Title: Expressions:
- comprised of variables, constants, and operators
- Reminder
- Variables must have data type, can change
- Constants used to aid readability
- const float PI 3.14159
- area PI radius radius
- Or to limit changes to code
- const string UNIV_NAME"Towson University"
- By default, constants are of type double, not
- (unary plus) rarely used
- - (unary minus)
- Addition
- - Subtraction
- Multiplication
- / Division
- floating-point division yields a floating-point
result - integer division yields integer quotient
(truncation) - Modulus
- remainder of integer divide
- Requires both integer operands
- Division and Modulus by 0 is illegal!
3Mixed expressions
- Contains both integer and floating point numbers
- promoted to highest type
- floatNum1 20 // convert 20 to 20.0 - type
coercion - floatNum2 floatnum1 intNum // coercion to
float - floatNum3 5 intNum1 // convert the result
to float - demotion -gt truncation
- intNum 5.5 // assign to intNum the value
5(truncation) - intNum 7.8 / floatNum // convert the result
to int
4Operator examples
- x x5
- income salary bribes
- rocky -12
- net gross - takeout
- y x z 2
- avg total/numStudents //mixing types yields
errors - intNum 3/4 //0
- floatNum 3/4 //0
- floatNum 7/2 //3
- floatNum 7.0/2.0 //3.5
- intNum 10 2 //0
- intNum 17 3 //2
5Combined Assignment Operators
- number number 5 ? number 5
- number number 10 ? number 10
- -
- /
6Increment and Decrement
- Increment
- x x 1
- x
- x
- Decrement --
- --x
- x--
7Increment and Decrement
- Prefix x gt increment x before using it
- Postfix x gt increment x after using value
- Beware of using in expressions!
- x 5
- y 5
- cout ltlt x ltlt y //outputs 6 and 5
- // final value
of x and y is 6
8Precedence rules
- "who goes first" when expressions have multiple
operators - rules are similar to rules used in algebra
- () parentheses will override the precedence rules
- When operators have same precedence, operations
are performed left to right
9() -gt . (prefix) -- (prefix)
(postfix) -- (postfix) unary ! - (cast) sizeof
ltlt gtgt
lt lt gt gt
- / lt
10Type casting
- explicit conversion of a value from one data type
to another. - type (variable) //C-like casting
- (type) variable
- static_castltDataTypegt(value)
- EX
- int sum 60
- int count 80
- float average (float) sum/count
- float average sum/float (count)
- average static_castltfloatgt (sum) / static_cast
ltfloatgt (count) -
- self-contained unit of program code designed to
accomplish a particular task - Subroutines, procedures, modules, functions
- C uses functions
- block of code used more than once
- Less code
- reduces redundancy
- more modular
- More manageable
- Break up work among people
- black box
- there must be one main() function
- main first (top down)
- Two types of functions
- void
- value-returning
13include ltiostreamgt using namespace std int
Square(int n) // function prototype void
DispCube(int n,) // function prototype int
main( ) // caller int x, ans
// var declaration cout ltlt
"Enter a number " cin gtgt x
cout ltlt "The square of " ltlt x ltlt " is " ltlt
Square(x) ltlt endl DispCube(x, ans)
return 0 //function definitions
int Square(int n) //value returning
function return n n void
DispCube(int n) cout ltlt "The cube
of " ltlt x ltlt " is " ltlt x x x ltlt endl
14Creating and using a simple function
- include ltiostreamgtusing namespace std
- void PrintLogo()int main()
PrintLogo() //function call - cout ltlt "Reminder" ltlt endl cout ltlt
"Company Meeting" cout ltlt "Thursday at
900!!!!"ltlt endl PrintLogo() return
0 - / end main /void PrintLogo() cout
ltlt "YOUR COMANY" cout ltlt
endl / PrintLogo /
- Function declaration type functionName (arg
list) - Argument list (type name, type name,)
- can have 0 args
- Exa
- void DoStuff (int x, float y, char c)
- formal arguments arguments in the function
definition - actual arguments arguments in a function call
(can be a constant, a variable, or an expression)
- Value-Returning
- call occurs in an expression
- y Cube(x) 18
- function returns exactly one result
- type of function determined by return
- Void
- functions that do not return a value
- Begin name with a verb
- void PrintAvg(int,int,int)
17void Functions
- include ltiostreamgt
- using namespace std
- void DisplayMessage (int n) // function
prototype - int main( )
- DisplayMessage(5) // function call
stand-alone statement cout ltlt "Good Bye" ltlt
endl return 0 -
- void DisplayMessage (int n) // function
definition - cout ltlt "I have liked and used C for "
cout ltlt n ltlt " years" ltlt endl -
18Library Functions
- arithmetic expressions i/o
- include the appropriate header file(s).
