Title: Biology 373
1Biology 373 EcologyProfessor Eric R.
PiankaOffice Patterson 125, Mon., Fri. 1-2
PM471-7472, erp_at_austin.utexas.eduCourse
nload Syllabus from above site
2 Ground Rules, exams, etc. (no make up exams)
Text read chapters 1, review 2 through 7, then
read 8, etc. Ecology, Environment, not beer
cans and pollution Anthropocentrism what good
are you? Captive versus wild animals. Love in
vials. Pristine natural environments
Vanishing book of life, need to conserve but also
to READ. Scaling in Biology microscopic gt
macroscopic Patience required to study ecology
evolution (also large spaces) Reductionistic
versus holistic approaches
3 Scientific Methods. Curiosity, assume that
organized reality exists Not faith-based, but
based on repeated predictable patterns Models,
Hypotheses, Theories, Simplifying Assumptions
Model mere caricatures of nature (all models
are imperfect) Laws in Physics Chemistry
versus biology (complex, diversity) Observation,
Experiment confront model with reality (test
it) No clean facts, no truth or proof in
science Profess gt Study transfer of Knowledge
4Pianka, Evolutionary Ecology, 6th or 7th
editionsYou can also read these on line at
Blackboards Course DocumentsPlease Read
Chapter 1Chapter 8Scientific
MethodsNatural SelectionAlso, please look
over Chapters 2 through 7 to make certain you
are familiar with that background material
5Suggested Additional Reading
Case, An Illustrated Guide to Theoretical
Ecology (read pp. 79-100) Gotelli, A
Primer of Ecology (read pp.
2-85)Ginzburg and Golenberg, Lectures in
Theoretical Population Biology (read pp. 1-5 and
An Illustrated Guide to Theoretical Ecology
Ted J. Case
6Exams First Exam 4 Oct. Second Exam
1 Nov. Third Exam 6 Dec. Final Exam 17
December, 2-5 PM Best 2 of 3 50 Final
50No Make Up Exams!
7Grades Three hour exams 4 Oct.
1 Nov. gt Best 2 of 3 50 6
Dec. Final 50 17 December,
2-5 PM /- Grading System will be used No
Make Up Exams!
8 Hierarchical Organization of the
Biological Sciences
lt Integrative Biologygt
9 Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Manipula
10 Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Manipula
tion Profess to claim to have knowledge
11 Wisdom Knowledge Understanding Manipula
tion Profess to claim to have knowledge
of Study application of the mental faculties
to the acquisition of knowledge
12 Proper motivation to do science is
curiosity. How do things work? Assume an
organized reality exists and that objective
principles can be formulated to reflect this
natural order. Not faith-based, but based on
repeated predictable events and patterns.
Common misconception that truth and proof
and even facts exist. Nietzsche said
there are no facts, only interpretation.
Geocentric world view
14(No Transcript)
Geocentric world view
Geocentric world view
Solar system world view
18Heliocentric world view
19(No Transcript)
20Our One and Only Spaceship
21 Observation and Experiment are vital.
Scientists formulate hypotheses to explain
repeatable events. A hypothesis is tested by
confronting it with reality if it fails, it
is discarded and replaced with another, hopefully
better, hypothesis. In time, a well
supported hypothesis becomes a theory. The
scientific method is self regulating poor
hypotheses are continually replaced with
better ones as human knowledge expands and is
improved. We benefit immensely from past
22A sprinkling of past geniuses
23 Domain of Ecology
Simple versus multiple causality
24 Evolution is not synonymous with
Natural Selection Evolution is defined as
any change in the gene pool Agents of
- Genetic Drift (random sampling)
- Gene Flow (migration)
- Mutation Pressure
- Meiotic Drive
- Natural Selection
25 Natural Selection
Differential Reproductive Success
Struggle for Existence Survival
of the Fittest Selection results in
Adaptation (other agents of evolution do not)
(Adaptation is conformity between organism
and environment)
26Natural Selection does not always operate via
Differential MortalityCautious long-lived
tomcat versus short-lived alley cat
27Natural Selection does not always operate via
Differential MortalityCautious long-lived
tomcat versus short-lived alley catThe
currency of Natural Selection is progeny
(offspring, babies)
28Natural Selection does not always operate via
Differential MortalityCautious long-lived
tomcat versus short-lived alley catThe
currency of Natural Selection is progeny
(offspring, babies)Not beauty, brains, or
brawnIf the ugly stupid and weak make more
babies, their genes prevail
29Natural Selection does not always operate via
Differential MortalityCautious long-lived
tomcat versus short-lived alley catThe
currency of Natural Selection is progeny
(offspring, babies)Not beauty, brains, or
brawnIf the ugly stupid and weak make more
babies, their genes prevail
30(No Transcript)
31Selfish Genesoutlaw genesmeiotic drive
(segregation distortion) Richard
Dawkins packaging problem Parliament of
genes Viruses
Genes are the ultimate replicators. Bodies
are merely giant machines designed by genes
for their own survival.