in the input.
  • In calculating Prf(x) ? f(y), it doesnt matter
    what x is, just how many flips there are.
  • NSe(PARITYn) Prodd number of heads in n
    e-biased coin flips
  • ½ ½(1 2e)n.

NSe(PARITY10) ½ ½(1 2e)10

Basic facts about NS
  • NSe(f) is an increasing, (log-)concave function
    of e which is 0 at 0 and 2p(1-p) at ½ (where
    pPrf 1).
  • this follows from a formula for NSe(f) in terms
    of Fourier coefficients
  • NSe(f) 2f(Ø) 2 S (1-2e)S f (S)2.

S µ n
PARITY, MAJORITY, dictator, and AND on 5 bits
PARITY, MAJORITY, dictator, and AND on 15 bits
PARITY, MAJORITY, dictator, and AND on 45 bits
History of Noise Sensitivity(in computer science)
History of Noise Sensitivity
  • Kahn-Kalai-Linial 88
  • The Influence of Variables on Boolean Functions

Kahn-Kalai-Linial 88
  • implicitly studied noise sensitivity
  • motivation study of random walks on the
    hypercube where the initial distribution is
    uniform over a subset
  • the question, What is the prob. that a random
    walk of length en, starting uniformly in f-1(1),
    ends up outside f-1(1)? is essentially asking
    about NSe(f)
  • famous for using Fourier analysis and
    Bonami-Beckner inequality in TCS

History of Noise Sensitivity
  • HÃ¥stad 97
  • Some Optimal Inapproximability Results

HÃ¥stad 97
  • breakthrough hardness of approximation results
  • decoding the Long Code given access to the
    truth-table of a function, want to test that it
    is significantly determined by a junta (very
    small number of variables)
  • roughly, does a noise sensitivity test picks x
    and y as in n.s., tests f(x)f(y)

History of Noise Sensitivity
  • Benjamini-Kalai-Schramm 98
  • Noise Sensitivity of Boolean Functions and
    Applications to Percolation

Benjamini-Kalai-Schramm 98 Noise Sensitivity of
Boolean Functions and Applications to
Benjamini-Kalai-Schramm 98
  • intensive study of noise sensitivity of boolean
  • introduced asymptotic notions of noise
    sensitivity/stability, related them to Fourier
  • studied noise sensitivity of percolation
    functions, threshold functions
  • made conjectures connecting noise sensitivity to
    circuit complexity
  • and more

This thesis
  • New noise sensitivity results and applications
  • tight noise sensitivity estimates for boolean
    halfspaces, monotone functions
  • hardness amplification thms. (for NP)
  • learning algorithms for halfspaces, DNF (from
    random walks), juntas
  • new coin-flipping problem, and use of reverse
    Bonami-Beckner inequality

Hardness Amplification
Hardness on average
  • def We say f 0,1n ? 0,1 is (1-e)-hard for
    circuits of size s if there is no circuit of size
    s which computes f correctly on more than (1-e)2n
  • def A complexity class is (1-e)-hard for
    polynomial circuits if there is a function family
    (fn) in the class such that for suff. large n, fn
    is (1-e)-hard for circuits of size poly(n).

Hardness of EXP, NP
  • Of course we cant show NP is even (1-2-n)-hard
    for poly ckts, since this is NPµP/poly.
  • But lets assume EXP, NP µ P/poly. Then just how
    hard are these for poly circuits?
  • For EXP, extremely strong results known
    BFNW93,Imp95,IW97,KvM99,STV99 if EXP is
    (1-2-n)-hard for poly circuits, then it is (½
    1/poly(n))-hard for poly circuits.
  • What about NP?

Yaos XOR Lemma
  • Some of the hardness amplification results for
    EXP use Yaos XOR Lemma
  • Thm If f is (1-e)-hard for poly circuits,
    thenPARITYk f is (½½(1-2e)k)-hard for poly
  • Here, if f is a boolean fcn on n inputs and g is
    a boolean fcn on k inputs, g f is the function
    on kn inputs given by g(f(x1), , f(xk)).
  • No coincidence that the hardness bound for
    PARITYk f is 1-NSe(PARITYk).

A general direct product thm.
  • Yao doesnt help for NP if you have a hard
    function fn in NP, PARITYk fn probably isnt in
  • We generalize Yao and determine the hardness of g
    fn for any g in terms of the noise
    sensitivity of g
  • Thm If f (balanced) is (1-e)-hard for poly
    circuits, then g fn is roughly (1-NSe(g))-hard
    for poly circuits.

Why noise sensitivity?
  • Suppose f is balanced and (1-e)-hard for poly
    circuits. x1, , xk are chosen uniformly at
    random, and you, a poly circuit, have to guess
    g(f(x1), , f(xk)).
  • Natural strategy is to try to compute each yi
    f(xi) and then guess g(y1,,yk).
  • But f is (1-e)-hard for you! So Prf(xi)?yi
  • Success prob.
  • Prg(f(x1)f(xk))g(y1yk) 1-NSe(g).