- Some standard library functions
- ltcmathgt exp(x), log(x), pow(x, y), sqrt(x)
- ltcstdlibgt abs(n), rand()
- See Appendix F in your text book!
- Example include ltiostreamgt include ltcmathgt
// for sqrt( ) and fabs( )
19include ltiostreamgt
- istream cin
- ostream cout
- --------------------------------------------------
---------- - cin gtgt variable gtgt variable
- type of variable
- char reads in one printable character except
blank - int integer value
- double reads in decimal number
20istream member functions
- cin.get(varChar)
- stores next input character into varChar
- cin.get(ch1)
- cin.ignore(intExp, chExp)
- ignore intExp characters or ignore input until
chExp - cin.ignore(100,\n)
- istreamVar.putBack(ch)
- Put the last character extracted by the get
function back into the input stream - cin.putback(ch)
- ch istreamVar.peek()
- Returns the next character from the input stram
but does not remove it - ch cin.peek()
21Input failure
- Trying to read a letter into an int
- cin gtgt int1 gtgt int2 // W 54
- gt Input stream enters fail state
- istreamVar.clear()// returns input stream to
working state - use ignore afterwards to clear buffer
- cin.clear()
- cin.ignore(200,\n)
- cout ltlt expression or manip.
- ltlt expression or manip.
- integers and strings
- By default consecutive integers and strings
values are output without spaces between them. - floating-Point Numbers
- by default, large and small numbers lapse into E
notation (large and small are
system-dependent). - number of decimal places varies from output to
output(again, system-dependent). - No decimal point is displayed for whole numbers.
- x 12
- y 345
- z 6789
- cout ltlt "The results are " ltlt x ltlt y ltlt z
- The output will be The results are 123456789
- Insert blanks/spaces within a line
- Corrected output statement
- cout ltlt "The results are " ltlt x ltlt " " ltlt y ltlt "
" ltlt z - The output will be The results are 12 345 6789
- setprecision(n) sets precision of floating
point numbers - fixed displays floating point numbers in fixed
notation - scientific displays floating point numbers in
scientific notation - showpoint causes a decimal point and trailing
zeros to be displayed - setw (n) establishes print field of n spaces
(right justified) - flush clears output buffer
- setfill(ch) fills unues columns with ch
- left causes subsequent output to be left
justified - right causes subsequent output to be right
justified - Parameterized functions require iomanip
- set field width to n
- controls how many character positions the next
output should occupy (works only with numbers and
strings, not char data). - applies to next item only
- decimal point included in field width
- The next output will be right-justified-useful to
align columns of output EX - cout ltlt setw(5) ltlt answer cout ltlt
setw(10) ltlt number_1
- specifies number of decimal places
- Remains in effect for all subsequent output,
until you change it with another call to
setprecision - Use it in combination with fixed and showpoint
EX - cout ltlt fixed ltlt showpoint
- cout ltlt setprecision(2) ltlt price
- include ltiostreamgt
- include ltiomanipgt
- using namespace std
- cout ltlt showpoint ltlt fixed ltlt setprecision(x)
- cout ltlt setw(n) ..
