Title: Teaching AP Biology in the Digital Age
1Teaching AP Biology in the Digital Age
Gena Barnhardt, NBCT
2Hickory High School
- 1250 Students in grades 9-12
- 42 free lunch eligible
- Over 15 languages spoken at HHS
- 15 ESL
3Available Technology
- Two computer labs for general student usage
- 30 computers in each
- T1 connection to internet
- every classroom wired with fiber optic cable
- Pentium III in each classroom
- 71 HHS Students have internet access
4Technology Integration
- Multimedia Presentations
- Grade Reporting
- Assessment
- To Scale or Not To Scale?
- Tests mimic AP format
- 60 MC
- 2 Free Response
6Prior to Spring 2002
- Reading Quizzes
- Objectives
- Test Scores...
7(No Transcript)
8What is WebAssign?
- Web-based, homework delivery system
- Create Unique Assignments (Extensive database or
write own questions) - Encourages cooperative learning while discourging
9Benefits for Teachers
- Reduces time grading homework
- Provides for Just in Time Learning
- Can be used for homework, quizzes, tests
- Can help students attain mastery
- Class time can be used more efficiently
- Encourages Cooperative Learning
- Discourages cheating
10Benefits for Students
- Helps identify misunderstandings prior to class
- Immediate feedback - no waiting for grades
- Multiple submissions motivate
- Encourages collaboration
- All homework can be graded
- More enticing than paper homework
11(No Transcript)
12(No Transcript)
13Students Submit answers
14Immediate feedback given
15Feedback can be detailed
Student Can Correct and Resubmit
16AP WebAssign-ments
- 20 MC or MS questions
- Campbell 5th Edition test bank
- 5 - 6 submissions
- No detailed feedback
- Students know total number correct, but not
individual items
17Varied Usage of WebAssign
- Homework
- Timed Essays
- Cumulative Review
18WebAssign works
- Students like it
- 96 agree that immediate feedback is helpful
- test scores soared!
- 20 average gain on Unit tests
- 90 Pass rate on AP Exam
- 50 5s
- 33 4s
19Test Scores Fall 2001
- Reading quizzes used for daily assessment
- No Use of WebAssign
- Scores scaled to reflect CB grading
20Introduction of WebAssign
- WebAssign introduced following Test 1
- Scores no longer scaled
21Fall 2002 vs Fall 2001
22Implementation of WebAssign
- Create Question database
- Multiple Choice
- Multiple Select
- Assignments
- 1-3 per week (only homework assigned)
- 20-45 questions per assignment
- Detailed feedback suppressed
- 7-10 submissions allowed
23Why does WebAssign work?
- Students get immediate feedback
- Students spend MORE time completing homework
- Higher level of student collaboration
- IM Chat Rooms
24Fall 2002 Survey Students say WebAssign helps
them learn
- 71 are comfortable with the web
- 92 WebAssign is easy to use
- 100 using WebAssign helps them learn course
material - 75 WebAssign is more beneficial than
traditional homework - 79 believe grade would be lower without
WebAssign -
25WebAssign is instrumental in keeping me on top
of the subject matter.
26WebAssign is instrumental in preparing me for
unit/chapter tests.
27WebAssign encourages me to discuss concepts with
my fellow classmates.
28Student Response
- Using the Web motivates
- Students complete more homework
- Students like instant feedback, multiple
submissions - More mastery is attained
- Grades improve
29Student Response
- WebAssign caused increased time spent on homework
- Suppressing detailed response was frustrating but
added to conceptual understanding
- Timed Writings helped in writing concise essays
under pressure - Practice Assignments great help in AP Exam prep
- Length of assignments
- Use Multiple Select
- Feedback limited for multiple choice
- Limit submissions
- 2 Assignments per week
31Gena Barnhardt Hickory High School 1234 3rd St.
NE Hickory, NC 28601 (828)-322-5860 ext
2258 barnhardtge_at_hickory.k12.nc.us
32If you want to know more about WebAssign
- WebAssignBox 8202NCSURaleigh, NC 27695-8202
- Tel. (800) 955-8275E-mail webassign_at_ncsu.eduW
eb http//webassign.net/info