Hardness of NP
  • If (fn) is a (hard) function family in NP, and
    (gk) is a monotone function family, then (gk
    fn) is in NP.
  • We give constructions and prove tight bounds for
    the problem of finding monotone g such that
    NSe(g) is very large (close to ½) for e very
  • Thm If NP is (1-1/poly(n))-hard for poly ckts,
    then NP is (½ 1/vn)-hard for poly ckts.

Learning algorithms
Learning theory
  • Learning theory (Valiant84) deals with the
    following scenario
  • someone holds an n-bit boolean function f
  • you know f belongs to some class of fcns (eg,
    parities of subsets, poly size DNF)
  • you are given a bunch of uniformly random labeled
    examples, (x, f(x))
  • you must efficiently come up with a hypothesis
    function h that predicts f well

Learning noise-stable functions
  • We introduce a new idea for showing function
    classes are learnable
  • Noise-stable classes are efficiently learnable
  • Thm Suppose C is a class of boolean fcns on n
    bits, and for all f ? C, NSe(f) ß(e). Then
    there is an alg. for learning C to within
    accuracy e in time
  • nO(1)/ß (e).

Example halfspaces
  • E.g., using Peres98, every boolean function f
    which is the intersection of two halfspaces has
    NSe(f) O(ve).
  • Cor The class of intersections of two
    halfspaces can be learned in time nO(1/e²).
  • No previously known subexponential alg.
  • We also analyze the noise sensitivity of some
    more complicated classes based on halfspaces and
    get learning algs. for them.

Why noise stability?
  • Suppose a function is fairly noise stable. In
    some sense this means if you know f(x), you have
    a good guess for f(y) for ys which are somewhat
    close to x in Hamming distance.
  • Idea Draw a net of examples (x1, f(x1)),
    (xM, f(xM)). To hypothesize about y, compute a
    weighted average of known labels, based on dist.
    to y hypothesis
  • sgn w(?(y,x1))f(x1) w(?(y,xM))f(xM) .

Learning from random walks
  • Holy grail of learning Learn poly size DNF
    formulas in polynomial time.
  • Consider natural weakening of learning examples
    not iid, come from random walk.
  • We show DNF poly-time learnable in this model.
    Indeed, also in a harder model NS-model
    examples are (x,f(x),y,f(y))
  • Proof estimate NS on subsets of input bits ?
    find large Fourier coefficients.

Learning juntas
  • The essential blocking issue for learning poly
    size DNF formulas is that they can be O(log
  • Previously, no known algorithm for learning
    k-juntas in time better than the trivial nk.
  • We give the first improvement algorithm runs in
    time n.704k.
  • Can the strong relationship between juntas and
    noise sensitivity improve this?

Coin flipping
The T1-2e operator
  • T1-2e operates on the space of functions 0,1n
    ? R
  • T1-2e(f) (x) E f(y) ( Prf(y) 1).
  • Notable fact about T1-2e the Bonami-Beckner
    Bon68 hypercontractive inequality T?(f)2

y noisee(x)
Bonami, Beckner
The T1-2e operator
  • It follows easily that
  • NSe(f) ½ - ½ Tv1-2e(f)2.
  • Thus studying noise sensitivity is equivalent to
    studying the (2-)norm of the T1-2e operator.
  • We consider studying higher norms of the T1-2e
    operator. The problem can be phrased
    combinatorially, in terms of a natural coin
    flipping problem.

Cosmic coin flipping
  • n random votes cast in an election
  • we use a balanced election scheme, f
  • k different auditors get copies of the votes
    however, each gets an e-noisy copy
  • what is the probability all k auditors agree on
    the winner of the election?
  • Equivalently, k distributed parties want to flip
    a shared random coin given noisy access to a
    cosmic random string.

Relevance of the problem
  • Application of this scenario Everlasting
    security of DingRabin01 a cryptographic
    protocol assuming that many distributed parties
    have access to a satellite broadcasting stream of
    random bits.
  • Also a natural error-correction problem without
    encoding, can parties attain some shared entropy?

Success as function of k
  • Most interesting asymptotic case e a small
    constant, n unbounded, k ? 8. What is the maximum
    success probability?
  • Surprisingly, goes to 0 only polynomially
  • Thm The best success probability of k players
    is Õ(1/k4e), with the majority function being
    essentially optimal.

Reverse Bonami-Beckner
  • To prove that no protocol can do better than
    k-O(1), we need to use a reverse Bonami-Beckner
    inequality Bor82 for f 0, t 0,
  • T?(f)1-t/? f1-t?
  • Concentration of measure interpretation Let A
    be a reasonably large subset of the cube. Then
    almost all x have Pry ? A somewhat large.

Open directions
  • estimate the noise sensitivity of various classes
    of functions general intersections of threshold
    functions, percolation functions,
  • new hardness of approx. results using NS-junta
    connection DS02,Kho02,DF03?
  • find a substantially better algorithm for
    learning juntas
  • explore applications of reverse Bonami-Beckner
    coding theory, e.g.?
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