28//showpoint demo include ltiostreamgt include
ltiomanipgt using namespace std int main()
double x 10.0 cout ltlt "before showpoint x
" ltlt x ltlt endl cout ltlt showpoint
cout ltlt "after showpoint x " ltlt x ltlt endl
return 0
before showpoint x 10 after
showpoint x 10.0000
29//fixed demo include ltiostreamgt using namespace
std int main() double x 10.0
double y 957234563.82 cout ltlt
"before fixed x " ltlt x ltlt y " ltlt y ltlt
endl cout ltlt fixed cout ltlt "after
fixed x " ltlt x ltlt y " ltlt y ltlt endl
return 0
before fixed x
10.0000 y 9.57235e008 after fixed x
10.000000 y 957234563.820000
30//setprecision demo include ltiostreamgt include
ltiomanipgt using namespace std int main()
double x 10.0 double y
957234563.82 double z -45.67 cout
ltlt "before setprecision(3)" ltlt endl cout ltlt
"x " ltlt x ltlt y " ltlt y ltlt z " ltlt z ltlt
endl cout ltlt setprecision(3) cout ltlt
"after setprecision(3)" ltlt endl cout ltlt "x
" ltlt x ltlt endl cout ltlt "x " ltlt x ltlt y
" ltlt y ltlt z " ltlt z ltlt endl return
0 before setprecision(3) x 10.000000 y
957234563.820000 z -45.670000 after
setprecision(3) x 10.000 y 957234563.820 z
31//setw(15) demo include ltiostreamgt include
ltiomanipgt using namespace std int main()
double x 10.0 double y
957234563.82 double z -45.67
cout ltlt "before setw(15)" ltlt endl cout ltlt
"x " ltlt x ltlt endl ltlt "y " ltlt y ltlt endl ltlt "z
" ltlt z ltlt endl cout ltlt "after setw(15)"
ltlt endl cout ltlt "x " ltlt setw(15) ltlt x ltlt
endl ltlt "y " ltlt setw(15) ltlt y
ltlt endl ltlt "z " ltlt setw(15) ltlt z ltlt endl ltlt
endl return 0 before setw(15) x
10.000 y 957234563.820 z -45.670 after
setw(15) x 10.000 padded
with 9 blanks y 957234563.820 padded
with 2 blanks z
-45.670 padded with 8 blanks
32//setw(10) demo include ltiostreamgt include
ltiomanipgt using namespace std int main()
double x 10.0 double y
957234563.82 double z -45.67
cout ltlt "before setw(10)" ltlt endl cout ltlt
"x " ltlt x ltlt endl ltlt "y " ltlt y ltlt endl ltlt "z
" ltlt z ltlt endl cout ltlt "after setw(10)"
ltlt endl cout ltlt "x " ltlt setw(10) ltlt x ltlt
endl ltlt "y " ltlt setw(10) ltlt y
ltlt endl ltlt "z " ltlt setw(10) ltlt z ltlt endl ltlt
endl return 0 before setw(10) x
10.000 y 957234563.820 z -45.670 after
setw(10) x 10.000 padded with
blanks y 957234563.820 exceeds minimum
width z -45.670 padded with 3 blanks
- ans 45
xxxxxcout ltlt setw(4) ltlt ans ltlt endl 45cout
ltlt setw(5) ltlt ans ltlt endl 45cout ltlt setw(4)
ltlt "Hi" ltlt endl Hicout ltlt setw(3) ltlt "Help"
ltlt endl Helpx 310.0 - cout ltlt setw(10)
- ltlt setprecision(2) ltlt x ----310.00
- cout ltlt setw(10) ltlt setprecision(5) ltlt x
-310.00000cout ltlt setw(7) ltlt
setprecision(5) ltlt x 310.00000